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Hartford to build 350 houses on greenfield


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5 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

So you just throw people out of their town houses and built 30 percent the number of houses that people want on the land they free up?


Peope don’t want to live in town.  People want moderns houses with Gardens and Hartford know exactly what sells.

Look at Royal Park in Ramsey. It’s massive, exactly what people want, and all sold.

All sold? - that's what the developer would have you believe....who really wants to live in a shoe box looking straight into your neighbours front room, gardens backing on to each other, car or taxi to get into work or shop or the pub .......town houses close to bars and restaurants = walk home, walk to work ... if there were actually town houses  - not flats  - they would be attractive ... that would re-generate town centres and local businesses.... building sprawling estates out of town only serves to line the developers pockets, Tesco deliveries and Amazon.



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3 minutes ago, finlo said:

All crammed together and with a road system un navigatable in anything other than a Smart car!

If people don’t want them they won’t sell and Hartford, Dandara, Haven etc will all go bust.

Not happening is it? All these estates all over the island sell very quickly and are desirable when they come back up for sale years later.

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Just now, Ramseyboi said:

If people don’t want them they won’t sell and Hartford, Dandara, Haven etc will all go bust.

Not happening is it? All these estates all over the island sell very quickly and are desirable when they come back up for sale years later.

Developers rent the houses they cant sell ....

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1 minute ago, Ramseyboi said:

If people don’t want them they won’t sell and Hartford, Dandara, Haven etc will all go bust.

Not happening is it? All these estates all over the island sell very quickly and are desirable when they come back up for sale years later.

Zero other choice and mostly sold for BTL anyhow.

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24 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

If people don’t want them they won’t sell and Hartford, Dandara, Haven etc will all go bust.

Not happening is it? All these estates all over the island sell very quickly and are desirable when they come back up for sale years later.


I doubt many would buy them if cars were not permitted and you had to walk/cycle anywhere

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13 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Maybe links into IRIS scheme ??  

Now you know why their friends in the DOI have been pushing for the widening and destruction  of the wall and hedges along Tromode road ,alongside the football and cricket pitches , active travel my arse , what they are planning is the wholesale destruction  of a quaint riverside road ,and want to turn it into a major link for the 300 new houses ,only to be  gridlocked at the bottom of Bray hill and traffic  backed up all the way down quarter bridge road  to the quarter bridge ,

Drainage will be into the river glass on the north side,    and into the river Dhoo on the Southside , ,question is why is anyone considering developing housing in one of the most congested areas of Douglas and Braddan , and whats to follow ,  open up Camlork again , while the quality of life in this area is failing fast 

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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

Where else should they build 350 houses of the type people want to live in near Douglas?

Park Road

Area around Tescos

Brownfield Sites

Old Douglas Bus Station Site

Desmesne Road / Nurses Home/ Ballacloan/ Fairfield

etc etc

Or perhaps they could build up at Abbeylands near both Onchan and Douglas.

Edited by 2112
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1 minute ago, Ramseyboi said:

With garages, gardens and detached like people want?  On the old bus station site?

Cant see it to be honest.

Then perhaps all the terraced houses should be bulldozed, maybe Dandara and Hartford should be given complete control over every aspect of island life? 

incidentally the old cottages at the bottom of Tromode will soon be empty, as tenants being moved to new Braddan Commissioner Flats at Snugborough. It will be interesting what can be done with old, and listed property. After all everyone wants big houses, gardens and garages. 

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I thought the housing crisis was in relation to young people, first time buyers, and talent emigrating from the island due prices. You can bet your bottom dollar this doesn't do anything at all to help that ! Developers won't stop until there is nothing left to develop and no profits to be made, none of which is anything to do with quality of life here !

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  • This is in Braddan not Douglkas who have the brownfield sites. 
  • This is probably why Braddan pushed for the multimillion pound communtiy site
  • Braddan Commsioners need the rates revenue to pay for communtiy site and maintining all of theose green patches
  • Inside the TT course so more traffic on the already overloaded Access Road?
  • Thus making Braddan bridge flyover more likely
  • Who pays for the new (presumably primary) school?
  • Which secondary school will serve this area?
  • How long before the Quarterbridge plan gets resurrected?
  • 'Potential' access road link which is more likely to end up going onto the improved Tromode route
  • How will they prevent the access road becomeing a 'ringey' run to avoid ballafletcher roundabout and/or drop off sprogs at school?
  • How long before Braddan Bridge and Jubilee Oak are identified as a 'problem' once work begins on this site?
  • Does this contain any provison for shops or the like?

This type of development is inevitable, you see a lot of them in the south of the UK. Dormitory towns.

Multi-income homes working long hours to afford a home which they'll spend little time in especially once interest rates start to rise.

All with the aspiration of moving out to somewhere better before the divorce kicks in. 

What are the odds that there will be a 'land swap' with the new school site being exchanged for the existing school site?

Now we know why DoI tarted up the road outside the school.

Having seen the monstoruous roundabout under construction coming into Ballasalla





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7 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

They’ll still be bulldozed. 

Yep. Finding an engineer to write a report to condemn them as uninhabitable in theior current state, uneconomic to protect or refurbish at tax payers expense won't be hard. Then do a deal with a developer to swap them for a plot of social housing elsewhere.


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