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Just watched a COP26 speech by Viscount Monckton, who is...a bit of a character! But despite his chequered history he makes some valid points. For example, what do the climate emergency gang consider to be an acceptable level of global warming? Certainly an average 2 degrees centigrade rise in the Isle of Man (and assumedly all points north) would be most welcome. He also cites some hard facts about barely rising sea levels, how the 97% 'consensus' was fudged and lots of other things that should keep Greta awake at night.

My worry now is that it seems the Climate Change Bill is being rushed through Tynwald, I suspect in an attempt to make any gas/oil explorations in Manx waters illegal. I'll be doing what i can to stop that from happening as I simply don't think there's any downside to extending the Crogga licence. I don't believe the Project Fear climate hype about it being 'a minute to midnight' (no wonder so many kids are depressed and suffering mental health problems), but would support anything that leads to cleaner and greener IF it's evolved tech, is affordable and reliable. But we should all learn to knit our own bikes in case the green lobby scuppers this because of 'our international reputation'. Like anyone outside the IOM gives a flying...what we do.

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Just watched a COP26 speech by Viscount Monckton, who is...a bit of a character! But despite his chequered history he makes some valid points. For example, what do the climate emergency gang consider to be an acceptable level of global warming? Certainly an average 2 degrees centigrade rise in the Isle of Man (and assumedly all points north) would be most welcome. He also cites some hard facts about barely rising sea levels, how the 97% 'consensus' was fudged and lots of other things that should keep Greta awake at night.

My worry now is that it seems the Climate Change Bill is being rushed through Tynwald, I suspect in an attempt to make any gas/oil explorations in Manx waters illegal. I'll be doing what i can to stop that from happening as I simply don't think there's any downside to extending the Crogga licence. I don't believe the Project Fear climate hype about it being 'a minute to midnight' (no wonder so many kids are depressed and suffering mental health problems), but would support anything that leads to cleaner and greener IF it's evolved tech, is affordable and reliable. But we should all learn to knit our own bikes in case the green lobby scuppers this because of 'our international reputation'. Like anyone outside the IOM gives a flying...what we do.

Would you not agree that weather events are getting worse and more frequent?

All around the British Isles, we’ve been having regular once in a century or more events. Records are being broken for storms, temperatures and flooding.

The couple of degrees warming isn’t about making your ice cream melt slightly sooner. It’s about the knock on effects on these once in a lifetime events suddenly becoming frequent. 

As I speak, 33% of the UK’s power demand is being serviced by renewables, and the sun isn’t even up yet. The viability has shot up, use has shot up and prices have plummeted over the last decade. 

You can see it in real time here: https://gridwatch.co.uk/

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2 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Would you not agree that weather events are getting worse and more frequent?

All around the British Isles, we’ve been having regular once in a century or more events. Records are being broken for storms, temperatures and flooding.

The couple of degrees warming isn’t about making your ice cream melt slightly sooner. It’s about the knock on effects on these once in a lifetime events suddenly becoming frequent. 

As I speak, 33% of the UK’s power demand is being serviced by renewables, and the sun isn’t even up yet. The viability has shot up, use has shot up and prices have plummeted over the last decade. 

You can see it in real time here: https://gridwatch.co.uk/

I think we can agree that this new MHK's comments are ridiculous and very selfish. Pacific communities are struggling with rising sea levels, parts of continental Europe becoming dangerous to live in. 

How long will it be before most of the Island's glens become flood risks due to these events? Weather this winter down in Cornwall is bizarrely warm.

I saw climate change at first hand while living in the Swiss Alps for 23 years.

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:


My worry now is that it seems the Climate Change Bill is being rushed through Tynwald, I suspect in an attempt to make any gas/oil explorations in Manx waters illegal. I'll be doing what i can to stop that from happening as I simply don't think there's any downside to extending the Crogga licence.

I will agree with you Stu so long as you promise to do everything you can to ensure that IOMGOV does not get lured into a fantasy land of investing our money into this project. Not one single manx £. 

If its an arms length arrangement where Crogga pay us for a licence, make all the investment in infrastructure and gas landing costs on the Island without a single penny in help then I agree there is nothing to lose. I suspect this will not be the case and Crogga will be looking for some mugs to invest with them. That's not our business, it extreme high risk. 

