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Gas deposit


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I am prepared to take a bet that Crogga will not be able to raise sufficient funds for drilling even one exploratory well. It has nothing to do with them per se, it is just that investments in ‘risky’ gas/oil explorations are currently out of fashion within the investment community. ‘Green’ issues have recently pushed the hurdle rates for these types of investment up.

If I am wrong (i.e. Crogga does raise the funds and the IOMG does not put up any dosh) I promise to not post on MF for a week. If I am right and the IOMG will eventually part-fund the drilling, then I will be magnanimous in my victory.

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Hmmmm. Gas deposits now worth £400M apparently. Are these the same deposits that were previously quoted in the billions? Genuine question.



Edited by Non-Believer
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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Hmmmm. Gas deposits now worth £400M apparently. Are these the same deposits that were previously quoted in the billions? Genuine question.



Depends if the gas is worth £400m or the government revenue from it is worth £400m.  If the former, it is a badly worded sentence as it previously lists revenue from wind farms.  As usual, a lack of clarity.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Hmmmm. Gas deposits now worth £400M apparently. Are these the same deposits that were previously quoted in the billions? Genuine question.



You missed out the rest of the article.

Announcing his motion in Tynwald, Mr Mercer said that there had been ’significant changes to the regulatory and economic environment [of the offshore energy industry] that may have rendered parts or even the whole strategy out of step with current understanding’.

’I’m concerned that to rely on this strategy as it is now without review or reflection of its content is to rely on out of date information,’ he added.

Among the reasons a review was needed included the ’greater public awareness’ about how energy could be generated in a ’post-carbon fuelled world’, and the fact that the report focused on exportation of energy from the island, rather than the importation of wind electricity, for example.

Another example he gave of a changed factor was that the costs of offshore wind farms had since fallen.

One politician who voted against a review of the report was Middle MHK Stu Peters, who did not want to see ’anything done to prevent a commercial operator from extracting gas if it’s available as expected for the benefit of the people and the economy of the Isle of Man’.

He said that he did not believe the science on climate change ’was settled’, and argued that the island’s energy security should be prioritised.

Among the MHKs that spoke out in support of holding a review was Garff’s Daphne Caine, who cited fears that the 2014 strategy ’encouraged and led to offshore prospecting for fossil fuels, which viewed from today’s perspective is a more difficult situation’.

And MLC Paul Craine supported by saying that it was ’a decade too late’ to be extracting natural gas as the world should be trying to eliminate fossil fuels.

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Hmmmm. Gas deposits now worth £400M apparently. Are these the same deposits that were previously quoted in the billions? Genuine question.



It's referring to the 2014 report, not latest studies/estimates.

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Watched Northwest Tonight tonight and they covered the “protest “ outside Tynwald about Crogga and the extension to their licence.

There was some little  wannabe Greta Thurnberg kid, looked about 12 captioned as being “Extinction Rebellion” spouting the usual nonsense. Never paid an energy bill in his life. Really makes me cross.

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On 1/23/2022 at 11:15 AM, Non-Believer said:

Hmmmm. Gas deposits now worth £400M apparently. Are these the same deposits that were previously quoted in the billions? Genuine question.

It was never really what was quoted in the Billions.  Whichever prospective politician (in Peel?) misread, misunderstood or just plain made up the figure which was then widely bandied around by the rest of them.  I remember what ever amount it was I looked at global GDP figures for comparison and it was the same as Mexico! 

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The Green(washing) Team have released their latest masterpiece. 



The costs quoted in there are absolutely astonishing and the technology is largely unproven on the scales proposed. 

This is going to be another 'Liverpool Landing Stage'...


It may be worth an FOI to ascertain the cost of having this report written. 

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Where's all the bio-mass coming from? 

How does it get here? Harbour upgrade needed?

Per unit of energy produced biomass emits more CO2 natural gas does.

We have a local resource that if utilised can pay for all of the transition.

Oh, and provide energy security throughout.



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