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Moorehouse wants a new Sea Terminal


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Jason Moorehouse now wants a new Sea Terminal no doubt costing mega bucks and would probably take god knows how long to build.    Where is all this money coming from ?   The disruption alone would be enough to knock this on the head.   No doubt Auldwyn would do a good deal now they have the promenade debacle more or less finished.   Castletown badly need a new school and there are lots more deserving projects to consider if splashing the cash is on the table.

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5 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Jason Moorehouse now wants a new Sea Terminal no doubt costing mega bucks and would probably take god knows how long to build.    Where is all this money coming from ?   The disruption alone would be enough to knock this on the head.   No doubt Auldwyn would do a good deal now they have the promenade debacle more or less finished.   Castletown badly need a new school and there are lots more deserving projects to consider if splashing the cash is on the table.

Probably dress it up as green initiative by putting a wind turbine or ground source heating so pay for it from £400m green bond 

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Given the history of recent captial projects you can imagine what sort of farce this will turn into.

For a start, harbour control live there which would need to be moved to the emergency backup control on the end of the pier. But then where is the backup for that while you are demolishing the old building?

You can bin off most of the CS on the rest of the floors to other government buildings but then you have port security, Steam Packet Sales, Customs, Police, cafe, shops and welcome centre, taxi rank etc. to rehouse on site to serve the ferries. Not to mention the loss of disc zone parking. On top of that you'll need a huge site compound with all of the comings and goings of HGV's and materials mixing with foot and car passengers and the frieght etc.

The building is riddled with asbestos, mostly encapsulated so can't be recycled to aggregate easily but would need licensed landfill somewhere on island I presume. Then there'll be little record of what is in the ground below it so it could take a lot of piles or infill to stabilise it before building on it. Then you've got a substation to relocate which serves the area not just the STB.

Bearing in mind this building is mostly cast concrete, riddled with tunnels and services below too. That will be a major construction job probably something akin to the liverpool terminal so that'll give you an idea of the budget x 125% for Isle of Man rates. But there shouldn't be any UXB's at least.

Then you'll have planning to navigate even if heritage don't get involved too.

Far better to leave the core building and turf out CS, get cafe back in the crows nest, add more facilities for passengers and local tourist related services/businesses, maybe even a presentation space or enterprise space for startups.

First sections to modernise are the walkways down the piers, facilities for drivers of vehicles and frieght.    




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26 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Jason Moorehouse now wants a new Sea Terminal no doubt costing mega bucks and would probably take god knows how long to build.    Where is all this money coming from ?   The disruption alone would be enough to knock this on the head.   No doubt Auldwyn would do a good deal now they have the promenade debacle more or less finished.   Castletown badly need a new school and there are lots more deserving projects to consider if splashing the cash is on the table.

No he doesn't.  He asked a question in the Keys on Tuesday that was effectively asking for a bit of a revamp.  Basically he was saying that both the Sea Terminal and the Airport give a terrible impression to anyone arriving at them (which they do) and they needed some care and attention (which they do).

Naturally, being Moorhouse, he asked this in a fairly odd way ("How entry channels at ports are assessed for aesthetic appeal?"), went off at a tangent about the Airport Technology Gateway (which is something completely different) and ended up complaining about rubbish being left outside the Sea Terminal.  But basically he's right.

Of course the DoI would just love to spend decades and tens of millions knocking these buildings down and building something that looked and worked significantly worse than before.  Why they are so poor at maintenance is that they know if they leave buildings to degenerate for long enough, they know that some fools will let them do whatever they want in the hope that anything would be better than the current mess[1] (spoiler: they will disprove this).  Instead we should be making them keep things up to scratch and looking good.


[1]  In this they resemble their mates the property developers.

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21 minutes ago, asitis said:

Another xxxxxxx idiot !!


Who was paid over £100k a year at our expense? And can now add the IoM operation to the German operation in her CV.

Yet the people who employed her couldn't identify or recognise this trait, apparently. Which speaks worrying volumes for their competence too.

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2 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

This is where the money should have been spent. Not Liverpool 

The money we have blown on Liverpool could have got us another decent ferry. I will never understand how it makes sense to spend what will be in excess of 60 million on a terminal in Liverpool which can't handle freight, when we still have a boat which can't sail in bad weather and needs replacement. One of the politicos was on MR I think it was Daffy explaining that the SPCO only made any money because of freight. The SPCO negotiating team in Portugal are still pissing themselves laughing at the amount of money we paid for it !!

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3 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

To be fair, that's not what he said. He said it needed a spruce up, which it does. As does the airport.

We could start by fixing the ceiling in that weird room the borders people make you go through at the airport.

We don't do maintenance or spruce ups, we only do major projects, I have been at the airport for over twenty years, nothing ever gets maintained !

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1 hour ago, asitis said:

The money we have blown on Liverpool could have got us another decent ferry. I will never understand how it makes sense to spend what will be in excess of 60 million on a terminal in Liverpool which can't handle freight, when we still have a boat which can't sail in bad weather and needs replacement. One of the politicos was on MR I think it was Daffy explaining that the SPCO only made any money because of freight. The SPCO negotiating team in Portugal are still pissing themselves laughing at the amount of money we paid for it !!

Liverpool never made sense. The line I get from politicians is ‘the public wanted it’. Well, I wanted to fly into Northolt and that never happened. It was a shouty minority as usual and the DOI just went with it. There is just no sense of perspective. A small island with a population of a provincial town. The glory days have gone. One port is needed, that being Heysham. Lobbying for improvements to the rail link- or even investing in them would have made more sense and not cost £60m.

the only beneficiaries of this are footie fans and Peel Ports. 

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12 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

Liverpool never made sense. The line I get from politicians is ‘the public wanted it’. Well, I wanted to fly into Northolt and that never happened. It was a shouty minority as usual and the DOI just went with it. There is just no sense of perspective. A small island with a population of a provincial town. The glory days have gone. One port is needed, that being Heysham. Lobbying for improvements to the rail link- or even investing in them would have made more sense and not cost £60m.

the only beneficiaries of this are footie fans and Peel Ports. 

.......... and in the original purchase price the shareholders of the SPCO ...... whoever they may be !!

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