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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

I did some “Active travel” Isle of Man style today.

10 minute walk to save taking the car.  Had a meeting then 10 minute walk back to my original location before heading to a couple more meetings.

No idea how many carbons I saved, but I will need a burger to replace the lost calories.

In addition I had to get changed which meant a 20 minute drive home and an extra load of washing.  I also only have one branded work jacket so that had to go in the tumble drier for half an hour.

The forecast wasn’t for rain at the time I was out but it shows how unpredictable our weather is and how non suited we are to active travel.  As well as being soaked and uncomfortable, the overall impact o the environment was bigger than if I had just taken the car.

I had similar recently when the person who checks on the dog at lunchtime phoned to say she couldn’t get there.  I had walked to work, so had to book a taxi who had to do the trip both ways plus driving to me. 

It doesn’t work.  Just make the roads bigger and wider and make more parking available.  The reduction in the time people are either stuck in traffic or driving round looking for a space will see a bigger reduction in carbon output than a small number of people leaving the cars at home.

They are trying to make it difficult to use a car.  Make it wicker and easier and the impact will be greater

Well done for trying to save some carbons. You have been awarded one gold star. 

Remember looking like you're saving carbons is more important than actually making a net saving of carbons. 

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6 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

Well done for trying to save some carbons. You have been awarded one gold star. 

Remember looking like you're saving carbons is more important than actually making a net saving of carbons. 

Agreed.  Like electric cars.  I haven’t bothered to read the article because I knew this anyway, but have they factored in disposal as well?


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2 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Agreed.  Like electric cars.  I haven’t bothered to read the article because I knew this anyway, but have they factored in disposal as well?


Electric cars are expensive, will take a long time before they really are affordable. How long will they last? A decent car will last getting on 20 years if well maintained   - Volvos have a good life span. I really can’t imagine there being a big enough and properly thought out electric charging infrastructure on the island. 

It’s the likes of middle class Daffy Duck (quackers) that can afford a electric car and then lecture the rest of us. She has a charging point behind Government Offices/Mount Havelock, which is more than other people have, especially those working in banks and Athol Street. Will there be a electric vehicle charging points along Athol Street? What about Shaws Brow car park? Chester Street? There are some at the Manx Utilities Corporate Headquarters, for the big knobs. 

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45 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Agreed.  Like electric cars.  I haven’t bothered to read the article because I knew this anyway, but have they factored in disposal as well?


Yeah that's true. Then there's wind turbine blades that can't be recycled so they're being landfilled

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26 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

Yeah that's true. Then there's wind turbine blades that can't be recycled so they're being landfilled

It goes way beyond that.  What was the carbon cost of manufacturing them and shipping them and installing them in their working location?

It is all nonsense.  Have a looK at the environmental impact of a factory that builds those things!  The way they are fixed into the seabed etc etc.

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6 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

It goes way beyond that.  What was the carbon cost of manufacturing them and shipping them and installing them in their working location?

It is all nonsense.  Have a looK at the environmental impact of a factory that builds those things!  The way they are fixed into the seabed etc etc.

All about them carbons.

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1 hour ago, James Blonde said:

Yeah that's true. Then there's wind turbine blades that can't be recycled so they're being landfilled

There's also a difference between what can be done and what accountants say can't or shouldn't be done....

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7 minutes ago, Max Power said:

An interesting article on our virtue signalling performance at the big hug in....


I agree with every single word of that, in fact I could have written it.

Thanks for sharing, and I really hope someone in government is thinking along the same lines and gets things moving quickly.

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37 minutes ago, Max Power said:

An interesting article on our virtue signalling performance at the big hug in....


Like Ramseyboi I agree with the main thrust of the what is said. However the Green lobby failed to get anyone elected, whilst most of the current crop of MHK that did get elected, had elements of climate change interweaved into their manifesto. Whilst I support the aims of what climate change is trying to achieve what I don’t like is what some of our politicos are doing - virtue signalling and playing to the gallery. The Green lobby meanwhile are hardcore toy town trots who will hammer you into submission on green issues and make you change your dietary habits to suit their agenda. 

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

That article certainly hits the nail on the head in that all we are going to see is 5 more years of nothing while Government panders to a load of middle class Tarquins who will get to receive money (that they didn’t need in the first place) to adopt greener ways of living. A grant of up to £6K for 50% of the cost of insulation relies on the receiver already having at least £6K handy to do the work in the first place. Nothing is going to go to the people who really need it or to the people where it would massively make a difference to their basic living costs if they ended up spending less on heating their home etc. 

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. The grant should be a fixed amount per household, enough to do a reasonable sized home. Or you could do an ariel thermal survey and do a letter drop offering a choice of free insulation (you'd know the size of the property) to fit themselves or offer to fit it for them if they need it.

Do a follow up ariel survey to see how effective the sheme is in 12 months.

The reduction in energy waste will then have an immeadite impact on the household bills (no need to wait for the payback period) and the one off cost of insulation and sometimes  installation which permamantly reduces the carbon footprint. No changes needed to the infrastructure or specifying complex systems and replumbing.

Government could even go to big name insualtion companies and get a good discount in exchange for a bulk purchase and publicity. You could begin with public housing.



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4 hours ago, 2112 said:

Like Ramseyboi I agree with the main thrust of the what is said. However the Green lobby failed to get anyone elected, whilst most of the current crop of MHK that did get elected, had elements of climate change interweaved into their manifesto. Whilst I support the aims of what climate change is trying to achieve what I don’t like is what some of our politicos are doing - virtue signalling and playing to the gallery. The Green lobby meanwhile are hardcore toy town trots who will hammer you into submission on green issues and make you change your dietary habits to suit their agenda. 

People didn't vote for the Green candidates because they know a vote for them was a vote for higher bills and taxes (granted we've got the higher bills bit anyway). 

I would argue the vast majority of the GMP are presently concerned with keeping their heads above water and trying to preserve a tiny bit of their current quality of life. 


Edited by James Blonde
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