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46 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

In fact if you go to any public place it is full of people who are clearly very unfit.  Nearly 70 percent of adults being overweight or worse is an appealing statistic with much bigger implications for the health service than a few COVID cases.

Doesnt help than when you live on a budget you haven’t got a hope of eating healthy food.

You're totally right. It's a grim reality. I fear many people will be taking money from their shopping bill and using it to pay Manx Gas this winter. 

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28 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Not a hope in hell! Inexpensive foods are usually chock full of preservatives, salt and sugar and otherwise processed to the hilt. 

If you pay attention to labels, you'll often find added sugar in the most unlikely (processed) foods. No wonder people tend to over-eat such foods, as sugar is addictive. 

Get rid of sugar and replace it with sweetners. Artificial sweeteners are typically 200 to 600 times sweeter than sugar. They stimulate your taste buds, go to your brain, affect your hormones and slow your metabolism. Check out the damage that Aspartame can do to you

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2 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Thanks for that.  I haven't got time to look closely, but there are already some things in the sampling and presentation that look a bit odd.  For example:


Oddly enough the number who reported being "In a relationship" was also 1373.  Clearly once that starts all sex stops.

It does suggest a certain sloppiness that no one spots these things and the lack of sub-sample sizes makes you wonder how reliable some of the figures are.

(Also no males under 25 indulge in higher-risk drinking apparently (p 30 of pdf)).

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It's like that report has been cobbled together in some shady backroom from an ex-hack puffing away on a chain of Benson & Hedges and rushing something out before pub opening time. Like in the old Spitting Image.

But on that subject, anyone at all who smokes tobacco is a gullible gormless twat. And they smell too. An extremely dirty, filthy, disgusting and harmful habit.


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19.1% of 18-24 year olds reporting poor general health has got to be one of the worst figures in that document.  And it's not all mental, because the next graphic reports 11.7% of the same age having low mental wellbeing.  

If these figures are right, you have to worry about the state of our youngsters.

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Clearly, we need to raise taxes on sugary drinks even more. Then we can use the revenue to build even more cycle lanes 'cos it's a policy that's obviously working....

And H&B are to be thanked for their contribution in keeping high-risk drinking down.

Edited by Non-Believer
extra bit
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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Clearly, we need to raise taxes on sugary drinks even more. Then we can use the revenue to build even more cycle lanes 'cos it's a policy that's obviously working....

And H&B are to be thanked for their contribution in keeping high-risk drinking down.

H&B can forever increase their prices safe in the knowledge that people will spend spend and spend on beers, wines and spirits. Coupled with the ease where the Spar shops are located  - in residential areas, and aiming at certain groups in society. People go into Spar as it’s convenient, accessible and is open till late. There is only one Tescos. The Coop is a more ethical store as compared to Spars, but ethical decisions against cold hearted commercial reality, then commercial realty wins - drinks promotions and displays etc. 

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Free and easy junk food delivery. Junk food's bad enough on its own, but having a huge choice of the stuff on demand brought to your door at the touch of an app multiplies the problem by some order of magnitude I would imagine. If the trend continues in years to come, expect to be able to order 'feeders' to spoon-feed you your fried chicken kebabs on your sofa at home 'cos you're too morbidly obese to even make it as far as the front door.

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50 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Between Ramseyboi and James Blonde is there room for any more "holier than thou" bloggers?

Well let’s be honest.  With the exception of a very small number of people with genuine health issues or maybe medication that they take, anyone over the normal weight range is there through choice.

I am 5 foot 11 and 71kg.  Heavier than my Dad or grandad ever were in their lives.  I hit 90kg when ill fairly quickly just by not getting out much and eating crap.  It was easy to get back to normal by sticking to proper food and cutting out back on sugar which is the easy go to pick me up.

A genuine question for anyone who knows without me having to look it up.  Do life insurance companies ask your height and weight to calculate a premium or is that seen as discrimination?  I know they ask how much you smoke and drink, so what’s the difference?

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