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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

There are a lot of very uninformed people protesting over this. Some think IOMG and the taxpayer is funding this. Nothing could be further from the truth. It won't cost the taxpayer anything until if/when/what reserves are there.  

I saw the pictures and couldn’t keep a straight face. Daffy going into overdrive is starting to grate with a lot of people, and tbh unless she puts her money where her mouth is, or actually produces the goods for the better, without hammering the taxpayers, she will be viewed with derision, mocked and possibly hatred. Unfortunately I can’t see the Manx population being hammered financially or stopped from simple things like what forms of heating they have in their own homes, or what kind of lifestyles people have. Incidentally the Manx Rallies will have to go, other motorsport activities will have to be curtailed in the name of saving the planet. The Manx Labour Party MHKs stood outside the Tynpotwald building talking to the ‘few’ token protesters like it was a strike, and they were helping to man the picket lines. Showboating and pandering to the masses, especially when the photographer was around. Perhaps all the constituents of Douglas East and Douglas South will be saved from impending flooding and rising sea levels. 


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55 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The Manx Labour Party take these opportunities to try and win votes, that is what they do, they will promise the earth and agree with everything to achieve the popular vote.   Most thinking people see through this vote farming for what it is.

Or perhaps the two members who were at the protest agree with the concerns over climate change.

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2 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

hey’re not representative of anything other than being monied opinionated eco w@nkers

and you are...........???


2 hours ago, 2112 said:

he Manx Labour Party MHKs stood outside the Tynpotwald building

...but don't we want our MHKs to be more involved the publics concerns? This is a World concern but hey Jack, we're OK!

2 hours ago, 2112 said:

I can’t see the Manx population being hammered financially or stopped from simple things like what forms of heating they have

You've obviously been too tuned in to this propaganda wireless of yours. There is a World beyond MRs Mannin Line!!!

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If people wish to protest that is their right. From a personal point of view I’m finding it all tedious, boring and rather childish. Yes I care about the environment, I understand that man has to change their practices, however, when it’s forced upon me, my views aren’t respected, and politicos view this as the only problem that is affecting the island then I draw the line.

Daffy is an attention seeker, someone who wishes to chase headlines, but she is a middle class part time weekend environmentalist when it suits her agenda. Faragher will chase votes farm whilst Maltby will do what the real leader of the MLP tells her to do. There are many activities which aren’t compatable with their hardline environmental stance, especially motorsport on the island - but when the real leader of the MLP claims to be biggest TT supporter on the island, its obvious that some activities will be sacrificed on the altar of ‘supposed beliefs’ and vanity. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Yes I care about the environment, I understand that man has to change their practices, however, when it’s forced upon me, my views aren’t respected, and politicos view this as the only problem that is affecting the island then I draw the line.

Who's forcing anything on you? Which politicians think climate change is the only issue?

1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Faragher will chase votes farm whilst Maltby will do what the real leader of the MLP tells her to do.

Joney has cared about climate change as long as I've known her. Implying that David Cretney is the "real leader of the MLP" is laughable. But then you do seem to have an agenda against him/MLP so unsurprising.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

If people wish to protest that is their right. From a personal point of view I’m finding it all tedious, boring and rather childish. Yes I care about the environment, I understand that man has to change their practices, however, when it’s forced upon me, my views aren’t respected, and politicos view this as the only problem that is affecting the island then I draw the line.

Daffy is an attention seeker, someone who wishes to chase headlines, but she is a middle class part time weekend environmentalist when it suits her agenda. Faragher will chase votes farm whilst Maltby will do what the real leader of the MLP tells her to do. There are many activities which aren’t compatable with their hardline environmental stance, especially motorsport on the island - but when the real leader of the MLP claims to be biggest TT supporter on the island, its obvious that some activities will be sacrificed on the altar of ‘supposed beliefs’ and vanity. 

Claims to find it all "tedious, boring and rather childish" then, without any apparent irony, goes on to use the environmental issue to criticise something he dislikes without any justification in environmental terms.

Perhaps start by looking at the causes of the island's carbon emissions and judge activities based on their contribution to that, rather than on some selfish, childish agenda that you dress up as "I care about the environment".  

This kind of self serving environmentalism and whataboutery is by far the least productive and most damaging to the environmental debate.


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14 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Who's forcing anything on you? Which politicians think climate change is the only issue?

Joney has cared about climate change as long as I've known her. Implying that David Cretney is the "real leader of the MLP" is laughable. But then you do seem to have an agenda against him/MLP so unsurprising.

When David Cretney pops his clogs, the Manx Labour Party will die with him. Same with Bernie Moffatt, Mec Vannin/Celtic League will wither away. You may disagree, but they will disappear even in its original form, but that’s not to say it won’t survive in another guise/name. 

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