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What Al-qaida Really Wants


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Tony Blair has insisted, that there is no link between the war on Iraq and the terror attacks across the world, including Britain.


"I think the one thing that is very obvious from the long list of countries who have been victims of this type of terrorism is that it does not greatly discriminate in terms of individual items of policy," he has told MPs.


So how does that square up with:



In a filmed confession shown on an Arabic satellite network last night, Mohammed Siddique Khan, the leader of the July 7 London bombers, explained why he was prepared to die in a suicide attack.

Speaking in English in a pronounced Yorkshire accent, the 30-year-old former teaching assistant from Leeds blamed Britain’s role in the invasion of Iraq for young, British-born Muslims being ready to attack the country of their birth.


Source: The Times 02-09-2005

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So how does that square up with:



In a filmed confession shown on an Arabic satellite network last night, Mohammed Siddique Khan, the leader of the July 7 London bombers, explained why he was prepared to die in a suicide attack.

Speaking in English in a pronounced Yorkshire accent, the 30-year-old former teaching assistant from Leeds blamed Britain’s role in the invasion of Iraq for young, British-born Muslims being ready to attack the country of their birth.


Source: The Times 02-09-2005

yup, you just keep on apologising for these cowardly murderers.

And their justification for the twin towers attack?


Please, get some perspective. The invasion of Iraq, for whatever reason, right or wrong, removed a tyrant that had killed millions of his own people, and ruled by fear. Hmmm, think Mr Muslim, God that makes me angry, those horrible Americans getting rid of that despised leader, lets go and kill some innocent civilians in London as revenge

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Source: The Times 02-09-2005

yup, you just keep on apologising for these cowardly murderers.

And their justification for the twin towers attack?


Please, get some perspective. The invasion of Iraq, for whatever reason, right or wrong, removed a tyrant that had killed millions of his own people, and ruled by fear. Hmmm, think Mr Muslim, God that makes me angry, those horrible Americans getting rid of that despised leader, lets go and kill some innocent civilians in London as revenge

Sounds very much like an American response i.e. "those horrible Americans getting rid of that despised leader," with no mention of the part played by any allies.

Perhaps you've forgotten that Britain was foolish enough to support the attempt to increase American economic domination of the Middle East by invading Iraq?

And, of course "removed a tyrant that had killed millions of his own people, and ruled by fear" who was, naturally the only leader anywhere in the world who could answer to that description?

Like it or not, the invasion has proved a wonderful recruiting aid for Al Quaida and similar bloodthirsty fanatics.

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