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Minimum Wage


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17 minutes ago, Bandits said:

But employers have been completely misled by government to paying people more than they should have. 

Do you really believe that? Don't you think it's a little bit coincidental that just as inflation starts increasing meaning a substantial increase in the living wage would be in order to keep pace with the cost of living, government decide to review the living wage and, low and behold, find it's been too high, resulting in only a very modest rise, well below inflation.

I wonder if Statistics IOM are reviewing MHK wages or pension contributions in case of a similar "mistake"? I wonder if they'll be reviewing the pay-outs given to the recently "retired" incompetent high rollers, or the millions in extras they've wasted on every capital project they've undertaken in the same timeframe.

Of course they won't, it's far more important to enable multi-million pound international corporates to pay their employees a pittance by isolating the "living wage" from the effects of this nasty inflation business, especially since government have committed to bringing the minimum wage in line with it within five years.

That half wit Allinson is claiming transparency, while neglecting to provide any details whatsoever of the miscalculation involved. I think it's fair to assume creative accounting was involved.

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8 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Do you really believe that? Don't you think it's a little bit coincidental that just as inflation starts increasing meaning a substantial increase in the living wage would be in order to keep pace with the cost of living, government decide to review the living wage and, low and behold, find it's been too high, resulting in only a very modest rise, well below inflation.

You suggest that they’ll happily look after their own pensioners with massive inflationary increases for doing fuck all but will happily fuck over everyone else by trying to re-write things? 

Edited by Bandits
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3 minutes ago, Bandits said:

You suggest that they’ll happily look after their own pensioners with massive inflationary increases for doing fuck all but will happily fuck over everyone else by trying to re-write things? 

Sounds about right.

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I've never trusted there inflation figures either and interestingly enough its usually around the 11th they announce them. My bet is we wont hear them till after the CoMin and Tynwald meeting next week. I'm sure creative accounting takes place with regards to inflation figures.  

Edited by Numbnuts
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1 hour ago, Bandits said:

You suggest that they’ll happily look after their own pensioners with massive inflationary increases for doing fuck all but will happily fuck over everyone else by trying to re-write things? 

If the Govt were down to the last £30k in the bank and local people were starving on the streets they'd still be honouring their pension commitments to Govt employees. Govt's primary focus on care is to the Govt - everything else is runner-up.

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6 hours ago, 0bserver said:

If pensioners are in line for an 11% increase then do they need other support? 

No other benefit is being increased by 11%. 

I am aware of several pensioners, who are millionaires, who got the £150 fuel payment in June added to their state pension.

Whilst there are clearly many pensioners who are, and always will be, hard up, this presumption in Govt. that ‘all pensioners are poor’ and should be treated to lots of free stuff is now out of date, and needs to change when prioritising and targeting financial support.

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1 hour ago, Nellie said:

I am aware of several pensioners, who are millionaires, who got the £150 fuel payment in June added to their state pension.

Whilst there are clearly many pensioners who are, and always will be, hard up, this presumption in Govt. that ‘all pensioners are poor’ and should be treated to lots of free stuff is now out of date, and needs to change when prioritising and targeting financial support.

You are totally correct but if had to sift through ‘who is poor’ and ‘who is wealthy’ criteria this would involve the tax office, which would be time consuming, when in realty time is of the essence. 

The UK gave a £150 payment to property owners council tax rebate for bands A-D, with another £400 to follow. It’s not perfect I know. 

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4 minutes ago, 2112 said:

You are totally correct but if had to sift through ‘who is poor’ and ‘who is wealthy’ criteria this would involve the tax office, which would be time consuming, when in realty time is of the essence. 

The UK gave a £150 payment to property owners council tax rebate for bands A-D, with another £400 to follow. It’s not perfect I know. 

Some pensioners have taken it upon themselves to give that payment to charity. 

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12 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Most up to recentky we wouldnt hear about but times are changing. But sadly no CS have got on board .

Sorry must of been in the toilet when the times were a changing, as it seems business as usual for the lying/ scheming/ empire building/ bullying CS.

Also a little alteration to your statement.

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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:

Where has this been announced? All I can find is an increase of 3.1% in state pension in February 2022. 

It's been established I think from a Watterson written question that the Govt pensions are £1m+ over budget so far this year, and overspend of about £9m is expected by the end of the financial year because civil service pensions are linked to UK RPI

Don't know whether it is some or all

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9 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

Mr Thomas is saying elsewhere the index link is to UK CPI (which is possibly higher than RPI)

I think it’s clear that we will continue to get totally screwed over while government entitlements just get ratcheted higher and higher as inflation increases. The living wage is a classic example. Can you imagine them telling IOM gov pensioners they got paid too much is the last 5 years? 

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14 hours ago, Bandits said:

Then 5 years later it becomes clear that anyone who paid it overpaid their employees.

If they didn't go out of business, they didn't overpay their employees. They may have gotten slightly closer to paying them what they are worth.

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