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Legco 2021


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I think the MHKs have face to face interviews with the wannabes when they can ask them questions and their views.   I may be wrong but I can remember some kind of interview technique is used.   If anyone knows the proceedure it would be good to know.   I had the impression it was done in a group setting.   I am sure John will know.

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

There's a 'hustings' with all seven candidates tonight at the Prom Church at 7.30 pm. Organised by the PAG and chaired by Moulton.

Not sure if the actual voters ie the 24 Keys) have their own one as well or whether they will be slumming it with the plebs.

Im sure one or two of them will be there. It’s really daft in all honesty, and it’s just paying lip service to the baying mob and the Facebookers. It’s an invitation to the club, and your accepted if you abide by their rules. The public gets no say, so it’s immaterial really. I can imagine MHKs plumping for one candidate as he is known within certain spheres, and the other one, as they are experts, and Tynpotwald need more experts. No Democracy but Chumocracy at best, and corruption at worst.

To think this island lectures other jurisdictions on democratic values, when here it’s based on friendship, the lodge, business connections, committees sat on, and what ideas you may have.  

Why we can’t organise MLC terms of office in 5 year rotation, with the electorate deciding the year after a general election. Let the public decide or is that too hard?

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How would you let the public decide ?   An election ?   It would be like Strictly Come Dancing when the one that has been in Coronation street gets the public vote.   We have elected the M.H.Ks to make decisions on our behalf and it is In their  remit to appoint Leg.Co.  they have the opportunity to interview the candidates.   Tonight is a waste of time organised by the PAG who are also a waste of time, some candidates will be there, the public will be there, but I doubt any M.H.Ks will be there the people who are actually making the decision and why should they they will be meeting the candidates in due course.

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7 hours ago, Kopek said:

What about the third placed candidates with the highest number/percentage of votes from the gen elect???

What about them? Some constituencies have more active voters then others meaning LegCo members will be drawn from them. There's no point replacing the election system for Legco members with something that is equally unsatisfying. If we had all Island elections then maybe I'd agree but we don't so it's a mute point.

Edited by Ham_N_Eggs
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Just now, Whatnonsence said:

Drilling for gas would ruin the reputation of the Isle of Man in the eyes of the world.

How would the world think of the Isle of Man if their people had no form of heating nothing to cook while lacking energy resources to rely on because that’s are future at present.

The "world" would be completely indifferent to either scenario.

Daphne was careful in her wording - from a climate change perspective.

However, from a duty of care to everyone on the Isle of Man perspective, is it hugely irresponsible and financially moronic not to gather the data (at no expense to the taxpayer) to see if  the Isle of Man Government potentially have a huge £5Billion pot of gold sitting 2km below the sea.


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1 hour ago, b4mbi said:

The "world" would be completely indifferent to either scenario.

Daphne was careful in her wording - from a climate change perspective.

However, from a duty of care to everyone on the Isle of Man perspective, is it hugely irresponsible and financially moronic not to gather the data (at no expense to the taxpayer) to see if  the Isle of Man Government potentially have a huge £5Billion pot of gold sitting 2km below the sea.


I know what you saying but wouldn't knowing we had a pot of gold make it even more frustrating that we can't exploit it?

It would be like bullseye, "Lets see what you could have won"

Why didn't someone discover this 20 years ago?


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14 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Tonight is a waste of time organised by the PAG who are also a waste of time, some candidates will be there, the public will be there, but I doubt any M.H.Ks will be there the people who are actually making the decision and why should they they will be meeting the candidates in due course.

It seems that all the candidates were there. I believe there were half a dozen MHKs in the audience. The MHKs have there own hustings on Friday.


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19 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I know what you saying but wouldn't knowing we had a pot of gold make it even more frustrating that we can't exploit it?

It would be like bullseye, "Lets see what you could have won"

Why didn't someone discover this 20 years ago?


Knowing we had a pot of gold would make it political suicide for any MHK's advocating not to exploit it, as £5billion would make the pathway to net zero MUCH smoother and quicker, i.e. well before the current government target of 2050.

Let's not forget, whilst making the most noise about these matters and failing to putting forward any credible plans on how to finance the drive to net zero, the Green Party DO NOT HAVE A POPULAR MANDATE!!! 

The fact is their two candidates failed to get elected to Keys, someone remind Mr Langdon-Newton of this next time he opines on the radio.

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People really need a reality check whose going to pay for this new climate agenda/ policy i thought our government had chopped down all there money trees and eaten all the magic beans? if the gas is there and in huge quantities and safe to get out, that also will put huge sums in our reserves let’s get it out, ring fence a good percentage for climate change technology  ( tidal power/ wind farms/ solar power etc) that’ll get us there. We are a small rock insignificant to most of the world especially when  parts of Europe relies on Russian gas. The UK is already doing more than most but even if it was completely carbon neutral do you really think China, Russia, India, to name but three really care as most country’s will only adapt slowly to save there own economy. I don’t think anyone is in denial we need to do something most of us are greener now than 5/10 years ago but we can’t bankrupt ourselves while others crack on as normal. A very strong China and Russia is scary for the rest of the world if it weakens throwing all its eggs in one basket. Sorry if all you extra heavy green dudes don’t like my post but everyone’s entitled to a opinion and i don’t share Daffys views.

Edited by GreyWolf
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