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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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23 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s ok the ones in power are going to look at it October. Very good of them,  
i think they are paid to much to sit on their backsides.
They have nothing planned have they?  No forward thinking from any of them. 
I haven’t a clue what they do all day every day. As they have an army of workers  under them.

Simple Simon comes to mind.


This type of shit always happens during a summer recess.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Reconvene Tynwald immediately as this is a national emergency.... not for those on £65k plus as all Tynwald members are... but for the vast majority of the GMP it's an emergency. 

Steps that need to be taken:

1) Make all buses free to use 

2) Stop the exterior illumination of public buildings at night. 

3) Freeze on all non-urgent capital expenditure 

4) Freeze on recruitment for all departments except essential services 

5) Manx Radio reduced to 0600-1900 each day

6) Freeze on all local authority rate rises. 

Allinson on the NPM saying that ‘targeted’ help will be brought to Tynpotwald in October. Yes you are right, I don’t think any of these people purporting to be MHKs or MLCs actually understand or care whether you have heat or electric, least of all can afford to use it. COMIN are too busy basking in success stories, and fantasy building projects. There is more chance of 6 Chinese Banks opening tomorrow than any large hotel and entertainment complex opening. This island needs to wake up and smell the aroma. 

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Well they need to get off there asses and get themselves back in urgently and have a discussion as to what choices they have to help best. Callister was adamant nothing was happening till October and by then the increase in electric will join the gas. Zero sense of responsibility to taxpayers. 

Going to be blood on their hands for sure if there not seeing to be having worthwhile discussions . Seems they have just downed tools  , see you in October despite the magnitude of the situation. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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58 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

BP and Centrica (BG) the latest. The problem is that these multi nationals have grown so powerful that when they start taking the piss Governments, including ours, are too scared or chummy to do anything about it.

Nationalise them again.  Also buy Manx Gas. Owned by the customers and run for the benefit of the customers not hedge funds 



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15 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s a joke and makes me want to swear. All our hard earned money poured into this gas company. No forward thinking from our government and no doubt the lazy so and so’s answer in October will be more money being poured into it. Where people will fight among themselves blaming people on benefits as it’s effecting everyone. 


Any of our politicos amongst the shareholders or Boards?

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

While energy suppliers rake in record profits, I’d argue there is something that could be done about the gas price. 

By Manx gas?  Like what?

Are energy suppliers like Manx Gas making record profits?  Last I heard they were going out of business all over the place.

Are you getting confused with companies like BP who actually sell the fossil fuels energy suppliers like Manx Gas need to buy to provide a service?

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MEA are over £1/2 to 3/4 a  million a week out of pocket at the moment, I am told from well connected person.

That can't continue for long. They will have to up their prices.

Basic economics

Same for Manx Gas prices, they have to go up by, at a guess 65% TO COVER COSTS.

It is all very well saying this and that are making fortunes but in the current world climate for fuel we are not immune.

The retail cost of electric and gas will have to increase by nearly 100% from current rates to make things viable.

Look at the UK -- Last year spring time about a £1,200 price cap next spring over £3,000 price cap forecast. 


Edited by Boris Johnson
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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

If everyone were to stop paying their bills, what would they do? Something would have to happen and forcing their hand seems to be the only way!

What would they do. Have you not heard there is  global gas crisis. Had you not heard that Putin has us all by the balls. 

I'm afraid it's going to get worse not better. 

Not sure why anyone would think Manx Gas at making money out of this debacle. They are a retailer and not a producer or even a distributor. 

Everyone apart from @Boris Johnsonand @Observer + a few others are living in cloud cuckoo land. Blaming Callister,  what on earth can he do? 

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3 hours ago, cissolt said:

Agreed.  I doubt ancala are feeling the pinch.

What is the muas role in all this? I thought they hedged 111% for the year?

Chairman Rob reporting that electric will also go up Oct 1st.

The hedging will be running out fast. Full impact to be felt shortly. 

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