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New Ramsey Floodplain Development

James Blonde

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7 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Actually I was thinking more in terms of motor-homes, of which IOM seems to have more than it's fair share!

Gotcha.  You mean houseboats? 

They're missing a trick here, they should sell it as the Venice of the North. 

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This is an extension back into town of the recent Auldyn Meadow development, it had previously stalled, allegedly over the price of the land. Dandara already appear to have started driving the new access road through from their Auldyn Meadow development.

The land lies extremely low to the adjacent Sulby River and is notoriously wet and boggy in nature, let us hope that rising sea levels in the future are just a myth.

Edited by Non-Believer
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A lot of UK new build estates are on flood plains, there's a load proposed for Lancashire on ground that's flooded every year. Dandara or Harmony won't give a shit as long as they get enough 'buy to let' people or HNWI 2nd address hunters to pick them up.

As for greenfield sites, planners, the government or developers will happily cover over every field on this island with houses as long as the brown envelopes with wads of untraceable notes keep appearing, (see the complete ignoring of area plans as an example).

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As Non-Believer has said, there's a reason that this land was never built on in the past. It's all marshland round there and no use for farmland; that's why Dandara got the land cheap. When/if they also stick a marina in Ramsey, and with rising sea levels, that land will flood again. The last flood was only a few years ago when Gardeners Lane was under two feet of water. Plenty of brownfield sites in the town need redevelopment: Look at Parliament Street; the quay; the old Peveril site; the Gladstone industrial estate; the old primary school site; etc. 

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I don't know about the flood risk  but the site looks to be an extension to an already built up housing industrial area?

Can this really be designated as 'Greenfield'? Infill perhaps?  The floods and environmental issues are many.

An aside, what are those fruit trees along the river bank? Small orange red 'plums', soft and squishy, multi seeded. Anyone?

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

As Non-Believer has said, there's a reason that this land was never built on in the past. It's all marshland round there and no use for farmland; that's why Dandara got the land cheap. When/if they also stick a marina in Ramsey, and with rising sea levels, that land will flood again. The last flood was only a few years ago when Gardeners Lane was under two feet of water. Plenty of brownfield sites in the town need redevelopment: Look at Parliament Street; the quay; the old Peveril site; the Gladstone industrial estate; the old primary school site; etc. 

Caveat Emptor ~ Didn't stop a development next to the white bridge with a wall against the river, why not here.  Not that big a site on private land with services and easy access to shops. Maybe some new venues/amenities for the town. 

Who is even going to notice it? Tucked between the river and the industrial esate.

Grenlands Avenue was built on landfill, why not this. Rather lose a bit of swamp than a beach any day.

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The developer has just said , on Mannin Line, the houses will be dry and safe for their lifetime ?   How would you term a house’s lifetime ?   It will have have the usual mix of affordable and other priced properties blah, blah, blah.    The doctor seems supportive as it will relieve traffic concerns especially around the T.T 😚 it is a green registered site but poor land for farming.   Costing a cool forty million….loads of fauna and flora there.   Investment seems to be firing up in the North for the building industry and the relative services.

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