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Hartford to build 350 houses on greenfield


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47 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Having seen the monstoruous roundabout under construction coming into Ballasalla

Yup that's for the housing going to run down towards Abbotswood development, worst kept secret ever !

I don't know why people get up in arms when its suggested we join the UK as a county, they seem quite prepared to let that happen by stealth, we are fast becoming the UK !!

Weatherspoons and others next.

Edited by asitis
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9 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

With garages, gardens and detached like people want?  On the old bus station site?

Cant see it to be honest.

Plenty of room for starter apartments or small starter town houses on the brownfield sites . In town too so no real need for cars just cycle racks.

Starter homes are what we are short of is it not?.

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14 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Plenty of room for starter apartments or small starter town houses on the brownfield sites . In town too so no real need for cars just cycle racks.

Starter homes are what we are short of is it not?.

Totally agree.

On the blurb for Hartford consultation, it states 25% will be affordable - to whom? So presumably the rest will range from upwards and over £500,000 and more? Or are they going to be priced like their Glen Vine development where they are iro £950,000. 

I don’t think that starter homes matter to the likes of Hartford. The 25% affordable is a sop for the planners and inevitable interference by politicos. 

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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:

Multi-income homes working long hours to afford a home which they'll spend little time in especially once interest rates start to rise.

Interest rises anticipated to start in December this year according to financial press this morning. That should cool down property prices a tad.

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do the DOI think we a stupid, no one really believes that the work outside Braddan School or at edit: Tromode had anything to do with 'active travel' its all preparation work for the 'new' roads.

This isn;t a consultation in anything other than a paper exercise, the bribes will have already been paid, the landowner will be sat at home counting his money, the planners will be sat at home counting their money, the relevant MHK's will be sat at home counting their money, shit even Braddan commissioners will get their community hub as part of the deal.

its disgusting but its ok because 25% out of the 350 homes will be affordable for those on high enough salaries, the rest will be affordable to HNWI individuals who buy to let.

Edited by The Chief
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19 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

We do need some new roads to be fair. 


What was the work in Onchan?

i meant to say Tromode but you beat me to it. they've been doing work in that area in the interest supposedly for 'active travel' but anyone who knows anything about it will tell you the work they've done has no benefit to AT at all, now with this proposal (sorry done deal) the reason for the road changes make sense as the works traffic alone would have meant chaos on the existing set up (same with Ballafletcher).

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Also, anyone else notice the proposed exit onto Ballafletcher Raod is bang oppostie the new Vehicle Test Centre? My crystal balls telling me that the new Test Centre entrance will grow a roundabout with a convenient 4th entrance just in time for the new development.

I wonder how many sets of pedestrain crossings they'll need to add (a la Johny Watersons Lane) 

One of the many many ways that the tax payer subsidise these developers, thus protecting their profits and incidentally those who can't or don't want to buy end up paying for the rabbit hutch generation.

They can twin it with the one they'll inevitably need to build on Tromode bridge... all part of the magical plan to bypass central Douglas entirely. Then MNH can put in a bid and freeze Douglas as some early 21st century living museum.


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DEFA on one hand are saying hedges must be preserved and land should be allowed to rewild. This development is the last piece of farmland between Jonny Wattersons and the sea and will flatten many hedges, destroy habitats and fell healthy trees.

DEFA will then of course be responsible for approving the planning application. 


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14 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

There is a desperate need for new build houses in and around Douglas.

People want to live in detached house with drives and garages and gardens.

This is long overdue and they will all sell very quickly.

Not everyone wants to live in the middle of a town which is why these estates are always so popular.

Yes! Build homes and ease the squeeze on the cost of living by making housing more accessible!

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13 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

If people don’t want them they won’t sell and Hartford, Dandara, Haven etc will all go bust.

Not happening is it? All these estates all over the island sell very quickly and are desirable when they come back up for sale years later.

Absolutely correct. Market forces dictate the need. I wouldn't want one myself, prefer a big old house, but many people love them so they get built.

13 hours ago, finlo said:

Zero other choice and mostly sold for BTL anyhow.

Correction some are BTL. But there needs to be a rental market as well. Market forces again.

13 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Maybe links into IRIS scheme ??  

That's the sewage bit the drainage, but yes, they would be linked into the sewage system in Douglas which was part of IRIS

14 hours ago, James Blonde said:

The drainage for that will be interesting. Straining at the seams already...

There would have to be an attenuation tank I imagine. Not looked at the plans.

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