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6 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

And therein lies the rub. If it's good enough for the local government why isn't it good enough for the national government?

The Scottish Parliament has been elected by proportional representation since it was (re)founded in 1999.

If you're going to lay down the law about something, it might be an idea to find out a few basic facts first.

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Scotland's extreme Loyalist sub-culture is as horrid as extreme Loyalism in the north of Ireland (where a majority now identifies as Irish).

The gradual break-up of the UK is being driven by sensible moderate middle-class and educated people and the young. It's about economics and a rejection of the kind of regressive tabloid tribalism which resulted in England forcing Brexit on the UK.

(The SNP have also done a brilliant job of destroying the old-fashioned Labour Party in Scotland. And putting PR at the centre of future politics.)

Edited by pongo
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4 hours ago, 2112 said:

The Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece is giving full coverage to the climate change march from the Sea Terminal to the War Memorial via Strand and Castle Street. Much banging on drums, whistles and a cacophony of noise polluting the atmosphere. I feel sorry for the poor shops, who will have a poor day due to the weather. 

Andrew Jessop that much vaunted environmental campaigner (but great at spending ratepayers cash on white elephant and not very environmentally friendly buildings in the parish), says that climate change deniers need to wake up and smell the coffee. Personally I’d rather wake up and smell the bacon and eggs. I respect other peoples views and opinions but unfortunately some are ramming their views down everyone’s throats, to the point we’re cancel culture will come into play. 

Strange how all these marchers spitting vitriol and waving divisive placards like 'Pick a side' don't seem to realise that very few people are climate change deniers?

It's just another thing to divide us, we can't discuss anything. This reminds me of the films of the Nazis beating drums and marching to discourage people from supporting Jewish businesses in the 1930s

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

There'll be no change worth talking about until there's a big profit in it for business and institutions.

You mean economically viable? Those profits and salaries are what get taxed to pay for the grandstanding politicians to take selfies at COP21 and sign up to legally binding commtiments with no actual plan.

These are the same people responsible for IRIS (not finished yet), Douglas Promenade (not finished yet), the NSC flumes (not finished yet), an incinerator energy from waste plant that keeps catching fire, a gas fired power station (not finished paying for) and they are expected to pivot our whole energy infrastructure in 8 years?






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5 hours ago, 2112 said:

The Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece is giving full coverage to the climate change march from the Sea Terminal to the War Memorial via Strand and Castle Street. Much banging on drums, whistles and a cacophony of noise polluting the atmosphere. I feel sorry for the poor shops, who will have a poor day due to the weather. 

Andrew Jessop that much vaunted environmental campaigner (but great at spending ratepayers cash on white elephant and not very environmentally friendly buildings in the parish), says that climate change deniers need to wake up and smell the coffee. Personally I’d rather wake up and smell the bacon and eggs. I respect other peoples views and opinions but unfortunately some are ramming their views down everyone’s throats, to the point we’re cancel culture will come into play. 

Wake and smell the coffee!!!

Cop Out 26 is what it is.
26 years of trying to persuade the huge carbon users to cut back on their use ain’t happening.

The Isle of Man carbon footprint is but a fart in the wind but hey why let that get in the way of a  good march 

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48 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Strange how all these marchers spitting vitriol and waving divisive placards like 'Pick a side' don't seem to realise that very few people are climate change deniers?

It's just another thing to divide us, we can't discuss anything. This reminds me of the films of the Nazis beating drums and marching to discourage people from supporting Jewish businesses in the 1930s

The comparison with the Nazis is a bit OTT.

Younger people are supposed to be angry. It means that they care about things. It should be encouraged.

If they don't want to change everything then they are probably a bit thick as well as being complacent and dull. 

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50 minutes ago, pongo said:

Younger people are supposed to be angry. It means that they care about things. It should be encouraged.

If they don't want to change everything then they are probably a bit thick as well as being complacent and dull. 

Well yes I was an angry young man once, caring about things and wanting to change everything. 
But then you mature and you realize not everything  needs changing. Both big and small.

Legitimized Slavery has been abolished, “Witches” are no longer drowned or burnt at the stake ( that’s good stuff)

Although blocking roads, glueing your hands to the road surface because you think that all lofts should be insulated is kind of stupid. And I know a lot of older people take part in this nonsense, but a lot of it is down to these young idealists

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12 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

You're very well wide of the mark there my friend. 

Can you explain to me why the SNP has zero overall control over any of the local administrations? 

Yes , it’s because they don’t have independence.  Note your little Englander friend Quilp seems to always love you. Your not Scottish so fuck off. And your not my friend you patronising English cunt. 

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19 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

It's not really is it? If it was independence would have been gained 7 years ago. It wasn't. You lost 

It’s not about winning , it’s about what’s best for Scotland and those who live there . But you are a knuckle dragging hun rangers unionist  of the worst type .Especially those who don’t actually live there. They are the worst. I bet your duvet is Union Jack one. 
And for the record , I’m not Scottish , don’t live there , not that bothered about the Union. But I know you lot are so thought I’d wind you up for a bit of a laugh.

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