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Legco 2021


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11 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Yes Mannin Line was good today and the CEO from Crogga was very informative.   If the gas is there why not take advantage of it we would be fools not to.

Yes, your right. Unfortunately Daffy says No No No!

She will have an almighty tantrum if she is over-ruled. Daffy and the Civil Servants along with the MLP and Eco loons have now limited the island as to its future fuel and energy needs. We are unable to be flexible for fear of any one or more going into a child like meltdown, and sadly Alf like Quayle before him isn’t able to control people so will go with them. People voted for change so that’s what they got, as the adage goes, ‘be careful for what you wish for as it may come true’. 


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46 minutes ago, GreyWolf said:

People really need a reality check whose going to pay for this new climate agenda/ policy i thought our government had chopped down all there money trees and eating all the magic beans? if the gas is there and in huge quantities and safe to get out, that also will put huge sums in our reserves let’s get it out, ring fence a good percentage for climate change technology  ( tidal power/ wind farms/ solar power etc) that’ll get us there. We are a small rock insignificant to most of the world especially when  parts of Europe relies on Russian gas. The UK is already doing more than most but even it was completely carbon neutral do you really think China, Russia, India, to name but three really care as most country’s will only adapt slowly to save there own economy. I don’t think anyone is in denial we need to do something most of us are greener now than 5/10 years ago but we can’t bankrupt ourselves while others crack on as normal. A very strong China and Russia is scary for the rest of the world if it weakens throwing all its eggs in one basket. Sorry if all you extra heavy green dudes don’t like my post but everyone’s entitled to a opinion and i don’t share Daffys views.

Quite right.

Sadly we will bankrupt ourselves and I don’t think it will make one tiny bit of difference in the grand scheme of things. 

Its funny that the next COP27 conference is next year in Cairo Egypt. Will Daffy, Juan and Co be dusting off their desert suits to do the desert dance, and again jetting off on another taxpayer funded jolly. Perhaps it may give Juan ideas on a Manx Pyramid (for the great and the good), when he departs this mortal coil. 

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I don’t think Daffy will have much clout, I think she was given the job to stop her campaigning  for us to house



half the population of the Middle East on the Island and for her to leave the goats alone.   How she ever got re-elected is a mystery but it happened and she has been given a vision to keep her busy. We all like the idea of fighting climate change and doing our bit until it costs us money or endangers our lifestyle that is the human way I am sure that pitting money against keeping our green credentials sparkly will have only one result, cash always comes out on top.    Accountants rule the world.

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OK, for Legco, how about the third placed candidates from the Gen Election, using their percentage of the constituencies votes is offered the chance for Legco? ( should they want it?).


This would be ideal for Roger M to Analise fo see whom Legco might have been this time? Ignoring the incumbents.

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I'm dubious about the figures released and the % the Govt would get.

Also, shouldn't our Govt forego some of the fees to keep the price down? That's what we would all be calling for if it came to fruition?

Not that it shouldn't be considered for a short term arrangement.

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Craine has been voted in on the basis of his fairly useless graphs, whereas the reality is legco will be doing little more than reading the tonnes of legislation due to come forward. That's fairly obvious when you look at all the jobs advertised in the AGCs recently.

Eta: and probably why KLB and JPW took the punt on becoming MHKs

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