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Gas deposit


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8 minutes ago, Banker said:

The tidal power generating as being trialed In Orkney looks the type of power we should look at, no massive wind farms, tides are guaranteed twice daily unlike wind or sun

But still not perfect as we have a couple of hours of slack water twice a day.

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27 minutes ago, Banker said:

The tidal power generating as being trialed In Orkney looks the type of power we should look at, no massive wind farms, tides are guaranteed twice daily unlike wind or sun

I don't think it is. The currents that run around Orkney are far greater than ours. This is because of the narrow gap between the islands. Its never slack because of the lag. I don't think an isolated island lends itself as much as multiple islands. 

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

If it aint windy here, it probably aint windy in Englandshire either

Come off it.  If it ain't windy in Port St Mary, it's probably blowing a hoolie in Port Erin, never mind further away.

When the 'new' power station was built there was (from memory) £10 million set aside for a wind energy project.  Proffitt didn't do anything anything and when they asked him for the money back he said he'd spent it.  Which was fine apparently.

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45 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

That's nonsense. The interconnector works regardless of how the electricity is generated.

Considering the very few times there is no wind here, supplementing it with imported energy however it is generated ( wind is not the only renewable in common use across anyway) would still be infinitely preferable than what we have at the moment.


I think you have missed my point. I am considering renewabley generated power only and our drive to me zero carbon. What I am saying is that if we have no renewable power here then its likely that the UK doesn't have enough either. It would be cheating if we imported power from the UK that has been generated by burning gas or coal.

Yes. Technically you could do it. 

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15 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Come off it.  If it ain't windy in Port St Mary, it's probably blowing a hoolie in Port Erin, never mind further away.


Not sure I agree with that. Wind turbines are high up and move with lots of inertia and catch constantly running streams of wind. They don't run on eddys that are streaming around cliffs and little hillocks.

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51 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

That's nonsense. The interconnector works regardless of how the electricity is generated.

Considering the very few times there is no wind here, supplementing it with imported energy however it is generated ( wind is not the only renewable in common use across anyway) would still be infinitely preferable than what we have at the moment.


And why do you feel the need to be rude.

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There was a project 4-5 years ago to use tidal generation around the NW of the Island.

It doesn't seem to have come to anything?

Problem with renewables is that they have relied on Govt subsidies, UK Govt, not sure a Manx system could get those or a Manx subsidy?

Could the gas turbine be used to supply during low wind energy? Or is it inefficient at lower loads?

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How are the poor going to be affected by the push to NetZero? we can already see these policies negativley impacting families with increased fuel prices and rates. Hiding rate rises behind a green agenda is unacceptable, especially in the face of a global recession.

I am all for phasing out fossil fuels, and governments leanings towards importing biofuel is going to hit the poorest the hardest with spiking gas and petrol prices.

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I think we will still need a reasonable supply of gas thru the 30's and probably a dribble to the cut off in'50?

All electric domestic kitchens by building regulations??? Definitely the way to go but would have to be 'imposed' on us? Democratic?

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1 minute ago, Kopek said:

I think we will still need a reasonable supply of gas thru the 30's and probably a dribble to the cut off in'50?

All electric domestic kitchens by building regulations??? Definitely the way to go but would have to be 'imposed' on us? Democratic?

He who makes the most money makes the rules!

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6 hours ago, Kopek said:


Could the gas turbine be used to supply during low wind energy? Or is it inefficient at lower loads?

They would pay massively more per unit of gas if purchasing in smaller quantities. 


7 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Wind turbines are high up and move with lots of inertia and catch constantly running streams of wind

The jet stream?!


7 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I don't think it is. The currents that run around Orkney are far greater than ours. This is because of the narrow gap between the islands. Its never slack because of the lag. I don't think an isolated island lends itself as much as multiple islands. 

Some kind of tidal lagoon would probably be the only viable way. But the construction costs alone would be hundreds of millions. 

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