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3 hours ago, 2112 said:

It is a Alf and COMIN mess from the start. If he couldn’t get his first major set piece of ‘work of fiction’ passed, he is going to find it hard going to to get other legislation through.  Next month (February 2022) the budget is due, one can only hope they get that right. 

To be fair to Cannan he hasn't got Quayle's advantage of the number of MHKs (inside and outside CoMin) who will support the CoMin/Greenhow line in any circumstances so as to preserve their salaries and have an easy life.  Sir Miles got rid of most of the incentives relating to the money and the electorate got rid of many of the most slavish CoMin supporters.  And the CM can't rely on the CoMin block vote the way Quayle could at the start of his period.

But equally Cannan and Greenhow should have recognised this and acted accordingly.  Instead they just seem to have tried the same old tactics and hoped Tynwald would nod things through as before.  But even the old Tynwald was getting restive towards the end of its five years (you never used to see three day Tynwald sessions) and the restive ones were re-elected and nodding dogs weren't.  So it was a tactic that was bound to fail - they'd already lost votes last month.

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14 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

vision2020-leaflet.pdf (gov.im)

The 2013 waffle/plan.  Wonder if anyone ever analysed its conjectures....


It was buried relatively quickly I think after one enterprising MHK (can't remember who) asked a question about a certain aspect of it that shed light on the fact that a lot of the goals/aims were unachievable and in some cases undesirable.

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

It's only ever an aspiration, for any administration. And when has there ever been a real critique of what has been achieved out of any administration's set objectives? Rarely, if ever.

It's all wing and prayer stuff with huge amounts of back-slapping when it goes right and silence or, at best, deflection and excuses when it doesn't.

Real critique might be obtained by placing the plan before the electorate for a democratic vote

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9 minutes ago, Banker said:

By Watterson certainly.  He was pretty frustrated over the last five years by this sort of tactic and similar 'clever' devices that the civil service were using to evade scrutiny (such as loading all the business onto particular Tynwalds, hoping that Members would get bored and nod things through.  That's why he introduced this Register of Business system, where non-urgent stuff was supposed to be published six weeks in advance to allow for political and public scrutiny.  It was to try to force the civil service to be more open and professional.

In practice what seems to have happened is that the civil service seem to think that anything they can't produce six weeks in advance (as this probably couldn't) can be shoved through without scrutiny and published as late as possible.  I suspect three or four weeks would have been enough to keep everyone happy this time but not three or four days and with the strange way the press release doesn't seem to have been released (though the media should have picked up from the Tynwald website anyway) all points to people trying to be 'clever'.

You'd hope they would learn from this, but not learning lessons while proclaiming you have seems to be a local speciality.

(Do we reckon the 'confrontational' Minister was Ashford?)

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I have had a read and my conclusion is that it's the same old shite: IOMG want to address the problems with the DHSC, Roads, Business sector, Housing issues, Urban regeneration, Education blah blah blah. Well a lot of the Civil Servants and members of CoMin (Alf, Tim C, Dr A, Ashford) along with Watty have been in Gov for several years, so what the fuck have they been doing?

I can't get past this little nugget on Page 5 of THE PLAN:

Accountability – to recognise shortcomings, seek improvement and accept responsibility. 

The plan should actually start with that gem, address the arrogant short comings and stop defending the indefensible, then just maybe, everything might start falling into place for the betterment of us all.


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15 minutes ago, Will Halsall said:

Accountability – to recognise shortcomings, seek improvement and accept responsibility. 

The plan should actually start with that gem, address the arrogant short comings and stop defending the indefensible, then just maybe, everything might start falling into place for the betterment of us all.

Wonder if Will Greenhow & Lingworth have read that page 😂

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Do we reckon the 'confrontational' Minister was Ashford?

Not Ashford's style quite possibly Hooper. When Hooper buys into something he goes balls deep.

Of course it could just have been Crookall trying to make conversation and Glover misinterpreting Crookall's normal volume for shouting.

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7 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Accepting responsibility is totally alien to anyone connected to Government as illustrated by Julie Edge’s response to the faulty flume.

...... and this is why millions upon millions of pounds, over many years, have been misused or wasted !

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This is likely to be an ongoing given that everything which goes to Tynwald must first be approved by CoMin. So what you end up with is the CM 'boasting' somewhere that he will return with a plan in January, without taking account of the six week period for scrutiny and perhaps log-jammed/heavily debated in CoMin where change is made (and it then goes back into the CoMin approval loop' ) putting even more pressure on meeting the deadline set by Alf. Hence his frankly ridiculous statement, after the event. He should have been provided the 'intelligence' it wasn't going to land well and pulled it, such that he was on the front foot,not being publicly kicked up the arse.

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Yesterday eight members refused to discuss the document which sets out government’s priorities for the next five years.

They were Jason Moorhouse, Claire Christian, Joney Faragher, Tim Glover, Michelle Haywood, Tim Johnston, Juan Watterson and Chris Thomas.


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