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Moorehouse wants a new Sea Terminal


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44 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

He should go to Heysham which is a total embarrassing cr@phole first.

The Steam Packet have tarted it up earlier this year, the passenger lounge at Heysham is pretty nice now. Amazing what a lick of paint and some new seating does.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

Liverpool never made sense. The line I get from politicians is ‘the public wanted it’.

Rubbish. There's a reason why summer weekend Liverpool sailings have 400 foot passengers on them, and Heysham sailings normally less than 50. And I know for a fact that since the borders reopened the Liverpool sailing has routinely pulled 300-500 passengers on a weekend, majority foot passengers.

Regardless of whether the Half-Tide Dock is the right location, a Liverpool link is important.

If anything, it's Heysham that never made sense. It's miles from anywhere and, until a couple of years ago with the new road, was a complete ballache to get to. Still is if you don't drive, one train a day (down a line that acts as an extended siding from Morecambe- the driver has to use a ground frame to get onto the line as it's not even signalled) or a 2 mile walk to the nearest bus stop.

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Oh I hope it’s not replaced. Probably the only noteworthy building in Douglas that hasn’t been left to rot.

The replacement will probably be faux-Victoriana like that hideous Courthouse building in Atholl Street and the abomination that has replaced where Reflections was on Broadway. 

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53 minutes ago, Declan said:

Oh I hope it’s not replaced. Probably the only noteworthy building in Douglas that hasn’t been left to rot.

The replacement will probably be faux-Victoriana like that hideous Courthouse building in Atholl Street and the abomination that has replaced where Reflections was on Broadway. 

I agree, the lemon squeezer is one of our very few (and getting fewer) buildings of architectural note. I think it's one of the nicest buildings on the island. The airport while less so, is still a beautiful building and of its time and it would be a shame to change it significantly, it's a shame the mezzanine floor has mostly been removed already.  

The aluminium and glass building at the prom end of Victoria Street (was it RBS) is also a very nice building, shaped like the bow of a ship.

The faux art deco Utmost building on Walpole Drive I think looks very fake, although I know a lot of people seem to like it.

I think architecture should be of it's time and celebrated as such. I've never understood this idea of trying to make buildings look like they're from another era. These new housing estates with fibreglass chimney stacks for example - why?

I think it's far better to preserve the original building than to rip it down and put up a poor imitation which fools nobody. If it comes to that it should be replaced with something modern, although much of the time the original building and should and could be preserved. There has been plenty of green field development in recent years to mean the modern could exist alongside it.

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1 hour ago, Manx17 said:

That isn’t per sailing to Liverpool though  and the Heysham sailing is mostly for the use of freight . 

What they should have done is sell Manannan and buy a passenger only fast craft for Liverpool that could pick up and drop off at the Liver Building (that dock will still be there. The new terminal was only for the often handful of cars that could just as easily have gone to Heysham. 

Instead, they have spent a fortune on this new dock they will have to pay to use. 

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17 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Given the history of recent captial projects you can imagine what sort of farce this will turn into.

For a start, harbour control live there which would need to be moved to the emergency backup control on the end of the pier. But then where is the backup for that while you are demolishing the old building?

You can bin off most of the CS on the rest of the floors to other government buildings but then you have port security, Steam Packet Sales, Customs, Police, cafe, shops and welcome centre, taxi rank etc. to rehouse on site to serve the ferries. Not to mention the loss of disc zone parking. On top of that you'll need a huge site compound with all of the comings and goings of HGV's and materials mixing with foot and car passengers and the frieght etc.

The building is riddled with asbestos, mostly encapsulated so can't be recycled to aggregate easily but would need licensed landfill somewhere on island I presume. Then there'll be little record of what is in the ground below it so it could take a lot of piles or infill to stabilise it before building on it. Then you've got a substation to relocate which serves the area not just the STB.

Bearing in mind this building is mostly cast concrete, riddled with tunnels and services below too. That will be a major construction job probably something akin to the liverpool terminal so that'll give you an idea of the budget x 125% for Isle of Man rates. But there shouldn't be any UXB's at least.

Then you'll have planning to navigate even if heritage don't get involved too..    

Apart from that though it should be fairly straightforward

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18 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Jason Moorehouse now wants a new Sea Terminal no doubt costing mega bucks and would probably take god knows how long to build.    Where is all this money coming from ?   The disruption alone would be enough to knock this on the head.   No doubt Auldwyn would do a good deal now they have the promenade debacle more or less finished.   Castletown badly need a new school and there are lots more deserving projects to consider if splashing the cash is on the table.

Most ferry terminals are dumps. Look at Stena at brikenhead. Stranraer, Holyhead, Belfast, Dublin, Dover, Caen, roscoff, Santander. All ugly dumps. Make ours look fairly decent I think

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10 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

Rubbish. There's a reason why summer weekend Liverpool sailings have 400 foot passengers on them, and Heysham sailings normally less than 50. And I know for a fact that since the borders reopened the Liverpool sailing has routinely pulled 300-500 passengers on a weekend, majority foot passengers.

Regardless of whether the Half-Tide Dock is the right location, a Liverpool link is important.

If anything, it's Heysham that never made sense. It's miles from anywhere and, until a couple of years ago with the new road, was a complete ballache to get to. Still is if you don't drive, one train a day (down a line that acts as an extended siding from Morecambe- the driver has to use a ground frame to get onto the line as it's not even signalled) or a 2 mile walk to the nearest bus stop.


Going which way?

Work out the per head cost over even the next 30 years and it will be even more than the subsidy costs for the Horse trams.


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6 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Most ferry terminals are dumps. Look at Stena at brikenhead. Stranraer, Holyhead, Belfast, Dublin, Dover, Caen, roscoff, Santander. All ugly dumps. Make ours look fairly decent I think

Ours is real ugly dump. The King of Dumps.

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These new housing estates with fibreglass chimney stacks for example - why?

Santa.... Hogwarts postal service... or probably plannings insistence on vernacular  architecture, i.e. white brick walls, grey slate roof and a chimney. The irony being true vernacular would have been white stone with thatched roof and a chimney.



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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

The King of Dumps.

Says the King of Dumpsters!!!

If it serves it's purpose, why spend money on it NOW? It's transition point, you don't have to live in these places, just get through them to your destination.

At some point in the future it may need a total revamp but not at the moment, so wait till that is needed.

Meanwhile, you can get a decent Cortado while you wait!!!

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