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Footpath Friends


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Are these the same idiots who were encouraging people out to clear beaches during lockdown and “essential travel”?  Are they the same ones who drive around in a massive fuel guzzling 4 by 4 and whose carbon footprint by the time 50 cars have driven to the point of ayre to pick up some bottles is way bigger than anything they will save?

Virtue signalling in the extreme! And now it turns out (we all new anyway) he is making cash from it 😂

Am I right in thinking he has also flown to other countries to tell them how to save the planet by picking up bottles 😂

Edited by Ramseyboi
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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Did you think it might be that they know a substantial number of the GMP are dicks and a similar amount are Manx Crabs and that a job needs doing on the footpaths and that they’d rather give the contract to a well established, well run charity with a proven track record of effecting constant progress with a huge, loyal band of volunteers. All that with a record of achieving great PR for the Island.

If they’d tendered and BB was put forward all hell would break loose. Mind you, it seems to have broken loose again.

He really does have his haters and I wonder why, with someone doing a lot of good for the island, someone who has got off his arse and sustainedly offered a service gets such a load of stick.

Sometimes it can just be that they mirror back all the things the haters are not - and that’s like a red rag to a bull to some haters. 

You raise valid points which I can see.

A few words in this case spring to mind - Avarice, Jealousy and a individual with connections to Government - friends in high places. I can only assume the BB founder has many enemies, hence the FOI request and disclosure. I don’t know whether the FOI request was leaked to the newspaper? One observation that I have noticed is that this case hasn’t been reported on the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece whilst there is a report on 3fm and in the IOM Newspaper website.

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It’s OK for a CEO to waive financial regulations in certain circumstances, where the benefits of going with a certain provider are clear and there’d be nothing to be gained by going out to tender.    I can see why it would be done as a trial. And it’s peanuts really.     Volunteers clearing footpaths isn’t a bad idea. They are so overgrown and been badly maintained for so long They would take years to put right. 

my issue would be that not a lot of thought would have gone into it and no scoping done and the KPI are non existent. 

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18 minutes ago, ptarmigan said:

It’s OK for a CEO to waive financial regulations in certain circumstances, where the benefits of going with a certain provider are clear and there’d be nothing to be gained by going out to tender.    I can see why it would be done as a trial. And it’s peanuts really.     Volunteers clearing footpaths isn’t a bad idea. They are so overgrown and been badly maintained for so long They would take years to put right. 

my issue would be that not a lot of thought would have gone into it and no scoping done and the KPI are non existent. 

Clearing footpaths of vegetation is one thing, repairing them is another.   I have nothing against BB clearing the paths of vegetation, and using community service for manpower, but the lack of clarity on the amount paid, to whom and how the work was specified and results measured just smacks of a lack of proper process being brought to the exercise. 

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Irrespective of the rights and wrongs on the issue of which I only know what I've read on these pages, £75k over three years isn't maintaining your footpaths. It isn't even getting close. Here in the Cumbria the National Trust spends, on average, £160 a meter repairing and reinstating footpaths in the upland Lake District. They use a lot of volunteers, I'm one of them, together with supervising professionals to do the work. It costs £2k to hire a helicopter to deliver twenty loads of stone. 

Given your most famous footpath, Raad ny Foillan, is 163 kilometers long whatever this chap and your government are doing it isn't maintaining your footpaths.

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20 hours ago, Mercenary said:

Worth noting that £160 per metre is for replacement works of a very small proportion of the network in a year.


Across the network that works out more like 10p / metre / year. No doubt there are other trimming and other works which mean this is higher, but £160/metre is definitely misleading and more like the cost to maintain an F1 circuit surface than a footpath.

Frequently Asked Questions – Fix The Fells

I'm not sure how you're doing your arithmetic or what you mean by 'a very small proportion of the network in a year'. The Fix the Fells group is a collaborative effort by the National Trust, Cumbria County Council, landowners etc. They wouldn't claim to be tackling the entire Lake District footpath network in a year. They do it project by  project. Each one costs between £300k and £500k. Maybe I'm gullible but having spent many a day volunteering up there I can easily believe it costs £160 a meter to replace a footpath. The equivalent organisation in Scotland estimates their costs at £200 a meter.

It costs £3000 a meter to build a F1 racing surface.

What we do know is that your government gives some bloke £75000 to maintain 263 kilometers of registered public rights of way, including footpaths. You do the maths.

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