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Newson's on the Quay


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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

This seems a classic case of next to nobody wanting the old building, but somebody in government ignoring that fact to prove some obscure point!

The fact that it wasn't a listed building,until the developer purchased it, smacks of the usual way we treat people who try to invest in the island. We don't deserve inward investment as the place is run by small minded, tin pot dictators!  


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While we a talking about specific developments here, Newsons, Fynoderree and the long running empty sites that maybe deserve some 'special' help from Planning, we should not forget that a robust Planning procedure can be very helpful to us as individuals?

You wouldn't want to wake up one morning and find footings being put down on your boundary line, would you?

Planning should allow for the individual to be able to protest the development companies, at least to put their argument forward for consideration.

Now that the Govt are making it harder to object and allowing it self to over rule ( in the National Interest!), there is a reduction in the rights of the individual? Nimbyism can easily be seen through by the planning committees.

The illustrations for Newsons show a stone faced building where the warehouse was, that should look pretty similar to the old? They could even put a pulley hoist in effect?

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

With a bridge over the roadway access to the car park? Or would you go for a Flyover? You must be with DoI  planning???😃

Personally? I would go with a road through Hills Meadow in place of the steam train track and in that way. 

My fee is only £500k per design.

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9 hours ago, 2112 said:

I have just looked at Kelproperties website, a large portfolio of properties and industrial/commercial developments both on the island and in the UK, as well as in South Africa. I doubt somehow that even some of the properties at the new North Quay development will be classed as affordable even for FTB. If it were made as a precondition of planning that a % of the apartments be FTB, I could envisage the scheme getting knocked on the head, due to the figures not adding up. What does make me laugh is the idea that they really want to save North Quay. Really? A property developer with a heart, and social conscience? There are parts of Douglas which are derelict land banks  and owned by large companies, especially by Tesco. These have been allowed to fester for years. 

Kelproperties may be a multinational developer amongst other major interests, but the owner lives on the Island. Why would he want to fiddle around with a few projects on a remote island in the middle of the Irish Sea to make what would amount to a few quid in real terms?

Herein lies the problem, suspicion that a successful person might have one over on the slow witted yokels in our government. They can't accept that some people, such as the guy who wanted to redevelop Glen Truan, may have some nous and know what they are doing, to the benefit of the island, and that they are doing it because the love the place and want to do something that benefits us! 

We only have to look at how our government handle major projects, they are completely out of their depth, get taken to the cleaners on everything they embark on. It's easy to try and make themselves look clever by standing up to anyone who is actually successful as a way of redeeming themselves in their own eyes. They have some sort of small man syndrome, and it's turning the island into a graveyard!  

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

Manx Heritage are a joke,

They're not a joke Sid, they are a legitimate alternative to try to offer a view point that may not have been previously considered. They may be right, they may be far from what is required by modern development but do we want glass floor  to roof, Grand Designs, garden center type developments everywhere? OK in a country setting but in School Road???

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On 8/3/2022 at 10:48 PM, Kopek said:

They're not a joke Sid, they are a legitimate alternative to try to offer a view point that may not have been previously considered. They may be right, they may be far from what is required by modern development but do we want glass floor  to roof, Grand Designs, garden center type developments everywhere? OK in a country setting but in School Road???

Well we got it in a prime site on Douglas Prom and look how well that went. In my opinion the ugliest building ever built over here.   

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nothing wrong with glass and chrome and other modern buildings. Douglas should be a thriving capital, not a rundown Victorian theme park.

Don't you mean a rundown Victorian city theme park?

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There is such a thing as astetic's, or would you be happy to see soviet style housing blocks come to the fore. They would be cheap as chips and you could really cram e'm in.

6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nothing wrong with glass and chrome and other modern buildings. Douglas should be a thriving capital, not a rundown Victorian theme park.


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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

Don't you mean a rundown Victorian city theme park?


1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

There is such a thing as astetic's, or would you be happy to see soviet style housing blocks come to the fore. They would be cheap as chips and you could really cram e'm in.


To be fair to Stu, he isn't suggesting that. 

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