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20 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I will agree with you Stu so long as you promise to do everything you can to ensure that IOMGOV does not get lured into a fantasy land of investing our money into this project. Not one single manx £. 

If its an arms length arrangement where Crogga pay us for a licence, make all the investment in infrastructure and gas landing costs on the Island without a single penny in help then I agree there is nothing to lose. I suspect this will not be the case and Crogga will be looking for some mugs to invest with them. That's not our business, it extreme high risk. 

I can see people getting carried away on the prospect of 50 years of riches for Manx soil etc. etc.

In their heads, it may be a sensible investment of the public purse when it comes down to the idea of a money tree being placed in front of them.

But, equally, the IOMG would never go for a silly project, therefore, we must be safe from such folly.

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58 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I can see people getting carried away on the prospect of 50 years of riches for Manx soil etc. etc.

In their heads, it may be a sensible investment of the public purse when it comes down to the idea of a money tree being placed in front of them.

But, equally, the IOMG would never go for a silly project, therefore, we must be safe from such folly.

Yeah. We'll be getting into the film industry next. Investing public money into vanity projects. As if that would ever happen!

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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

I think we can agree that this new MHK's comments are ridiculous and very selfish. Pacific communities are struggling with rising sea levels, parts of continental Europe becoming dangerous to live in. 

How long will it be before most of the Island's glens become flood risks due to these events? Weather this winter down in Cornwall is bizarrely warm.

I saw climate change at first hand while living in the Swiss Alps for 23 years.

Quite. The world is burning but stu is happy because he might get a better tan on his flabby arse.


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27 minutes ago, Raffles said:

Quite. The world is burning but stu is happy because he might get a better tan on his flabby arse.


Climate change is real, however to think we can do anything to effect it is complete bollocks.   Too little, too late and we are bit of algae in a fairly big fish pond. The biggest polluters in the world clearly do not give a single little shit. 

Look at the election.  I didn't hear of a single useful suggestion other than 'we'll plant more trees' or 'we want to be carbon neutral'.  All vapid lip service to be seen to be saying something but no real action.  No mention anywhere of anything realistic on the renewable energy side and you know for a fact that the nimbys here would never let anything like windmills be put in place. 

It's now like some sort of bolt on they need to put on the end of any statement to make it acceptable.  This week, following Daffer's grand eco adventure she was querying how they will make the TT be carbon neutral.  How the fuck?  They burn hydrocarbons in the race and all the spectators are too and TT Zero isn't going ahead for another couple of years.  I'm suprised they haven't started pushing the TT as gender neutral, just another bullshit tagline. 

Drill the gas.  It's the lesser of many current evils.  Hopefully the Govt won't blow any taxpayers money on it and will receive some income from it that can be used in the next decade to actually do something productive and useful hopefully on the renewable energy front once most of the nimbys have been killed off by covid.   

I watched the following on Youtube a couple of days ago.  In a nutshell Orkney's windfarms produce too much power and they are now looking into uses for it.  Increased electric cars, electric ferries etc etc. 

It could have been us doing this. 

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7 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Climate change is real, however to think we can do anything to effect it is complete bollocks.   Too little, too late and we are bit of algae in a fairly big fish pond. The biggest polluters in the world clearly do not give a single little shit. 

Very true. I don't remember the source, but it was calculated that even were human activity to stop completely it would take until the end of the century before there's a downward change.

What annoys me is people saying that life must get back to normal despite the pandemic - so they can go flying around the world.

Human beings are very, very selfish and stupid.

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13 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Energy storage is a rapidly advancing technology. For example you can pump water uphill into a reservoir in times of excess and release via hydro electric at times of need.

There are other ways too, lifting huge weights in towers to be released very controllably like a giant grandfather clock is another. There's potential to do this in the ground rather than building towers.

We also have a bidirectional interconnector.

Energy storage is a rapidly advancing technology. For example you can pump water uphill into a reservoir in times of excess and release via hydro electric at times of need - That would be incredibly expensive as we do not have the infrastructure or the height. Also pumps are only about 80% efficient and hydros less so. Its not a great idea for us

We also have a bidirectional interconnector. That is at the limit of its capacity

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