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DoI not fit for purpose


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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Consider that two months ago the DOI was a Dept apparently beyond public reproach. Then there is a departure via the electoral process.

Since then CM Cannan has announced that its officers can't be trusted (and could there possibly be a more damning indictment?),

It's not quit true that it was beyond reproach - even Quayle had been forced to get his pet consultants Beamans to do one of their reports and even Beamans had to admit just how malfunctioning it was.  The fact it took so long for Black to go (compare how quickly the DESC CEO went after their adverse report) suggests just how difficult these people will be to shift unless the politicians get 

As usual Beamans provided the solution that the civil service wanted (expensive reorganisations, more civil servants) rather than what was obviously needed (sack the incompetent and recruit people who know how to do the jobs rather than just how to play the IOMCS game).  All of which will just kick the can again.

It can't be stated too often that this isn't a DoI problem only, but a more general one of the culture in the CS and among Manx politicians.  It was very telling at the end of Crookall's interview with Moulton:

he said he saw him main job being as defending the Department, not making it deliver the right services.

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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

None of them spoke out. Only Julie Edge had a run in with him and Daphne brought up the vote of no confidence. I’m absobloodyletely certain that every single member thought he was a dick but for some reason they collectively kept quiet. 

I’d love to know why. 


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37 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

They wouldn't need a increase in budget if they looked after and spent their existing budget responsibly.  Its clear to everyone they haven't done so for years . 

Absolutely true - however, could this below document still be lurking in the wings....?



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48 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

None of them spoke out. Only Julie Edge had a run in with him and Daphne brought up the vote of no confidence. I’m absobloodyletely certain that every single member thought he was a dick but for some reason they collectively kept quiet. 

I’d love to know why. 

Maybe if any did speak out it would have opened a even bigger can of worms.?!! We all know although its the DOI gets the worst of the vitrol theres lots wrong with many other areas of government . Not many long standing ministers haven't got skeletons in the cupboard . Or you do a Skelly !! Agree with your perception of what others thought of him. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Nice post and agree with you. Biggest question though can AC reign in the Chief Secretary as he has so much power and control over the CS and staff generally.

One of Alf Cannan's biggest challenges. The Chief Secretary is a major obstacle and will be very difficult to budge. The whole of CoMIN would have to share the same resolve, for a start.

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3 hours ago, joebean said:

If it isn't obvious to many already, Quayle will go down as one of the worst CMs and politicians this Island has had to endure. During his time in politics he achieved very little and ducked every issue that he possibly could, whilst pumping up his own ego. The issues he ducked will result in some big decisions down the line and will have cost taxpayer millions. Of course he could see that the DoI was a mess and the people in charge were incompetent and disingenuous but his one talent was to keep everyone in line and do nothing to expose bad practice and weak management which would, inevitably, lead to difficult decisions.

I totally disagree. I appreciate that in here there was a massive dislike if HQ by some from day and I will not argue that his Government will go down as having achieved a lot but they had the distractions of Covid  & Brexit to deal with.

What exactly did Alan Bell achieve as Chief Minister? Very little as far as I can remember and he did not have the issues of Brexit or Covid. From memory the government and of Bell & Teare was far more toxic than Quayle's

Similarly Tony Brown's what did he achieve?

As I said I am not going to stand up and claim HQ was a huge success but at least he did not open his mouth and  cause a huge reduction in the VAT share.


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7 hours ago, Lost Login said:

What exactly did Alan Bell achieve as Chief Minister? Very little as far as I can remember and he did not have the issues of Brexit or Covid. From memory the government and of Bell & Teare was far more toxic than Quayle's

Similarly Tony Brown's what did he achieve?


Pretty much explains why, "we are where we are" and how some things "are as they are"?

Since 2006 (15 years!) we've had 3 successive administrations that have "done little" or been "toxic"?

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Absolutely true - however, could this below document still be lurking in the wings....?



I thought the whole argument they have about robbing drivers was it was Vehicle Tax or Vehicle License fee and much like petrol duty, was not ringfenced for highway maintenance but jsut went into the Treasury trough coffers.

But now it will be raised because of the "environment" and "we have to do something about the roads".

How about a 2 year moritorium on grandiose capital projects like fecking £2m bridges on a public footpath (not on a commuter route) and fix the problems they already have.

Ask the question "Is this enough to fix the problem?"

One small example, the gooseneck (and other locations) they keep rebuilding the walls again and again and again. Never once seen anyone get prosecuted for it.

This usually gets left for days and weeks on end, presumably hoping no-one else will make the same mistake and end up off down the drop behind. 

How about next time they rebuild it build a conrete buttress behind it and set up a CCTV camera. Put a speed advisory with hairpin warning sign on the approach so it is plain to see the hazard and have time to adjust accordingly. First of all you could collect actual evidence to the factors causing the problem (speed, surface grip, bad/distracted driving, vehicle defects etc.).

Guess it'll never happen as it's on the hallowed TT circuit.



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I think Crookall will be o.k. he has taken on a department which is on its knees and the only way is up.    One has gone and the others who have reigned supreme will be aware they are on very thin ice, the only reason they are not on the way out is probably the uncertainty of where to apply the blame for the mess this department is in and the huge redundancy payments.   I think a couple must be near retirement.   This department needs breaking up it is unwieldy and has too much power.  ie. setting social housing rents etc.  I bet Alf has got a keen eye here and will be giving Tim a lot of support.  I don’t think Tim will take any prisoners.

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

We will see , Tim will be out to prove himself he has more experience than Harmer and Baker and really nothing to lose.

One big plus is that this will be Alf's purge too though. Crookall will have been delegated to sort the Dept as Minister but it's AC's will. He should give TC his full backing where required.

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I think Crookall will be o.k. he has taken on a department which is on its knees and the only way is up.    One has gone and the others who have reigned supreme will be aware they are on very thin ice, the only reason they are not on the way out is probably the uncertainty of where to apply the blame for the mess this department is in and the huge redundancy payments.   I think a couple must be near retirement.   This department needs breaking up it is unwieldy and has too much power.  ie. setting social housing rents etc.  I bet Alf has got a keen eye here and will be giving Tim a lot of support.  I don’t think Tim will take any prisoners.

I think you can sidestep redundancy payments in cases of gross misconduct.

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7 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Civil servants and gross misconduct do not go hand in hand 😉




All I can say is ,its about time they did !    if the DOI is not taken on  and re organised  it will suck the life and resources  right out out  government ,and the credibility of the council of ministers will be even more damaged than the last government headed up by the useless  and   gormless   Howard  ,concentrate on the priorities , and not the pet projects and nice to have , the infrastructure  on this Island  has never been so neglected and very little is being properly  maintained 

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