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Douglas Kerbside Recycling and Waste Collection Survey


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6 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

You cannot be as stupid as that makes you seem. You are reducing the only Douglas Corporation service that we actually use and want by 50% (we do not use DBC  virtue signalling vanity recycling project) and at the same time you are not reducing our rates at all and to add yet further insult to injury you are increasing our rates by a further 3.7%. WTF. 

I trust that you do not have any more ideas (perhaps imported from your apparent idea of Utopia - Germany past and present) for DBC to  'save money' while in reality actially totally shafting the ratepayers - over and over and over again. 

As for your last remark about what is or is not acceptable comment in 2022, that sort of attempt at cancel censorship reeks of the leadership with the support of vast nos of your countrymen in the 1939s and 1940s. 

And to rope in all your colleagues as sharing your views also smacks of tactics used then. Superior orders, anyone?

I believe that you do not even begin to know the full real (un)economics of Isle of Man recycling. 

You are the type who is usually one of the ridiculous anti gas exploration people despite the fact that we have decades to go before we have the slightest hope of being remotely self sufficient in green energy and meantime the economic welfare of all the people of the island would be greatly improved by taking advantage of such gas as we already own. 

I seem to recall that you achieved one of the lowest recorded votes in a General Election a decade or so ago. Thank goodness for us is all I can say. 







Do you know what?  In situations like this, I often say just go for it, if it goes wrong it is not because you failed but the other guy did. 

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28 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

This. And yes, the container issue is being addressed. 

Need to have wheelie bins for recycling.

Also need collections for green waste in wheelies and wheelies for cardboard 

The paper recycling tubs gets very heavy at times so again wheelie is preferably

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5 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

You cannot be as stupid as that makes you seem. You are reducing the only Douglas Corporation service that we actually use and want by 50% (we do not use DBC  virtue signalling vanity recycling project) and at the same time you are not reducing our rates at all and to add yet further insult to injury you are increasing our rates by a further 3.7%. WTF. 

I trust that you do not have any more ideas (perhaps imported from your apparent idea of Utopia - Germany past and present) for DBC to  'save money' while in reality actially totally shafting the ratepayers - over and over and over again. 

As for your last remark about what is or is not acceptable comment in 2022, that sort of attempt at cancel censorship reeks of the leadership with the support of vast nos of your countrymen in the 1939s and 1940s. 

And to rope in all your colleagues as sharing your views also smacks of tactics used then. Superior orders, anyone?

I believe that you do not even begin to know the full real (un)economics of Isle of Man recycling. 

You are the type who is usually one of the ridiculous anti gas exploration people despite the fact that we have decades to go before we have the slightest hope of being remotely self sufficient in green energy and meantime the economic welfare of all the people of the island would be greatly improved by taking advantage of such gas as we already own. 

I seem to recall that you achieved one of the lowest recorded votes in a General Election a decade or so ago. Thank goodness for us is all I can say. 







There's clearly no point engaging any further with you over this. You have your anti corpy anti comeover anti environment viewpoint and no amount of facts or reason will change that. I just wish you could understand how your posts make you look. 

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5 minutes ago, snowman said:

Need to have wheelie bins for recycling.

Also need collections for green waste in wheelies and wheelies for cardboard 

The paper recycling tubs gets very heavy at times so again wheelie is preferably

More to the point, there needs to be a container that keeps the contents dry.  Not everyone has somewhere to store  containers out of the weather, so whatever is provided needs to be weatherproof.

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28 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Why aren't you recycling, it is dead easy?

I did not say I was or was not recycling. Douglas Corporation is not the only option for that either. And to admit the obvious that halving refuse collections will save them a great deal of money but at the same time not reduce the rates accordingly is pure evil plain and simple. And to then also INCREASE our already needlessly high DBV rates is just totally taking the p*SS.

I hope someone organises a rates strike campaign before long. 









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Privatise the corpy bin collections. Let the new recycling company make a go of it. 

All this does is add another string to the bow of the argument that IOM Local Authorities are not fit for purpose. 

DBC cutting services and raising rates... 

Onchan expensively losing senior staff... 

Castletown being ignored and laughed at by DOI. 


All of these tinpot little empires need clearing away in one fell swoop. Trouble is nobody in Tynwald has the bollocks or the brains to stand up and make it happen. 

Edited by 0bserver
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1 minute ago, Cassie2 said:

I did not say I was or was not recycling. Douglas Corporation is not the only option for that either. And to admit the obvious that halving refuse collections will save them a great deal of money but at the same time not reduce the rates accordingly is pure evil plain and simple. And to then also INCREASE our already needlessly high DBV rates is just totally taking the p*SS.

I hope someone organises a rates strike campaign before long. 









Why not take the easy option? 

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9 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

There's clearly no point engaging any further with you over this. You have your anti corpy anti comeover anti environment viewpoint and no amount of facts or reason will change that. I just wish you could understand how your posts make you look. 

I always speak as I feel and I do not care 'how your posts make you look'. You - with your political aspirations - clearly do. 

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13 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Why not take the easy option? 

 Because I shall not be coerced by a bunch of Numpties into doing so while continuing to pay the same huge amount for half the service.

And then there is also the fact of the extreme arrogance of being told about all the money that DBC will save but that does not flow back to us in lower rates at all as it should but actually results in a further rates INCREASE of 3.7%!


Who. Do. They. Think. They. Are?

See: George Orwell's 1984.



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14 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

 Because I shall not be coerced by a bunch of Numpties into doing so while continuing to pay the same huge amount for half the service.

And then there is also the fact of the arrogance of being told that all the money they will save yet that does not flow back to us in lower rate at all but actually results in a further rates INCREASE of 3.7%!

Orwell. 1984. FFS.


If they need to make savings of ~£25k then they need to cut their headcount. Make a few office staff redundant, close the library for a couple of days, cut back the mayoral entertainment budget. 

Or maybe not build a massively expensive statue! 

Nobody in the IOM Public Sector can even think of cutting the cloth can they? All they understand is heaping financial misery on the already overwhelmed GMP.

Edited by 0bserver
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15 hours ago, Gladys said:

But you have a recycling collection, so this week you are having a recycling collection, next week you are having a non-recycling collection.  All that is happening is you are splitting what is in your bin. You are still getting a weekly collection, or have I missed something?

Right now I have a weekly bin collection and a fortnightly recycling collection, which I use a lot. It’s going down to 2 collections per fortnight in total from 3. Personally I’ll manage - I rarely fill the bins anyway. But it’s a reduction in service, whatever @Amadeus says. 

Edited by wrighty
Changed 'week' to 'fortnight' as it seemed to confuse some, even though I corrected myself in a subsequent post.
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1 hour ago, Cassie2 said:

Nein danke to you - a recently elected unopposed councillor.  Maybe you should just go back to Germany then if it is so far ahead of here. Who do you think you are to patronise us . WHY am I paying a vast amount of rates and you are increasing them by a further 3.7% while halving my bin collections - the only thing this household values at all from your bloated services? 

You have lost our potential future votes - I may even help to campaign against you. 

Sod you. 


I too fail to see how reduced collections can be dressed up as a good or even neutral thing.

But your go back to Germany comment is beyond the pale. Never mind “sod you”

Yes Amadeus was elected unopposed because nobody else could be bothered ( not to suggest he would not be elected if opposed)

He is prepared to do the job, which will sometimes involve making unpopular decisions.

Why don’t you get off your lazy arse yourself then and stand for councillor?

I know who I’d vote for in a contest between yourself and Amadeus.

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