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Newson's on the Quay


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A building not fit for purpose, it should have been knocked down years ago. Also though a terrible site to develop on.

There's currently planning approval for conversion of the existing building, but as it's coming down, a new application will have to go through, so expect a vacant site for quite a while.

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18 hours ago, TomTucker said:

Tidy beaches and countryside are something we should always aspire to.

But litter is totally divorce of climate change. Bill Dale is tidying the planet not saving it. Good work but not to be confused. 

Building anything new build or the renovation of existing is always going to generate enormous amounts of CO2 as concrete and it’s ballast is one of the most footprint heavy products in existence. 

While they wail and ring thier hands over preserving buildings of dubious heritage value vs saving the planet from the ravages of CO2 for new build (embedded carbon and all that), the Chinese are burning 4,319,921,826 tons of coal every year (circa 2016). 

All 85,000 people on the island could each burn 9 tons of coal a year (365 x 25kg bag) making a total consumption of 765,000 tons and not even reach 18/1,000th of 1% of what China does. 

Put another way, to offset Chinas carbon footprint of 13.8 Gt CO2 per year would take 6 trees absorb a ton of CO2 requiring some 83 billion trees to be planted every year.  Or 2,600 trees every second until you run out of land.

So we tie ourselves in knots, waste stupid amounts of money* on 'reducng our carbon footprint' while people go hungry and homeless, our health service spirals into collapse and our infrastructure falls apart.

*And the ultimate irony is most of that green money ends up in China because thats where most of the raw materials and manufacturing takes place.

Why aren't Extinction Rebellion protesting outside the Chinese Embassy? Boycotting Chinese products? Or insisting our government raise trade tarifs on Chinese goods?



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It would be far simpler if we gave the Heritage lobby a limit of applying for three buildings to preserve (or whatever seems reasonable) per year. Once they've used those three up then thats it until 1st Jan next year. This would not preclude genuine interested parties (i.e. neighbouring properties and businesses) from raising issue.

At the moment we are literally concreting over countryside (dwellings and businesses) where we could grow food (which we then have to import with the risks of food security and food miles) because we want to preserve some notional 'golden age' that never existed.   


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As Frank's photos show the amount of development (if that's the right word) work gone into those buildings over the years renders them almost unrecognisable from the Museum photos; aluminium window frames, garage doors, fascia etc.

Add that to the fact that it's unsafe means that it really has had it's day. There are both artist works and photos of them so it's not as if it's being lost without any recognition of the fact that they existed. Not sure what more could be done but I do hope that whatever replaces it acknowledges the past in some way.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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7 hours ago, James Blonde said:

Renovating might produce less carbons but it doesn't produce the same profit for the owners. 

Would it though? Often to refurbish to current standards you need to put in a lot of steel to hold up the old masonary, not to mention underpinning the foundations with lots of concrete and ending up with a building that will be less efficient in terms of utiltisation of sapce and energy consumption.

There is a reaason why modern buildings look different to old buildings, it's called progress.    

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32 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

While they wail and ring thier hands over preserving buildings of dubious heritage value vs saving the planet from the ravages of CO2 for new build (embedded carbon and all that), the Chinese are burning 4,319,921,826 tons of coal every year (circa 2016). 

All 85,000 people on the island could each burn 9 tons of coal a year (365 x 25kg bag) making a total consumption of 765,000 tons and not even reach 18/1,000th of 1% of what China does. 

Put another way, to offset Chinas carbon footprint of 13.8 Gt CO2 per year would take 6 trees absorb a ton of CO2 requiring some 83 billion trees to be planted every year.  Or 2,600 trees every second until you run out of land.

So we tie ourselves in knots, waste stupid amounts of money* on 'reducng our carbon footprint' while people go hungry and homeless, our health service spirals into collapse and our infrastructure falls apart.

*And the ultimate irony is most of that green money ends up in China because thats where most of the raw materials and manufacturing takes place.

Why aren't Extinction Rebellion protesting outside the Chinese Embassy? Boycotting Chinese products? Or insisting our government raise trade tarifs on Chinese goods?




26 minutes ago, quilp said:

And that's just China, not the US, Mexico, India, and others poisoning the planet. It's not just CO2 they need to crow about. 

Surely every one has to do their bit.

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