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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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9 hours ago, Happier diner said:

We own the pipeline but that was via a loan that has to be repayed. 

What is the difference between to infrastructure and the pipe to my door. 

Who is we?

We the tax payer, I assume you are enough to pay tax?

The difference, if you could be bothered reading that link, is chairman Rob stated that the tax payer owns the infrastructure.  Manx gas own the pipe to the house, but I am skeptical whether that's even true as it doesn't make sense.

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

We the tax payer, I assume you are enough to pay tax?

The difference, if you could be bothered reading that link, is chairman Rob stated that the tax payer owns the infrastructure.  Manx gas own the pipe to the house, but I am skeptical whether that's even true as it doesn't make sense.

I think we are still at cross purposes

My point is simple

  • The price of gas was bound to massively increase. Regardless of which company distributes it.
  • I am not interested in Manx Gas and the odd % here or there they might or might not make at our expense. As I have said many times. They are a company. They have a contract. The title of this thread is clear. Its nothing to do with the complexities of the contract. 

For the record and the debate, my understanding of the CURA is to protect both sides of the contract. It may or may not be in the Tax payers favour. I see what you have pointed out about return, but the return is not guaranteed. All the formula does is enable the company to raise prices if the wholesale price increases and force them to reduce price if the price falls. Any profit relies on the company running efficiently as the profit is not solely influenced by the cost of the raw material.

With regard to ownership, I think its a bit more complex than that. In an operating contract like this, the normal way it works is that the Infrastructure in leased to the operator for the period of the contract. They must operate it and maintain it and hand it back at the end of the contract in its original condition. This stops the operator having to find millions of pounds to purchase it and then have to sell it back.

The network will be made up of distribution pipes and service pipes. I agree it is difficult to understand how Manx gas can own the service pipes as how will they sell them if the contract ends.


This Government document and Wikipedia states that Manx Gas owns the low pressure network (which is the majority of the distribution network once MUA have reduced it so maybe Mr Chairman was incorrect


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Isn’t it ironic that Quirkio got a hammering over gas, as a result of his tenure as head of the OFT, and he lost his seat as a consequence. I wonder how the people of Onchan are going to view their Peoples Prince, especially now he has increased energy bills? 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Isn’t it ironic that Quirkio got a hammering over gas, as a result of his tenure as head of the OFT, and he lost his seat as a consequence. I wonder how the people of Onchan are going to view their Peoples Prince, especially now he has increased energy bills? 

And  as  Peoples prince   and chair of the whole energy generating  organisation  he appears  not to understand the complexity of the situation ,talk's in riddles  ,and as usual promotes  the philosophy  of Jam Tomorrow , there is definitely a head of steam building up under this issue , great pity is we cant generate any electricity from it  or from the Hot  air that Rob appears to generate ,

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44 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

He won’t be able to BS his way out of this one that’s for sure when the tales of woe start to land at his door. 

but he will make sure their gate hinges are oiled and they have their gardens mowed.

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Strange world the rent a gob ranters on FB who were saying no way could they pay their heating bills have now moved to ranting about being no fair this year, children deprived of any enjoyment in life, handy to leave them there whilst they visit the beer tent etc.   Priorities a thing of the past.

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21 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Strange world the rent a gob ranters on FB who were saying no way could they pay their heating bills have now moved to ranting about being no fair this year, children deprived of any enjoyment in life, handy to leave them there whilst they visit the beer tent etc.   Priorities a thing of the past.

Were they same mob wanting the kids from Pulrose being blamed for the fatal crash to be thrown in jail & subject to mob punishment??

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Manx Gas are up next in front of the Committee. Hopefully they will be asked to clarify why they refused to repay their share of the 2020/21 rebate and as to why they continued charging customers regulatory adjustments into 2021 following historically low wholesale prices in 2020. 


After that hopefully the OFT will be asked in to explain why they didn't lower the ROCE in 2020 once notice was served by the Cabinet Office on the 2015 agreement and why they simply seemed to walk away in 2020, whilst negotiations were ongoing for another agreement or the introduction of a regulator, almost like they  left gas customers with no regulator at all. 


Difficult to accept the future when there's so many unknowns about the past




Edited by Bazza Smurf
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