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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You put on and then dropped 3 stone? 

If that’s what 20kg is then yes.

Combination if side effects from anti depressants from the meds themselves and sitting on my arse all day eating shit.

Went on in about 5 months came off in about the same as I remember.  Was a good few years ago now thankfully.

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I don’t know how kids afford cigarettes they have gone up again recently nearly a tenner a packet now, some more, I have a friend who is always crying poverty yet still smokes a packet of 20 a day has done for years tried to give up several times but something happens to worry or upset and straight back on the cigs.   Sad but cannot do anything to help, many friends have tried and failed. The cigarettes are a crutch.

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Does anybody ever ask why kids take up smoking? Overt advertising has long been illegal, fags in shops are hidden from view. Is it because it's the "cool" thing to do or peer pressure maybe? A sign of teenage rebellion?

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2 hours ago, Peter Layman said:

Yet the same people who moan about not affording healthy food options are the very same with i-phones/iPads/sky etc etc. It's their priorities they have all wrong

With so many things being primarily accessible online these days (local banking where there are few branches these days for example) are you really going to moan about people having smartphones? Everyone I know who has an iPhone didn't buy it outright, they're on a contract. Smartphones, by and large, are a necessary evil today. 

And for families with school age children, an iPad or similar is also a necessity. How do you think online learning during lockdowns or self-isolation happens?

As for Sky, just because there's a dish outside someone's house doesn't mean they actually have Sky.

Maybe you might want to get a life rather than feeling hard done by because low income families might own modern devices needed in a modern world, or perhaps stay home and watch telly rather than going to the pub every night. 

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2 hours ago, Peter Layman said:

Get rid of sugar and replace it with sweetners. Artificial sweeteners are typically 200 to 600 times sweeter than sugar. They stimulate your taste buds, go to your brain, affect your hormones and slow your metabolism. Check out the damage that Aspartame can do to you

I do my best to avoid artificial sweeteners, hence paying attention to the ingredients on food labels.

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51 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Does anybody ever ask why kids take up smoking? Overt advertising has long been illegal, fags in shops are hidden from view. Is it because it's the "cool" thing to do or peer pressure maybe? A sign of teenage rebellion?

A very small step towards 'just a bit of weed'.

Most of the kids I know who started off with a Players No.6 then went on to smoke weed are either dead or well fucked up. But of course that is a whole new subject. Or maybe not.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Does anybody ever ask why kids take up smoking? Overt advertising has long been illegal, fags in shops are hidden from view. Is it because it's the "cool" thing to do or peer pressure maybe? A sign of teenage rebellion?

I think the popularity of vaping has a lot to do with it. It’s seen as harmless and ‘not really smoking’ but I think it acts as a gateway to cigarette smoking via nicotine addiction from the vape.

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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Thanks for that.  I haven't got time to look closely, but there are already some things in the sampling and presentation that look a bit odd.  For example:


Oddly enough the number who reported being "In a relationship" was also 1373.  Clearly once that starts all sex stops.

It does suggest a certain sloppiness that no one spots these things and the lack of sub-sample sizes makes you wonder how reliable some of the figures are....


So is that the only error or is it only the most immediately obvious error?

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3 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Well let’s be honest.  With the exception of a very small number of people with genuine health issues or maybe medication that they take, anyone over the normal weight range is there through choice.

I am 5 foot 11 and 71kg.  Heavier than my Dad or grandad ever were in their lives.  I hit 90kg when ill fairly quickly just by not getting out much and eating crap.  It was easy to get back to normal by sticking to proper food and cutting out back on sugar which is the easy go to pick me up.

A genuine question for anyone who knows without me having to look it up.  Do life insurance companies ask your height and weight to calculate a premium or is that seen as discrimination?  I know they ask how much you smoke and drink, so what’s the difference?

To be fair "overweight" is a bit of an iffy category. I'm allegedly overweight, at 6' and 85kg. But I have a 32" waist...

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