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On 10/31/2021 at 10:01 PM, Anyone said:

Both of you may or not be Scottish ( ie that Thommo bloke ) , but if you don’t live there then you don’t have a say in whether or not Scotland should be independent . That is a fact as you have to live there to have a vote on the issue. So as they say in Scotland wind your fucking necks in. 

I'm in Scotland and my company pays corporate, council and every other fucking tax going so I think I have a right to comment. Her and her husband are only in it for themselves and only have one thing to offer; they're a one trick pony. She's a walking disaster and a liability. She has forced this once great country to it's knees all in the name of independence, at all and any cost. She's no clue.

So stick that up yer kilt! 😂

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Scotland has a green investment fund to stimulate this sort of stuff

Will KPMG recommend one for the IOM in their report?

Sunak is apparently bringing forward green taxation incentives today, so we live in interesting times

[Whether they are interesting enough for Ashford - or his boss - remains to be seen]

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19 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

Scotland has a green investment fund to stimulate this sort of stuff

Will KPMG recommend one for the IOM in their report?

Sunak is apparently bringing forward green taxation incentives today, so we live in interesting times

[Whether they are interesting enough for Ashford - or his boss - remains to be seen]

Well we had a Manx Multimedia Fund which was a disaster. 

If the usual vested interests aren’t involved and hangers on, not forgetting the consultants sucking the life out a project, then I’m sure this island may stand a chance. Creating funds for specific purposes is one thing, managing it correctly and investing wisely is another. Unfortunately we can’t do either. 

We can’t even build a ferry terminal and dock without getting things wrong. 

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16 hours ago, finlo said:

Lightyears ahead of us of course.

It was very interesting, they generate so much electricity through windpower that the National Grid can't take it all so they use the excess to generate hydrogen locally and it's used to power one of the ferries.

The tidal generator featured was awesome too, the size of a jumbo jet generating electricity through tidal movement entirely predictable for years in advance.



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Doing their bit for the planet by reading newspapers that have been on several lorries and boats since being churned out of a energy eating printing press, and then using electricity to post about it 😂

Also.  Unless the ferry and train were both full I seriously question their CO2 claims.  Those boats aren’t exactly an environmentally sound way to transport a few people at a time. 


Edited by Ramseyboi
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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

So Daphne and five civil servants according to M.R…….Why…just Why….

Making up the gap in World Superpowers caused by the absence of the Chinese?

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On 11/1/2021 at 9:07 PM, hissingsid said:

There were pictures today in the Daily Mail showing hundreds of delegates in a queue to get in there was a 90 minute wait in cold and windy conditions and then they had to get through the I.D. and Covid checks.


On 10/23/2021 at 12:05 PM, Roger Mexico said:

You've accidentally pressed the U symbol on the top line of the reply box before you started typing.  You can tell because there should be a grey background to the U.  To get rid of the underlining you need to highlight the text you want to un-underline and then click the U to remove the dark background and the line.

(You do this sometime with italics as well).

Oh Sid, Roger did try and help you; would it be better if you asked an adult to show you, or if you put the bottle of gin away? 🤭🤣 - Just kidding, I like your calligraphic style of writing!

On a serious note, I have followed Cop26 with interest, as I am a shareholder and director of a company that manufactures  biodegradable tree shelters - you will see saplings planted inside plastic tree shelters all over the countryside, they protect the vulnerable young tree from voles, rabbits, hares, deer, weather etc. The public would be surprised just how much apathy there is within the woodland and forestry sector, to stop polluting the countryside with single use plastic shelters, that are too often simply left to breakdown in situ, and enter our waterways and food chain. This includes the Woodland Trust, and many of the largest forestry management companies; we have had 20 years experience, and the industry (including governments) talk the talk but don’t walk the walk because plastic is cheap! Many governments were making pledges on Monday, but I am confident that the by 2050 the Amazon will be considerably reduced in size, some of the Polynesian and Caribbean islands will be in a terrible state, and some of the houses that shouldn’t have been built in Kirk Michael will become a shipping hazard!

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