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Gas deposit


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12 hours ago, Lagman said:

Good luck -


"China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam plan to build more than 600 coal power units"

Only white people fall for these things. Reminder - the UK effects less than 1% percent of the environment, the IOM doesn't even register on any scale.

The point is though that the only hope we have to influence decisions in the places you mention is by applying international pressure, and there's no way of doing that if our house isn't in order.

As for "falling for these things." That's a very easy attitude to take. After all it won't be you or I that suffer the worst of climate change, far from it. Why should you bother educating yourself or spending money on renewable energies when things will be fine in your rich country in your lifetime?

You can dress it up with statistical quotes and questioning of scientific research all you like, but what it boils down is selfish greed, nothing else. 


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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Priority 1: Government

Priority 2: Government's Mates (TT being but one avenue)

Priority 3: Everybody else?

Priority 3: Certain Big Name Hotels who will no doubt before long be pleading poverty.

Priority 4: Various Island lobby groups and vested interests.

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2 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

After all it won't be you or I that suffer the worst of climate change, far from it.


The planet’s ecosystem does not care whether CO2 and methane being emitted in Beijing or Berlin. The problem we all have because Beijing won’t do anything to reduce their emissions, is not going to get any better if the Europeans and Americans do nothing either. Whilst the great powers are bickering over who should be cutting the emissions first, a lot of the more vulnerable people on the planet are increasingly suffering. Numerous populations across large parts of Africa are facing starvation due to (global warming intensified) drought and many small islands, like the Marshall Islands, are sinking under rising sea levels. If the Tories are worried about the current levels of refugees trying to reach Britain, it will not be long before literally millions of people could become homeless as their homelands become less and less habitable. Then, all the frivolous grumblings like “our emissions are infinitesimal compared to China’s” will become irrelevant twaddle, i.e. who cares whose farts contribute most to the planet’s destruction, if the end result is that whole world becomes increasingly destabilised by climate turmoil.

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

Best put the eggs in an incubator then. (Ie grant the licence.)

If eggs are looked after properly by the mother hen (Government) they can and do hatch without an incubator.

Putting eggs into an incubator doesn't guarantee they will hatch. If you had an incubator which did guarantee this, I may agree with you.

Also hens have a lower carbon footprint than incubators. 😜

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23 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

If eggs are looked after properly by the mother hen (Government) they can and do hatch without an incubator.

Putting eggs into an incubator doesn't guarantee they will hatch. If you had an incubator which did guarantee this, I may agree with you.

Also hens have a lower carbon footprint than incubators. 😜

Nope, mother hen is not the government.  The government is the incubator supplier, it is up to the farmer (Crogga) to make sure most of the eggs hatch. 

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4 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

The point is though that the only hope we have to influence decisions in the places you mention is by applying international pressure, and there's no way of doing that if our house isn't in order.

As for "falling for these things." That's a very easy attitude to take. After all it won't be you or I that suffer the worst of climate change, far from it. Why should you bother educating yourself or spending money on renewable energies when things will be fine in your rich country in your lifetime?

You can dress it up with statistical quotes and questioning of scientific research all you like, but what it boils down is selfish greed, nothing else. 


And do you really think a small island in the middle of the Irish Sea is going to put China, Russia or even the UK under pressure?

The best we can do is to take a pretty introvert view, do what can be done to position ourselves best to lose reliance on fossil fuels and if that means getting that gas out then fine.

Of course, the average householder can easily save up or borrow the money to make the modifications required to secure non-carbon energy. 

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10 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Nope, mother hen is not the government.  The government is the incubator supplier, it is up to the farmer (Crogga) to make sure most of the eggs hatch. 

But what if Crogga is a battery farmer? They're good at making eggs hatch because it makes them lots of money. But the hens are poorly treated and the eggs are crap - in this case the only real winner is the farmer and a lot of damage will have been done to the hens in the process.

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15 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

But what if Crogga is a battery farmer? They're good at making eggs hatch because it makes them lots of money. But the hens are poorly treated and the eggs are crap - in this case the only real winner is the farmer and a lot of damage will have been done to the hens in the process.

So, tell me how the necessary changes will be funded.  

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

So, tell me how the necessary changes will be funded.  

Through prioritising them. How much does the Manx Government spend per annum? For many years, despite the impending reality we have invested next to nothing in these necessary changes, and what we have invested has been done poorly. 

Until very recently, the government's sole incentive to do anything vaguely environmentally friendly was to offer free road tax and heavily discounted (sometimes free) fuel for EV's, despite the fact that a sizeable majority of people on the IoM would not be able to exploit this incentive.

For each of the 20 plus years we should have been addressing these necessary changes we've been wasting money hand over fist, spending millions on defence (from what!), wasting millions giving generous and completely unnecessary tax breaks to millionaires, overspending on every capital project many of which we could easily have done without.

Now that the climate change reality is beginning to bite and gain higher profile international recognition, we've suddenly decided to start thinking about what we're going to do about it. It's dismaying to witness the first thoughts of some (including some of our elected representatives) is to turn to a fossil fuel cash cow in order to avoid the process having any effect on the waste and lack of investment so far. We want to continue employing scores of civil servants on £100K plus doing non jobs, to continue building grandiose things that don't need building (new vehicle test centre), to continue to give politicians pay rises and gold plated pensions, we can continue to do all this and more if only we can use the gas to pay for that inconvenient climate change thing that we have to be seen to be doing something about.

Well bollocks! Climate change is a huge threat to our own and more so to many other species. It deserves to be a priority. It's more important than defending ourselves against enemies on who's map we don't even appear. It's more important than indulging the tax wishes of wealthy companies and individuals, it's more important than flashy new buildings or than propping up building companies or telecoms or energy providers because they've blown all their huge profits they've made on dividends.

We need to give our response to climate change the priority it deserves. We need to look at what else can take the back seat for a change. We need to stop using the excuse that we're short of money to defend our inaction. If we really are short of money (which in itself is something we shouldn't be after how many years of sustained growth?) then we need to look at our income as well. Does it really make sense to charge almost all businesses 0% corporate tax? Do we really need to be paying people to come and live here? The list goes on.

We don't need gas to fund our response to climate change, we just need to give it the priority it deserves.

The Governor- what an undemocratic and archaic waste of millions per year he is. We don't need gas, we just need a bit of imagination, a bit of humanity and a bit of sense.

Edited by A fool and his money.....
To rant a bit more, oh and spelling
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