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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

How many motorbikes ?  I think there were about 11,000 fans over the last time we had the T.T.     accompanied by thousands of motor bikes.   The underlining is not deliberate 🤫 god knows what I have pressed.

But these motorbikes exist anyway, the TT makes no difference to that.

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11 minutes ago, Chris C said:

The TT removes thousands of cars, vans and trucks from the road and replaces them with a few low CC motorbikes several times a year.

If you want to be more environmentally friendly it should be extended not banned.


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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The motor bikes exist but not on the Island we are discussing pollution on the Isle of Man.  

No we're not we're discussing climate change which is a global thing. Although motorbikes are an environmentally friendly form of transport wherever they are.

Edited by Chris C
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31 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

 The underlining is not deliberate 🤫 god knows what I have pressed.

You've accidentally pressed the U symbol on the top line of the reply box before you started typing.  You can tell because there should be a grey background to the U.  To get rid of the underlining you need to highlight the text you want to un-underline and then click the U to remove the dark background and the line.

(You do this sometime with italics as well).

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The Scottish government bought a load of electric vehicles at a cost of millions but didn't actually gave the power points to charge them so now need to use generators to power them.

Another virtue signalling event so the people in their ivory towers can tell us little people what we should be doing. It's the people of Glasgow I feel for the place is going to be carnage as mo doubt the climate protestors will be out in force

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They will come back with an intention to reduce the amount of meat we eat, which is already being talked about in those circles. Which is nonsense.

How is that going to affect the local farming industry, many of whom have the politicians in their back pockets. If the island tries to adopt any of the bonkers policies that come out of these type of virtue signalling events it is screwed.

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

If I'm understanding it properly, they are extracting the hydrogen from water to manufacture the fuel using wind generated electricity? It will probably be expensive and would limit the use of applicable vehicles to sport and leisure only.    


Generating hydrogen from water by electrolysis is well established. However it is outrageously inefficient. You have to put about 90% energy in to get 10% out. Or something like that.

I thought I would be on trend and underline it😁

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Putin is not attending and the Queen is not a certainty I don’t think China is either.   Sleepy Joe, not our one, will forget he has met Daphne five minutes after having the pleasure…so I think it will be underwhelming to say the least 

Who could forget Daphne?

The Queen is due to open the event

We can hope IOMG representation will flush out who in CanCom is actually taking political responsibility for climate change response

Perhaps it will be KLB & Mrs Barber

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