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Getting it wrong - again

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21 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

The IOMG have been pretty sensible in their messaging this time: carry on as normal, but be careful.

That’s irrelevant when people are reading the Daily Scare every day or the BBC which are pumping out nothing but fear. I see on Manx Radio Regional Travel Group are now saying loads of holidays cancelled over the Xmas period. It’s out of control now. Unless they tell the media to stop scaring people it’s never going to get back to normal for a lot of businesses regardless of anything government says. We’re still trusting that people will be compensated too. Even Rishi Sunak has not said he will be compensating anyone yet despite allowing government fear messaging to devastate thousands of businesses.

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32 minutes ago, Petefella said:

That’s irrelevant when people are reading the Daily Scare every day or the BBC which are pumping out nothing but fear. I see on Manx Radio Regional Travel Group are now saying loads of holidays cancelled over the Xmas period.

Of course holidays have been cancelled, you only have to look at the restrictions now in Holland, France or Ireland to see why. I wouldn't be travelling abroad right now because I wouldn't trust other countries to not pull the drawbridge up.

On the IOM, though, the messaging has been sensible. If people want to be spooked by media on the adjacent island, or listen to their imbecilic leaders (Drakeford in Wales being the worst), then what can you do?

That's not to say business shouldn't get help, but this isn't on IOMG.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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26 minutes ago, Petefella said:

That’s irrelevant when people are reading the Daily Scare every day or the BBC which are pumping out nothing but fear. I see on Manx Radio Regional Travel Group are now saying loads of holidays cancelled over the Xmas period. It’s out of control now. Unless they tell the media to stop scaring people it’s never going to get back to normal for a lot of businesses regardless of anything government says. We’re still trusting that people will be compensated too. Even Rishi Sunak has not said he will be compensating anyone yet despite allowing government fear messaging to devastate thousands of businesses.

Those doing the modelling are just obeying orders. The politicos set the parameters and make the decisions.

The last modelling I saw was this:

"Scientists from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine have warned that Omicron is likely to be the dominant coronavirus variant by the end of the month and, under the most optimistic scenario, there could be 175,000 hospital admissions and 24,700 deaths in England between 1 December and 30 April next year."

Pumping out fear? Or giving the best estimate based on the current data? All a question of perspective.

Don't forget the folks doing the modelling are not politicos and therefore do not have an agenda.

Spoke to someone yesterday who had been on the "sardine" train from Manchester to Leeds. A regular commute their estimate over the last week or so mask wearing has dropped from most to less than 50%.

That's what happens when stupid people lead from the rear....

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3 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

That's not to say business shouldn't get help, but this isn't on IOMG.

Of course it is. Governments all over the place now seem to be taking the “this has nothing to do with us” approach when it has absolutely everything to do with them. They’ll try to get out of compensation here to.

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9 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Of course holidays have been cancelled, you only have to look at the restrictions now in Holland, France or Ireland to see why. I wouldn't be travelling abroad right now because I wouldn't trust other countries to not pull the drawbridge up.

On the IOM, though, the messaging has been sensible. If people want to be spooked by media on the adjacent island, or listen to their imbecilic leaders (Drakeford in Wales being the worst), then what can you do?

That's not to say business shouldn't get help, but this isn't on IOMG.

I think over the past 2 years a lot of people have been conditioned to believe what they are told and the evidence so far is basically whatever the UK does we will follow soon on, the scaremongering over Omicron started then as was always going to happen it was discovered on the Island so the fact that it is everywhere on the news social media telling us of record cases etc then it is not a surprise people are panicking, over the past couple of years a lot of people seem to have forgotten how to think for themselves or that life in general is a risk. I heard 2 people talking this morning that they cancelled going to their work Christmas party as it was to risky. Now the Government may be acting sensibly with advice on this occasion but it's the last 2 years people have in their minds 

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38 minutes ago, quilp said:

It's in 3/4 time, that's waltz time. 

You could visualise and feel it (incorrectly) in 2/4 but it's clearly in 4/4. I suppose at a push you can mentally impose an artificial 6/8 over it, but you still wouldn't feel that in triple time. And you would be wrong to do so. 

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