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43 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Will I was not questioning the foray to the Clyde just why did she need five civil servants as an entourage.

To hold her hand, nursemaid and attend to her every whim. Also to stop her over committing the island and it’s obligations - which is too late as the island has been included in international agreements. Prepare for huge tax rises and charges to pay for our ‘commitments’.

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52 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Will I was not questioning the foray to the Clyde just why did she need five civil servants as an entourage.

Sorry Sid, I was referring to your use of italics, not the content. Who did she have shepherding her? I would love to know what they took from it, and what they will implement over here, or not haha

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On 11/1/2021 at 7:09 AM, thommo2010 said:

I have family and friends that still live in Scotland so yes while I might not have a vote in it I'm still interested in what happens.


To be honest there's not going to be a vote on independence anytime soon. They had their chance in 2014 and lost. 

They? Who are they? Independence is inevitable really so we’ll all have to get used to it. Not just ‘they’ or ‘us’. After all , we’re all in it together and that. But if you don’t live there it should not matter.

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On 11/2/2021 at 4:20 PM, Andy Onchan said:

I'm in Scotland and my company pays corporate, council and every other fucking tax going so I think I have a right to comment. Her and her husband are only in it for themselves and only have one thing to offer; they're a one trick pony. She's a walking disaster and a liability. She has forced this once great country to it's knees all in the name of independence, at all and any cost. She's no clue.

So stick that up yer kilt! 😂

I don’t have a kilt. And if you live in the county you pay the tax. And you have a vote if you live there , on independence. And there will be one soon. It’s a bit unfair to accuse Sturgeon of being in it for herself , she probably one of the few politicians in the UK who isn’t. She may be wrong depending on your view but she has conviction and knows what she wants for Scotland.

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1 minute ago, hissingsid said:

Will I was not questioning the foray to the Clyde just why did she need five civil servants as an entourage.

It does seem a lot, but they may be there in their own right - contributing in some specialised way to workshops, seminars and so on.  So they would have been there even without any politicians being present. 

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1 hour ago, Anyone said:

They? Who are they? Independence is inevitable really so we’ll all have to get used to it. Not just ‘they’ or ‘us’. After all , we’re all in it together and that. But if you don’t live there it should not matter.

The SNP. They aren't me. I hope they fail as all they are doing is destroying a once great country. Independence won't happen in our lifetime

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3 hours ago, Peter Layman said:

Have they not heard of ZOOM or any of the other forms of communication out there

I won’t name names, but I remember a certain high up so called officiado of E-Commerce brazenly travelling the world at our expense, promoting the IOM (amongst other humanly things) in person rather than communicating internationally via internet media outlets 🤔

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Anyone hear the business man whinging the IOM gov didn't pay for his ticket to COP21  on Manx Radio this morning. Speaks to the mentality of the self-entitled and self-righteousness of the whole affair.

I do 100% agree climate changes. It always has and always will.

To put things in perspective IOM produces 0.84 Mt CO2 Eq or 840,000 tons per annum

The UK with all overseas territories and crown dependencies produces 464.5 Mt or 464,500,000 tons per annum.

0.84/464.5 = 0.18% So the IOM contributes less than 1/5th of 1 percent to UK emmsions

Or put another way Global CO2 is 33Gt or 33,000,000,000 tons per annum

So the UK at 464.5/33,000 = 1.4% of world CO2 and the IOM is 0.84/33,000 = 0.00254% or

254 in 1,000,000.

One year of IOM CO2 emmisions is created by the World in under 14 minutes.

Or to say it anotehr way, it would take the IOM 107 years to produce the same CO2 as one day of World CO2 emmissions.

PS: China 10,000,000,000 t/y CO2 (30.3%)












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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The SNP. They aren't me. I hope they fail as all they are doing is destroying a once great country. Independence won't happen in our lifetime

Scotland has not been a country in the proper sense of the meaning since 1707. Might not happen in yours , it will in mine. The SNP have not destroyed anything. Least not as much as the English Labour and Tory governments of the 70’s and 80’s did. Lots of smaller countries thrive once they escape the constraints of a larger partner whose interests always come first. 

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