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Mr Speaker - Our hero


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That's it.  I need to come off facebook, I cant take this nonsense anymore.


In addition to the £2000 pay cut as Speaker in the pay review, I will now be saving the taxpayer a further £3377 a year as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.
Value for money has always been a passion for me in politics to make sure the taxpayer gets the most for your money. I look forward to working with Daphne Caine , Claire Christian, Ann Corlett, Rob Mercer and Tanie August in that quest.
Also today, I was really pleased to be reelected as Deputy President and BIPA Representative.
It was also fantastic that the motion to re-form the Poverty Committee was unanimously passed, now with an increased membership of Joney Faragher Sarah Maltby Tanya August-Hanson and Rob Callister due to the eagerness of Members to tackle this scourge in our society.
The proof of the pudding though is in the eating, and as always I look forward to playing my part in delivering the results that people expect."
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28 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

That's it.  I need to come off facebook, I cant take this nonsense anymore.


In addition to the £2000 pay cut as Speaker in the pay review, I will now be saving the taxpayer a further £3377 a year as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.
Value for money has always been a passion for me in politics to make sure the taxpayer gets the most for your money. I look forward to working with Daphne Caine , Claire Christian, Ann Corlett, Rob Mercer and Tanie August in that quest.
Also today, I was really pleased to be reelected as Deputy President and BIPA Representative.
It was also fantastic that the motion to re-form the Poverty Committee was unanimously passed, now with an increased membership of Joney Faragher Sarah Maltby Tanya August-Hanson and Rob Callister due to the eagerness of Members to tackle this scourge in our society.
The proof of the pudding though is in the eating, and as always I look forward to playing my part in delivering the results that people expect."

I’m sure he and the others will have lots of puddings. 

What a virtue signaling idiot

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The new poverty committee is very suspect for its lack of diversity. They look like a game of middle class Guess Who and by the time you take all the hair and glasses off the other members you’re just left with Rob Callister. 


Mr Potato Head?

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41 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

That's it.  I need to come off facebook, I cant take this nonsense anymore.


In addition to the £2000 pay cut as Speaker in the pay review, I will now be saving the taxpayer a further £3377 a year as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.
Value for money has always been a passion for me in politics to make sure the taxpayer gets the most for your money. I look forward to working with Daphne Caine , Claire Christian, Ann Corlett, Rob Mercer and Tanie August in that quest.
Also today, I was really pleased to be reelected as Deputy President and BIPA Representative.
It was also fantastic that the motion to re-form the Poverty Committee was unanimously passed, now with an increased membership of Joney Faragher Sarah Maltby Tanya August-Hanson and Rob Callister due to the eagerness of Members to tackle this scourge in our society.
The proof of the pudding though is in the eating, and as always I look forward to playing my part in delivering the results that people expect."

You okay hun?

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It’s a bit ironic really Mr Squeaker pretending he is a man saving the taxpayers cash, and he is the same man prepared to attend a CPA conference. The same man prepared to fly to far flung destinations, stay in the finest hotels and eat gourmet meals, to come home then slum it in the Government Office Canteen. It’s laughable that now he is portraying himself as being concerned with poverty.

The rest of this ‘committee’ im afraid are hardly experienced to lecture the rest of us on poverty.

For example Sarah Maltby being the daughter of ex wannabe MHK and retail giant David Cretney, is practically Tynwald Royalty. Let’s face it she’s probably never had to make the choice of heating or eating. Rob Callister has done well out of being an MHK, and I’m sure his experience with expenses will give him knowledge of poverty. 


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2 hours ago, SleepyJoe said:

I'm sure Mrs Maltby will do her bit too

That depends. Will she and your beloved Joney Faragher, be giving the have nots a helping hand (better employment opportunities, job advice and assistance, better financial benefits to take lower paid or harder jobs in Social Care etc), or giving them a handout …………….. for some to spend in the local economy, keeping drug dealers in business, spending in the off licences or pubs, lottery tickets etc.

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19 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

The new poverty committee is very suspect for its lack of diversity. They look like a game of middle class Guess Who and by the time you take all the hair and glasses off the other members you’re just left with Rob Callister. 


Is it a competition, I'll go for David Cretney as the guess who !

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24 minutes ago, quilp said:

Actually, I know a fella who's done just that Joe. 

Sadly there are some but there are plenty who don’t want to hear it or believe it, as it doesn’t fit in with their agenda. 

If I saw a homeless person I would give them food or buy them a drink. I wouldn’t give them money as it’s not helping them. 


Edited by 2112
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