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Gas deposit


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Importantly, Mr Langdon Newton  

a) Has no MANDATE

b) Seems to think we can turn off fossil fuels immediately and the lights will stay on.

c) Cannot possibly claim to be acting in the best interests of every person on the Isle of Man

(and this last point goes for every member of Tynwald or COMIN that would vote against a licence extension and possible future extraction of natural gas)

Our government needs revenue, we are not in the position where we can create our own money like them in the UK.

This is a potential free hit of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS possibly BILLIONS of extra pounds to Government for essential health care services, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, promenades, landing stages, ferries, harbours...


To not entertain even the possibility to find out what's there would be the most ENORMOUS MISTAKE AND BLUNDER that the Island's government has EVER made, and god it's got some form in that area.

Let's be clear, the gas IS there as it has been proven previously. Let's find out with best confidence how much, and take it from there.

Sorry for the bold caps, but my piss has really been boiled by the nonsense surrounding this issue.

GET IT OUT, it's massively in the best interests of every single person on this great Island.

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35 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

Importantly, Mr Langdon Newton  

a) Has no MANDATE

b) Seems to think we can turn off fossil fuels immediately and the lights will stay on.

c) Cannot possibly claim to be acting in the best interests of every person on the Isle of Man

(and this last point goes for every member of Tynwald or COMIN that would vote against a licence extension and possible future extraction of natural gas)

Our government needs revenue, we are not in the position where we can create our own money like them in the UK.

This is a potential free hit of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS possibly BILLIONS of extra pounds to Government for essential health care services, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, promenades, landing stages, ferries, harbours...


To not entertain even the possibility to find out what's there would be the most ENORMOUS MISTAKE AND BLUNDER that the Island's government has EVER made, and god it's got some form in that area.

Let's be clear, the gas IS there as it has been proven previously. Let's find out with best confidence how much, and take it from there.

Sorry for the bold caps, but my piss has really been boiled by the nonsense surrounding this issue.

GET IT OUT, it's massively in the best interests of every single person on this great Island.

100%. All your upper case comments are bang on. 

If gas was turned off tomorrow we would have no heating, hot water or electricity, it is bonkers not to plan for, and fund, a transition. If govt revenue from the gas deposit will do that, lets get it out. 


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B4mbi - post of the year.

And cissolt - Crogga have made it quite clear this isn't fracking. Read their very informative website https://www.crogga.im/ which explicitly challenges this misleading assertion.

R2D2 will also learn about the competence of some of those involved.

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4 minutes ago, cissolt said:

I have my doubts about whether the gas is extractable in the quantity they are estimating.  But i am all for seeing if there is anything there worth extracting.  Govt are unable to negotiate anything and we will be bent over a barrel once again.  

I doubt it'll happen, but the comments here are amazingly selfish. I would expect were the gas to be extracted prices will go up, not down.


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How much, if any, gas is there is yet to be proven.

But - if it is there - can anybody imagine the scale of the squanderfest and troughery that will ensue once revenue hits Govt coffers?

What will be put in place to ensure that the benefits are distributed beyond Govt, its politicians and employees and their wild ideas?

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It has already been proven as there, in test wells drilled by BP in 1982 here and quoting from that report

"the prospects are larger than the estimates made by BP, a 3D seismic survey is needed to accurately define these prospects" 

Essentially what Crogga are asking for is an extension of 18 months on their existing license on substantially the same terms as already issued, to give them time to perform this 3D seismic survey, which given the delays arising during the licence period of a) COVID and b)  from government's declaration of a climate emergency, is hardly an unreasonable thing to ask. 

One step at a time, but if the revenues are there, the Government must ringfence a substantial portion of it for investment in renewable energy infrastructure.

However, the major upside is that the much anticipated monorail and felt museum would definitely be within our grasp....


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27 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

How much, if any, gas is there is yet to be proven.

But - if it is there - can anybody imagine the scale of the squanderfest and troughery that will ensue once revenue hits Govt coffers?

What will be put in place to ensure that the benefits are distributed beyond Govt, its politicians and employees and their wild ideas?

Any public income from it has to be ring-fenced for the transition to renewables, subsidising alterations and installations in homes, etc.  It should not be received into the general pot for exactly the reasons you give. 

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

Any public income from it has to be ring-fenced for the transition to renewables, subsidising alterations and installations in homes, etc.  It should not be received into the general pot for exactly the reasons you give. 

I rarely disagree with Gladys, but if the revenue estimates are even roughly correct, I'd like to see healthcare sorted, roads fixed and the pension deficit tamed before any money goes on Greta F. Thunberg schemes. Money should be set aside for those technologies when they have evolved more, yes. But let's not make the mistake of paying an early adopter premium.

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Langdon Newton a nice well meaning chap with huge green desires but he also probably has the disposable cash to have solar panels air source heating electric cars etc when most people worry about day to day week to week living expenses unable to afford those things, as I said before if the gas is there and can benefit the island economy vastly am all for it. Big uncle Stu can always make sure the gov don’t waste our Klondyke  bonanza now he’s inside the tent.

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