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HQ unwell again?


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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Agree with all you say, except for one aspect and that is tittle tattle on the internet is often the equivalent of a trial by media.  Particularly on here where people are hidden by anonymity.  Also, it rarely is the right forum for the 'accused' to respond, conveniently some would say.

In the absence of illegality, it really boils down to the individual "doing the right thing".  If on the other hand there is illegality, that is a different matter. 

To some extent there is some anonymity on Facebook, which you can hide behind. I think it’s a case, especially on here, using good old fashioned common sense, in what you post. The Mods on here are as a whole pretty good, and you have to be a total tool to be banned or suspended from here. 

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Astounds me how many people think infidelity isn’t a big deal to be honest.

Married or not, cheating on someone behind their back is about as low as it gets.  If you don’t love someone or are being drawn in another direction then at least have the balls to tell the person whose life you are about to destroy.

and for the record I have never cheated on anyone or been cheated on so have no personal axe to grind.  I am just a decent bloke with morals.

Edited by Ramseyboi
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12 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Astounds me how many people think infidelity isn’t a big deal to be honest.

Married or not, cheating on someone behind their back is about as low as it gets.  If you don’t live someone or are being drawn in another direction then at least have the balls to tell the person whose life you are about to destroy.

and for the record I have never cheated on anyone or been cheated on so have no personal axe to grind.  I am just a decent bloke with morals.

No Fidelity - which you used to be able to buy from Curry’s. 

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40 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Astounds me how many people think infidelity isn’t a big deal to be honest.

Married or not, cheating on someone behind their back is about as low as it gets.  If you don’t love someone or are being drawn in another direction then at least have the balls to tell the person whose life you are about to destroy.

and for the record I have never cheated on anyone or been cheated on so have no personal axe to grind.  I am just a decent bloke with morals.

I guess we don’t know if there is any truth at all in this yet. If it was confirmed then people may react differently.

I am surprised the Media are not camping outside HQ Headquarters 🤷‍♂️

Edited by 747-400
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44 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Astounds me how many people think infidelity isn’t a big deal to be honest.

Married or not, cheating on someone behind their back is about as low as it gets.  If you don’t love someone or are being drawn in another direction then at least have the balls to tell the person whose life you are about to destroy.

and for the record I have never cheated on anyone or been cheated on so have no personal axe to grind.  I am just a decent bloke with morals.

Well, we have already had one spat on here, so why not another?

On a superficial level many would agree  but relationships are complex and, to me, there is a difference between shagging away from home with no emotional  attachment and shagging away from home with someone you would rather be with.

Neither case is acceptable, or forgiveable in what is otherwise a stable relationship.  But, and this is a big but, there may be situations where that side of the relationship is missing and the infidelity is tacitly accepted.  If the inference is accurate then that may be the case, or it may be a side that never surfaced before.  In any case, I do feel sorry for the injured party, for the hurt and humiliation, but do not defend the alleged offending party as they could have arranged matters more discreetly to protect the injured party. 

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12 minutes ago, Gladys said:

there may be situations where that side of the relationship is missing and the infidelity is tacitly accepted. 

Then you discuss it like grown ups.  You don’t go behind someone’s back in ANY circumstances IMO.

I have friends where the man has another woman but it’s no secret.  They discussed it and it suits them.  That is very different to being a dirty and spineless cheat IMO but I guess my views are old fashioned and actually a lot of people don’t see it as a big deal these days?

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