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Michael ( I hope you don’t mind me calling you Michael) in your short quest to enter politics as either an MHK or a council member you initially came across as someone who was maybe a bit left field, but earnest and open in your beliefs.

This Manx Taxpayer Alliance thing and your reluctance to be transparent about its funding however does call into question your integrity. It has made people wonder what there is to hide. It may be all perfectly above board in which case why not answer the questions?

You’re really not doing yourself any favours


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2 minutes ago, Josem said:

Perhaps to someone who does not understand the difference. As I said in the post that you quoted, there is, of course, a big difference between a private organisation (funded entirely by voluntary contributions) and a Government department which spends money that has been compulsorily taken from the people of Mann. Indeed, as I said above, it is also different from charities, which have additional reporting requirements in Manx law because of their favourable tax benefits.

The end game is for taxes to be low, fair and simple, to improve government transparency, and to get great value for money for taxpayers. I think that these things will improve the community where I live - and I want the place where I live to be an even better place. I am hopeful to one day build a family in the Isle of Man, and I think that improving those things will improve our community not just for my family, but for our community.

If you cannot understand the difference between an organisation which is secretly funded and lobbying for legislative change and a government department funded from obvious sources, then all I can say is "Good Luck". 

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10 minutes ago, Josem said:

While I'm grateful for the special attention that I have in your heart, I do not expect that the Manx TaxPayers' Alliance will publish the answers to all these questions. The Manx TaxPayers' Alliance isn't a government department, it doesn't receive any money from taxes. Indeed, it is not even a charity, and contributions do not even earn a tax deduction! We disclose everything we are required to do so, and a lot more. But that doesn't mean we need to answer every question from everyone, because at the end of the day, what other people do with their own money is their own business. There's no legal or moral right to such information.

This is, of course, different to a Government department which spends money that has been compulsorily taken from the people of Mann. Indeed, it is also different from charities, which have additional reporting requirements in Manx law because of their favourable tax benefits.

Please stop digging. You’re just repeating the same old stuff you repeated over and over again during the election. It’s beyond embarrassing by now. You don’t want to disclose this information, we get it. That you cannot understand how this makes you look is beyond me. 

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8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Michael ( I hope you don’t mind me calling you Michael) in your short quest to enter politics as either an MHK or a council member you initially came across as someone who was maybe a bit left field, but earnest and open in your beliefs.

You are welcome to call me anything you want!

8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

This Manx Taxpayer Alliance thing and your reluctance to be transparent about its funding however does call into question your integrity. It has made people wonder what there is to hide. It may be all perfectly above board in which case why not answer the questions?

You’re really not doing yourself any favours

I reject the idea that the Manx TaxPayers' Alliance has been non-transparent about funding - especially compared to the other candidates in the election, when I was easily the most transparent about such things.

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Just now, Josem said:

You are welcome to call me anything you want!

I reject the idea that the Manx TaxPayers' Alliance has been non-transparent about funding - especially compared to the other candidates in the election, when I was easily the most transparent about such things.

You can talk about relative transparency all you like. 
People are asking for absolute transparency

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Just now, Overdose said:

You're fucking delusional.

Sorry, my views are based on facts and reality, not fake news spread on social media.

The fact is that in all of the Isle of Man, I think I was the only candidate to publicly disclose my register of interests*, the only candidate to publicly declare donations to my campaign, and the only candidate to publicly declare how I spent on the election.



*Indeed, the registers of interest of the sitting MHKs were actively removed weeks prior to election day!

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3 minutes ago, Josem said:

The fact is that in all of the Isle of Man, I think I was the only candidate to publicly disclose my register of interests*, the only candidate to publicly declare donations to my campaign, and the only candidate to publicly declare how I spent on the election.

And you still couldn't get elected.

Pesky voters! 😒

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37 minutes ago, Josem said:

While I'm grateful for the special attention that I have in your heart, I do not expect that the Manx TaxPayers' Alliance will publish the answers to all these questions. The Manx TaxPayers' Alliance isn't a government department, it doesn't receive any money from taxes. Indeed, it is not even a charity, and contributions do not even earn a tax deduction! We disclose everything we are required to do so, and a lot more. But that doesn't mean we need to answer every question from everyone, because at the end of the day, what other people do with their own money is their own business. There's no legal or moral right to such information.


 Yet you demanded to see Franks register of interests as a councillor?

Michael, I rarely comment on any social media platform after half a bottle of cheap wine, but tonight I will make an exception. Can you please stop hiding in a midden of festering bullshit; come out and take a shower in a bar of moral Manx soap ffs! 

You strike me as a stereotypical megalomaniac, with principles that are far removed from mine. Surely, even you cannot expect rational people (who are questioning you on MF with genuine logic) to accept your refusal to disclose your benefactor(s) by using these pathetic smoke screen diversionary tactics?

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3 minutes ago, Josem said:

Sorry, my views are based on facts and reality, not fake news spread on social media.

The fact is that in all of the Isle of Man, I think I was the only candidate to publicly disclose my register of interests*, the only candidate to publicly declare donations to my campaign, and the only candidate to publicly declare how I spent on the election.



*Indeed, the registers of interest of the sitting MHKs were actively removed weeks prior to election day!

Sadly, your "views" on this issue mean f all.

It's the reality of who is funding MTA that has been asked many times. 

It is simple.

If you can't answer then you do have to wonder.  We have seen people try to obfuscate before and the fall guy ended up with a prison sentence.  Like I said "Good Luck". 

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26 minutes ago, Josem said:

The end game is for taxes to be low, fair and simple, to improve government transparency, and to get great value for money for taxpayers. I think that these things will improve the community where I live - and I want the place where I live to be an even better place. I am hopeful to one day build a family in the Isle of Man, and I think that improving those things will improve our community not just for my family, but for our community.

I don't know if you said this, or something like it, in your campaign, but it makes you appear a lot more electable than letting yourself get dragged into arguments on social media (and whatever MF is.)

That's my top tip to you for next time, and it's entirely tax deductible. 

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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Was, but isn’t. 

Exactly. I'm no longer a candidate (FYI, I lost!) so it isn't relevant any longer. Obviously, I will not be sitting in the House of Keys, and will not be voting on legislation etc.

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Sadly, your "views" on this issue mean f all.

It's the reality of who is funding MTA that has been asked many times. 

It is simple.

If you can't answer then you do have to wonder.  We have seen people try to obfuscate before and the fall guy ended up with a prison sentence.  Like I said "Good Luck". 

The simple reality is that it is illegal to answer your question. If you don't like the law, you should lobby to get it changed. I didn't make the laws, I just obey them.

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