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Annual Anti-Drink/Drug Drive Campaign


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1 hour ago, Omobono said:

I don't know why we have these   purges at Christmas , Drink driving , use of excessive speed and driving way beyond ones capability is a year round  curse on this Island ,and driving under the influence of drugs or a controlled substance  is catching up fast , the other ,( were here  to justify our existence )    is the silly add that will appear in the newspapers shortly  about the importance of defrosting your Christmas  Turkey before you cook it , this was fine in the 1960 when people first bought freezers , and didn't understand  food preparation  as there were no instructions on most food products in those days 

where are these people for the rest of the year ?

I saw four yes four government types checking the optics at a pub just last week.

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6 minutes ago, finlo said:

Couldn't one have managed it then?

Maybe they needed to go mob handed as it was in Peel!

I would maybe guess they were Customs and Excise ( maybe wrong though)

Maybe one would have sufficed but if they were carrying out their duty no doubt they had their own reasons for operational decisions 

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45 minutes ago, finlo said:

I saw four yes four government types checking the optics at a pub just last week.

Just putting in their out of office hours quota for the year...

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1 hour ago, finlo said:

I saw four yes four government types checking the optics at a pub just last week.

By checking the optics I assume you mean ordering shots at the bar? What a cracking way to get free drinks, “hi we’re from weights and measures  can we get a shot of everything at the bar please, random mix of singles and doubles……. TA!”

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The Xmas drink driving campaign is because there is a particular poignancy at this time of the year. It is almost as if death and injury at Xmas time is worse than any other time of year and can, therefore, have a greater psychological effect than at other times.

We can expect news reports on the BBC, ITV, Ch 4 of any deaths, disasters, fires etc. that would not get National news coverage at any other time of the year? With the news reader showing suitably solemn tone of course!

I'm not saying that this is right or wrong, it has just become the rigueur for Xmas?

Maybe we would drink n drive if they didn't have these campaigns??? ''They didn't say not to, m'Lud!''

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11 hours ago, Omobono said:

I don't know why we have these   purges at Christmas 

maybe because it is dark for longer?  more people are having to drive in the dark so there is more opportunity to pick out vehicles with defective lights.  if you did it in the middle summer many motorists would never be seen driving with their lights needing to be on so would not  stand out.  and from a DUI point of view, more parties at christmas with more people drinking perhaps to excess so more potential targets around.

Edited by WTF
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no sympathy for anyone who gets caught, people will drop lots of money on the night out but will cheap out on a cab or another type of ride to get home.

i don't care if they are expensive, hard to find, you intend to drink you sort out another way to get home its simple.

The disappointing things is we have to do this every festive season and people still get caught, but then there is rise of generally cuntish behaviour on the island in the last few years i don't know why i'm surprised.


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To be fair to spewing Juan he was drinking after lecturing the great unwashed on the radio that very day on the amount of alcohol they should consume which was the height of hypocrisy but he never attempted to drive.   Also if the driver who was driving the bus that night was anything like the idiot who was driving the bus I was on yesterday, it was like being in a dodgem car, without a mask and with all windows closed, no wonder he chucked.

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

I’ve occasionally wondered how things may have been entirely different for him, personally and politically, if at the time he had chosen to put his hands up and admit he’d acted in a reckless manner while at the same time acknowledging the hypocrisy of his actions. 

I can’t help but think that thousands of people might have more respect for him now had he done so. 


Reckless? 😂

He had a bit too much to drink on a night out.  

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I’ve occasionally wondered how things may have been entirely different for him, personally and politically, if at the time he had chosen to put his hands up and admit he’d acted in a reckless manner while at the same time acknowledging the hypocrisy of his actions. 

I can’t help but think that thousands of people might have more respect for him now had he done so. 

Whether you like him or not, it's clear that an awful lot of people in his constituency do have respect for him as he's the most consistently popular politician in recent elections. 

He did put his hands up at the time and admit he'd been reckless (and paid the cleaning bill).  And given that the advice he was giving out was for people to take the bus rather than drink and drive, you can hardly accuse him of hypocrisy.

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