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China explosions?


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  • 3 months later...

You don't follow main stream media reports on China much do you.









China's a big place, with poor building and maintenance standards.  In the UK a house blows up because the fool living in it didn't service the gas boiler a couple of times a year. 2 a year with 60 million people.  With 1.2 billion people 40 a year - basically one a week.

Plus industrial accidents - Tianjin was the last really big one.

There's also a very small risk of terrorism - about the same risk level as London's.

The comment the presenter made that maybe the explosions were the government getting rid of dissidents is about as stupid as you can get.

The CCP doesn't need to set off bombs in streets to get rid of dissidents - it just disappears them into the gulag. Nice and simple.

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