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Comin Class of 2021

James Blonde

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8 minutes ago, 2112 said:

As well as Chris Thomas heading a Housing Board, Dafneeee Caine is heading up a Climate Change Board. 

Are these bodies operating at arms length? Are they devising policy? 

Or like I said before is it a sop to keep people quiet and keep them onboard, to prevent both the HOK and Tynpotwald from being bombarded by pointless questions?

I'm guessing it's stuff Cannan doesn't really want to do but realises the public see it as essential

So he is keeping them at arms length & will leave it to the Boy David to tell them what they want is unaffordable

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On 10/15/2021 at 1:31 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Was there ever a formal Deputy CM under Quayle?  Cannan I suppose, but Quayle was always very keen to announce he was in charge - even when he was ill.

Of course the most interesting new appointment will be the CoMin Member we never talk about - the Attorney General.  Quinn is already past retirement age and had his contract lengthened.  Given the way that Poole-Wilson's attempts for even modest legal reform were stymied, I can see her wanting to bring in an outsider to shake things up.


Edited by Augustus
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7 minutes ago, Augustus said:

In fact, Quinn was extended to the end of this year by which time he will be well over 65. It is now mid-October and not a single word in public about a replacement (unlikely since a role like this needs to be advertised perhaps 6 months in advance) or yet another extension. Nice work if you can get it.

They (CoMin) are meant to be reviewing the role of the Attorney General and will be reporting to Tynwald in December 2022. This is what tynwald agreed to happen:

That the Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice Committee’s Third Report for the Session 2020-21: Role of the Attorney General [PP No 2021/0107] be received and the following recommendations be approved: 

Recommendation 1

That the recommendation made by Stephen Wooler to redefine the relationship between the Attorney General and the Director of Prosecutions as one of superintendence, with prosecutions being brought in the name of latter, be formally implemented without further delay.

Recommendation 2 That the legal advisor to the executive be entirely separate from the legal advisor to Tynwald and its Branches.

Recommendation 3 That the Council of Ministers establish an independent review in order to identify effective solutions to address the issues raised in this report; and that it report back to Tynwald by December 2022. 

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I;ve no reason to know that Ashford willl be a puppet for Cannan in the treasury but it certainly seems that way!

Still, we can always wait to find out as things unwind. At least our NI contributions are capped by following the English levels, Doh! Forgot about Sunak!!!!

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4 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Couldn't disagree more.

A ministers job is not to know about the area they are looking after.  A bit of knowledge of a certain area that could cloud their judgement or influence decision would be dangerous.  You need people with no axe to grind or preconceptions.

Likewise a teacher as DESC minister etc.  An awful idea

In that case, why was it acceptable for David Ashford to answer medical questions at press conferences? I’d rather have a Dr who’s actually knowledge on a subject than someone like Ashford who pretends to have the knowledge, for me that was more concerning, especially watching the public lap the information up and believe it as gospel.

Edited by Annoymouse
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It’s really getting quite desperate now how IOMNP Facebook page is literally drooling over Chris Thomas as the Chair of the Housing Board, and Dafneeee Caine as the Chair of the Climate Change. They are literally pinning all their hopes of rabbits being pulled out of hats. I personally think there is more chance of a 20,000 word thesis followed by a lecture. CT was part of the previous regime that no doubt talked regularly with the vested interests, estate agents, and developers. He should know what’s going on? Presumably he will hard nice words with the right people to inform them of what his masters on other social media sites, have instructed him to do? 

As far as Climate Change is concerned, I’m sure DC will end up antagonising everyone with her holier than thou, and the taxpayers will end up footing the bill, in addition to paying their own bills.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

It’s really getting quite desperate now how IOMNP Facebook page is literally drooling over Chris Thomas as the Chair of the Housing Board, and Dafneeee Caine as the Chair of the Climate Change. They are literally pinning all their hopes of rabbits being pulled out of hats. I personally think there is more chance of a 20,000 word thesis followed by a lecture. CT was part of the previous regime that no doubt talked regularly with the vested interests, estate agents, and developers. He should know what’s going on? Presumably he will hard nice words with the right people to inform them of what his masters on other social media sites, have instructed him to do? 

As far as Climate Change is concerned, I’m sure DC will end up antagonising everyone with her holier than thou, and the taxpayers will end up footing the bill, in addition to paying their own bills.

As I’ve said before, whilst we should show the way forward and do what is fundable, we could spend 24/7 farting fresh air and it won’t make any difference to the planet given out surface area. The climate change protesters blocking the M25 should go to the Canaries and sit in front of the lava.

Edited by Lightening McQueen
Fat fingers
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11 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

In that case, why was it acceptable for David Ashford to answer medical questions at press conferences? I’d rather have a Dr who’s actually knowledge on a subject than someone like Ashford who pretends to have the knowledge, for me that was more concerning, especially watching the public lap the information up and believe it as gospel.

He should never have been answering medical questions, and I wouldn't expect a GP to either.  We have a whole team of experts to do that.  He just liked being in the spotlight and should have been told to pipe down and let Dr Ewart or and medical professional deal with those questions.

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