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Gas deposit


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All of the contenders for a seat in Tynwald give a nod to the green dream it is a vote catcher for a proportion of the population.   However it is a dream and is unlikely to happen anytime soon, in the meantime it is criminal to ignore the gas which is going to cost nothing to explore and hopefully utilize.   Crogga are not venturing into this operation for the good of it’s health they obviously imagine they will make money out of it, whether the Isle of Man will who knows 🤔 but it has got to be worth while having a supply of gas within reach especially in these uncertain times.  As for ruining the sea life the poor birds are suffering greatly with the wind farms especially the migrating ones so that is okay then ?    These people do not have a clue, they offer no alternatives they are attention seekers at best and should be concentrating on matters that they can improve.

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Trees aren't as "green" as they think. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, but then die and release it, whether by rotting away or by being burned. There's no net loss of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere unless you find a way to store the wood so it never decays ever. They don't contribute much oxygen to the atmosphere either, since the majority of oxygen comes from algae in the oceans. Burning wood from a plantation where it's periodically replaced with new trees is pretty carbon neutral. Planting new trees will only temporarily remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere until they die and return it, so it's not a long-term solution to climate change. 

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The decision on whether or not to extract gas (if a commercially viable reserve is found) is too big of a decision for Tynwald to make. 

It must be put to the Great Manx Public in the form of a simple yes / no referendum. 

It's the most democratic way to decide what is potentially the most transformative event in the island's last 200 years. 

If the green lobby are so confident that they have so much public support then they won't be scared of this idea. 

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On 5/19/2022 at 9:19 PM, Two-lane said:

It seems that much of the discussion is about using solar or wind energy for home use. Conserving energy at an individual level.

It is generally thought that the most important factor for life is water, but the reality is that the most important thing for civilised life is electricity. Without electricity there is no water, no operating theaters, no refrigerated medicines, no airport landing lights, no communications and so on.

It is possible to reduce the electricity consumption for households using using insulation/solar/wind , but industry, society, requires a large amount of rock-solid supply.

Note that if there is a single point of supply, a failure of that supply would be catastrophic. If the IoM relies only on the UK inter-connector, that is a big problem. Inter-connectors have failed, and they take a long time (possibly months) to fix. Local power stations are essential.


According to the engineers recommendations, The long term plan is to have 2 new interconnectors. Both capable of full capacity thus giving n+1 redundancy thus further removing the need for power stations on island 

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5 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

According to the engineers recommendations, The long term plan is to have 2 new interconnectors. Both capable of full capacity thus giving n+1 redundancy thus further removing the need for power stations on island 

I am a pessimist, and always take a conservative view. There have been some instances of inter-connector failures - this is one:


In the above case, although there were several cables,  the common-mode failure was for all the cables to be in one place.

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9 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I am a pessimist, and always take a conservative view. There have been some instances of inter-connector failures - this is one:


In the above case, although there were several cables,  the common-mode failure was for all the cables to be in one place.

There would have to be no common mode, I agree. Separate cables from separate sources. 

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43 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

thats  fine for him and he is entitled to an opinion  to  but he doesn't have the responsibility  for the Islands electricity supply  or  carry the can when the lights go out , we require a number of strings to our bow , and energy security is of the uppermost  importance , and I cant understand  MHK's like Daffy  seemingly allowed to go off and undermine  government policy ,and develop her own   so called green agenda  , 

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2 hours ago, Omobono said:

thats  fine for him and he is entitled to an opinion  to  but he doesn't have the responsibility  for the Islands electricity supply  or  carry the can when the lights go out , we require a number of strings to our bow , and energy security is of the uppermost  importance , and I cant understand  MHK's like Daffy  seemingly allowed to go off and undermine  government policy ,and develop her own   so called green agenda  , 

I agree it's not his thing. However, what he is saying is that its usually windy here so all that potential is going to waste. It's the cheapest renewable by a country mile. Good for him for having to guts to say it. 

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

I agree it's not his thing. However, what he is saying is that its usually windy here so all that potential is going to waste. It's the cheapest renewable by a country mile. Good for him for having to guts to say it. 

Don't have a problem if we supplement our electricity supply with some wind powered generators ,  but when the wind doesn't blow  or we have too much wind  and the blades are feathered  you need something more sustainable ,  the correct mix for the Island is something the experts are working up now ,and in fairness  it should include another inter connector  cable to the UK , forget wave and tidal for the moment both very expensive and high maintenance  ,

as greener energy options are further developed  there will be plenty of opportunities  to revisit  our energy policy ,especially when  Ukraine , world fuel costs and the  massive cost of dealing with Covid  are starting to be resolved  and when we can actually be in a better position to afford  to do something ,  and what might be the  cost the taxpayer 

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19 minutes ago, Omobono said:

the correct mix for the Island is something the experts are working up now

Talk in the Prospect is of another £250m bond/loan being taken out to pay for this 'correct mix'. 

That will take us to £650m of debt! 

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The map that is frequently shown for this gas field shows a huge chunk in our waters and a little bit beyond our waters.

Is that little bit actually a big bit that could be exploited from English waters rather that our own???

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9 minutes ago, Kopek said:

The map that is frequently shown for this gas field shows a huge chunk in our waters and a little bit beyond our waters.

Is that little bit actually a big bit that could be exploited from English waters rather that our own???

They can drill sideways enough from miles away to suck dry anything that we may be sitting on!

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