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Gas deposit


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5 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Its never been in the MEA's interest to develop renewables. They have enough on paying of the debt they have. Government need to make this investment and I just hope that the £42M is put to proper use in developing actual schemes that deliver actual power. Just today in PMQ they are bemoaning the fact that they should have more onshore wind-farms (and they have the most wind power in the world) and here we sit with SFA in probably one of the windiest spots in the British Isles.

@Stu Peters STU - Its never too late

It will be frittered away to a select few with no oversight or controls.  I expect Howard to get a massive solar and wind farm and maybe a few other farmers.

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12 minutes ago, cissolt said:

It will be frittered away to a select few with no oversight or controls.  I expect Howard to get a massive solar and wind farm and maybe a few other farmers.

You can bet your life some farming grants will be involved !

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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It won’t be. It will be paid out in green grants so that people can get their houses insulated and buy all those lovely new electric cars that they were going to buy anyway. £42M is nowhere near enough to achieve anything in the renewable power generation space. 

I'm not sure why you say that. You get roughly a MW per £M. So £42M Is not far from 40MW. That 2/3 islands demand. 

That is significant is my book. 

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Good news (I hope):

03 May 2022

Company can continue search for oil and gas in Manx waters

An Isle of Man company looking for oil and gas in Manx territorial waters has been granted permission to continue its search beyond a four-month licence extension granted in December 2021.

The Department of Infrastructure originally issued Crogga Limited with a Seaward Production Innovative Licence in October 2018.

Such licences are divided into three exploration phases:

  • Phase A - geotechnical studies and geophysical reprocessing
  • Phase B - seismic survey and acquiring other geophysical data
  • Phase C – exploratory drilling

The licence term commenced on 1 January 2019 at Phase B and allowed Crogga three years to complete the relevant work. The conditions of the licence require satisfactory completion of Phase B before moving to Phase C.

With the licence due to expire on 31 December 2021, Crogga were granted a four-month extension, during which time it has engaged with the Isle of Man Government over matters relating to climate change and the company’s ability to fulfil outstanding requirements relating to the satisfactory completion of Phase B.

Crogga recently amended its initial request for an extension to Phase B, and productive discussions have resulted in the company being granted a 27-month extension to satisfy the necessary conditions. A period of three years has also been retained to complete Phase C as part of the agreement.

Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall MHK said: ‘Extensive discussions have taken place between Crogga and the Government since the turn of the year, prior to granting this latest licence extension. We will continue to engage with the company and monitor progress in the coming months, as it works towards fulfilling the conditions of the licence.’


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Just now, 0bserver said:

So you know how much gas there is under the sea?

No, nobody does, that's the point. It could be 0. Even if it's non-0, we're a long time away from the require infrastructure to extract and process.

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13 minutes ago, HeliX said:

These unicorn farts are a decade away from being of any use to us. Waste of time where we could be investing in our energy independence instead.

This is the gas thread not the wind turbines thread 

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8 minutes ago, HeliX said:

No, nobody does, that's the point. It could be 0. Even if it's non-0, we're a long time away from the require infrastructure to extract and process.

Since it's costing the taxpayer nothing (zero, nada, zilch) to find out, there's absolutely nothing to stop a renewables firm setting up a couple of windmills. I'd probably even vote for some of this year's £42m 'climate emergency' funding to be diverted to something properly useful like that.

One of the reasons it's taking time to progress this (apart from Covid stalling work for the last 2 years) is that officers have insisted Crogga only surveys during winter months (possibly to appease a couple of fishermen and eel grass enthusiasts). Remove that restriction and things could happen sooner. Crogga said at the PAG meeting that the first time they hit gas they can be extracting it, so again I think your timescale is overly pessimistic.

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4 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Since it's costing the taxpayer nothing (zero, nada, zilch) to find out

In monetary terms, perhaps...

Has anyone been given a report on what (if any) ecological and environmental effects will result from the exploration, or the extraction?

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

In monetary terms, perhaps...

Has anyone been given a report on what (if any) ecological and environmental effects will result from the exploration, or the extraction?

I expect (but don't know) that Crogga will have had to tick every possible box to be granted this licence. And it's not like the IOM will become a rogue state by exploiting its own gas reserves (everyone around us is doing the same), or be a trailblazer of new technologies. If there are reserves there as expected it will put billions into the Manx economy and provide affordable gas and electricity for years - at a time when people are contemplating a pretty cold winter. Of course it will take time to get onstream, which is why I think any obstacles should be removed to expedite matters, but the sooner the better for Manx consumers.

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