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Douglas Kerbside Recycling and Waste Collection Survey


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My businesses pay for commercial bin emptying and its a really fair system.

The binmen do not ever leave the bin unemptied if the lid is not quite shut or its left pointing the "wrong" way by the kerb.

We get charged by weight and it seems a really good system.

It is a private contractor that empties the bins, why cant we all be charged like that in Douglas and take the fee off the rates?

The more weight you put in your bin the more you pay? Simples...............

Edited by Boris Johnson
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4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

The more weight you put in your bin the more you pay? Simples...............

Edited 3 hours ago by Boris Johnson

,,,,, but what about the the 'Attendance Fee' to empty 2 x 10 liter bags from a 700 ltr bin?, are the binmen supposed to decide to look in every bin before they empty it? Can they leave it another week?

Suddenly bin emptying is not so 'Simples'?

Max, a lot of the bin abuse is down to you, me, we, too much Amazon  packaging, too much food waste overtopping the bin, untill 'We' tackle the waste that we produce, there is not much chance of the the Back Lanes being free of overspilling bins, dumped matresses and washing machines!!! I don't think that this is down to Douglas Corp???

It is society!

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4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

My businesses pay for commercial bin emptying and its a really fair system.

The binmen do not ever leave the bin unemptied if the lid is not quite shut or its left pointing the "wrong" way by the kerb.

We get charged by weight and it seems a really good system.

It is a private contractor that empties the bins, why cant we all be charged like that in Douglas and take the fee off the rates?

The more weight you put in your bin the more you pay? Simples...............

Do you have a lock on it? 

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12 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

''We get charged by weight....why cant we all be charged like that in Douglas and take the fee off the rates''

Because in the real world, the myopic, self-serving, virtue-signalling, bloated Douglas Corporation will just piss away all the extra monies on underpinning and expanding their already too large and inefficient empire. Simples. 

It looks to me like they may force We the People, the Ratepayers, into a Rates Strike and I shall be willing to provide a very large amount to fund support publicity etc for that. 

It is past time for the arrogance of the Corporation to be dealt with and for them to serve the ratepayers as the priority and not themselves

The wording of these questions clearly shows their intent. It is not an objective genuine survey. They want fortnightly collections or pay by weight.

Many ratepayers think that the only service they receive for their extortionate  Douglas Rates payments is the weekly bin collection and for everyone it is THE key service for the Rates they have to pay.

We all need to make a stand on this. Douglas Corporation's political and staff leadership need to realise that the consequences of what they are planning will not be just the usual meek and compliant, timid ratepayers of the past. Those days are gone now post pandemic. 









Edited by Cassie2
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Charging by weight, although possible, amongst other things, would have to be accompanied by absolutely excruciating penalties for fly-tipping, it's the only way to teach some individuals, sadly.

I watched a programme a couple of days ago where a UK Authority now sends in the bailiffs to seize vehicles identified in fly-tipping incidents (one in question was a BMW X5).

Until our society and economic culture is steered away from use and throwaway for such a broad range of goods, it's going to be an ongoing problem.

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8 hours ago, Kopek said:

That would be churlish, if the neighbours want o use the commercial bin to get rid of their rubbish, isn' that good for the ecology/ recycling???

Not if you find out that you're paying for them to do it, as the charge-payer of the bin concerned?

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11 hours ago, Kopek said:

,,,,, but what about the the 'Attendance Fee' to empty 2 x 10 liter bags from a 700 ltr bin?, are the binmen supposed to decide to look in every bin before they empty it? Can they leave it another week?

Suddenly bin emptying is not so 'Simples'?

Max, a lot of the bin abuse is down to you, me, we, too much Amazon  packaging, too much food waste overtopping the bin, untill 'We' tackle the waste that we produce, there is not much chance of the the Back Lanes being free of overspilling bins, dumped matresses and washing machines!!! I don't think that this is down to Douglas Corp???

It is society!

I could live with bins in back lanes, it's the ones left out at the front of houses permanently that get my goat!

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

I could live with bins in back lanes, it's the ones left out at the front of houses permanently that get my goat!

I have my bin at the front of my house because I got sick of my neighbours filling the damn thing every week. I only produce one or two bags a week and it's a bit ridiculous when I can't fit them in my bin. Where I live if the bin is the slightest bit open, the seagulls have a field day and make a huge mess - to which I'm unwilling to contribute.

And no, I can't put the bin in the back garden. It has to live outside my back gate because it won't fit through and there's nothing I can do about it (I rent).

I'm not a huge fan of having it in front of the house, but it beats having nowhere to put my rubbish. 

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On 10/14/2021 at 11:31 AM, Max Power said:

I could live with bins in back lanes, it's the ones left out at the front of houses permanently that get my goat!

Its currently an offence to leave your bin in the side lane. I know lots do and its not enforced. However most of the side lanes in Douglas are public highway (adopted) and to leave your bin in one is technically causing an obstruction.

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