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1 hour ago, Sheldon said:

"Justify Your Jobs"

I'm really looking forward to reading some of the works of fiction that will be submitted in respect of this!

Unfortunately that's only Gef's spin on the 'Plan' rather than anything actually in it.  All the report actually says is:

Every Department and Board must produce an annual report for Tynwald debate, scrutiny and approval led by the Minister or Chairperson. These will be tabled throughout the parliamentary year. These reports will lay out clearly the actions undertaken by the department, the positive impact on the Island and determine and justify staffing levels.

So they'll all just say "We need to employ loads of people because we are terribly important".

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8 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Unfortunately that's only Gef's spin on the 'Plan' rather than anything actually in it.  All the report actually says is:

Every Department and Board must produce an annual report for Tynwald debate, scrutiny and approval led by the Minister or Chairperson. These will be tabled throughout the parliamentary year. These reports will lay out clearly the actions undertaken by the department, the positive impact on the Island and determine and justify staffing levels.

So they'll all just say "We need to employ loads of people because we are terribly important".

So I presume that Tynpotwald will debate, scrutinise and approve each Departments annual report? Will they give marks out of 10 or a school type report card as to how each department does? 

Pupil - D Ashford - Treasury - Tax take down, residents fleeing the island, businesses fed up with the rules and regulations, and no support. Grade - Fail. Go and sit in the corner with a Dunces Hat. 

The report online - lots of nice warm words and pictures. No colouring in mandalas for the Ministers, with crayons. Very expensive piece of spin, created by Civil Servants.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

More reports!  More committees!!  More pretty pictures!!!

(Will that keep them quiet for the next five years, do you think?)

Given the fact that each department etc will have their plan debated etc, will their be a proper debate? Tynpotwald when they debate aren’t consistent. Sometimes they will spend hours talking and debating absolute shite, but serious matters of national importance are debated in the space of an hour. The ayes have it! 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Department of enterprise & cabinet office should be interesting 😂

I want to know if Rob Callister’s going to be held to account for the new TT scoreboard? Especially if the TT is held next year, the new scoreboard was to have been a £mmmm’s all singing and dancing electronic and televisual masterpiece. It will be come down if it’s a Heath Robinson affair, constructed out of plywood and painted by one of Governments favoured painters. 

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