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Have we moved to Cymru?


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1 hour ago, Barlow said:


It was actually nearly a dozen phone calls (I've related the matter in a similar thread). I have all the Skype logs. Although I have had the same sort of  service from DVLC this most recent episode was about my UK National Insurance. 

The only way I managed to speak to anyone other than recorded "please wait your call is important to us" bollocks, was by pressing the first (presumably most important option) for "Welsh speakers". The call was answered instantly.

But the woman was having none of it and would not answer my somewhat simple question. She cut me off. Next day I tried again and after an hour of frustration I phoned as a 'Welsh speaker' - and yes, instant puckup. The different person this time was kind and understanding enough to help me.

This may seem trivial and me being all complainy (see @Declan retort above) but it was frustrating and needless. It was about 8 hours in total I wasted, plus cost of the calls. I did make an official complaint, which I am sure they are all having a good laugh at.

.Speak fucking Welsh if you want (and yeah, Manx too, come to that, because all that Manx stuff is thin end of the wedge) but fuck off into your seedy pubs and grotty homes and speak it amongst yourselves and people who give a toss about fucking dead languages.

Nationalism = Nazism

Funnily enough, when I read your post I thought of the Welsh for 100

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4 hours ago, Barlow said:

Welsh speaking are the biggest Nazis going.

They managed to get the United Kingdom DVLC and National Insurance administered by the sheep shagging barstards.

When calling, there is an option for Welsh speakers - answered immediately. The rest of us can wait 20-30 minutes (my experience,number of occasions and it wasn't even fucking answered after that time and the shower of cunts were supposed to be working from home, so no excuse).

I know I have said this before, well I'm fucking saying it again. The Welsh speaking sheep shagging narsty nazi barstards. They can fuck off or however you say that in fucking welsh.


eta. Back on topic. And what is the point of Welsh speaking, or for that matter any dual lingo road warning signs in the British Isles.

I’m as un-PC as anyone I know, but even I’m thinking of reporting this. Try replacing “Welsh speaking” with “black” or “Pakistani”.  How does it come across then Barlow? And all because some road contractors are using a set of signs they previously used in Wales. 

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5 hours ago, Barlow said:

The Welsh speaking sheep shagging narsty nazi barstards. They can fuck off or however you say that in fucking welsh...

'ere ya go Barley...

"fuck i ffwrdd"

Sounds better when shouted loudly at impatient Englishmen.

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6 hours ago, Barlow said:

Welsh speaking are the biggest Nazis going.

the sheep shagging barstards.

(my experience,number of occasions ).

narsty nazi barstards. 

And what is the point of Welsh speaking,

You seem to have a problem with the English language as well.


6 hours ago, Barlow said:

Back on topic. And what is the point of Welsh speaking, or for that matter any dual lingo road warning signs in the British Isles.

Whilst, with reason, there are some elements of the English population the Welsh may dislike, generally those who expect Welsh speakers to speak in English rather than their native language, they generally don't dislike them enough that they want to see loads hurt in car crashes because they did not understand the warnings signs. Out of politeness they therefore add English to the signs so visitors can understand. 


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6 hours ago, yorik said:

I've seen it all now - roadworks heading out to Kewaigue from Douglas have warning signs in Welsh. One side says "Wet Tar", the other "Tar Gwlyb".

It's not just one rogue sign, they're all the way along so there's been a conscious choice to put them out

Does not seem as odd to me as loads of road signs in German in the Isle of Man telling you to keep left.

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Can anyone explain why some people hate Welsh, and the other languages of these islands, so much? It is quite irrational. I see words in languages I can't necessarily understand all the time, but I don't ever feel this blind hatred. What is going on in these people's minds when they see Welsh, or Manx, or Scottish Gaelic or Irish? It is clearly something more than just a hatred of the oldest linguistic traditions in these islands, but what is it? 

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45 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Can anyone explain why some people hate Welsh, and the other languages of these islands, so much? It is quite irrational. I see words in languages I can't necessarily understand all the time, but I don't ever feel this blind hatred. What is going on in these people's minds when they see Welsh, or Manx, or Scottish Gaelic or Irish? It is clearly something more than just a hatred of the oldest linguistic traditions in these islands, but what is it? 

Simply put it’s because they cannot speak the language.

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