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What kind of island do Manx people want?

Max Power

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3 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Dude, go and live in a city. There are some amazing cities around the world with all the facilities you mention and more. I've been privileged enough to live in three of them - you can literally do what you want, when you want to, it's amazing.

The IOM is not such a place, nor should it aspire to be. An extra 10,000 population would change the place in many ways for the worse, and would make little difference in the way you want it to. Yes there would be a few more restaurants etc. but not many, and it would be a very poor imitation of a vibrant city.

If you choose to live here why choose to change the place? I have never understood this. Don't get me wrong, I welcome natural change, things move on and show should we, but attempting to cause it artificially is a nonsense if you ask me.

We shouldn't be paying people to come and live here as we currently do, all that locate.im bollocks. There's plenty of room here for anyone who would like to move here, but encouraging them with things like the tax cap and NI holidays just attract the wrong type of people, they won't be happy when they get here and will want to change the place to something it is not, as you do.

I appreciate that this is done with an ageing population in mind and pension shortfalls and all that, but as far as I can see nothing has been done to discourage old duffers from moving here in their droves, which makes it kind of pointless as this is the kind of place that naturally appeals to them. Also, what happens when these new workers retire, do we import more to pay for their pensions.

Lets stop pretending to be a get rich quick international finance centre and make an honest, modest living as a pleasant, windswept island in the middle of the Irish Sea where anyone who wants to live here can afford accommodation and be happy with what we are. 

Totally, utterly agree.

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1 minute ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Lets stop pretending to be a get rich quick international finance centre 

This vision was put in place by one A. Bell IMHO. The Govt still sees it as its aspiration and operating model.

All three are passé.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

We need at least another 10000 population, preferably with the large majority under 50 to contribute to health etc, higher population would bring more facilities eg bowling alley, cinemas, restaurants etc 

Even if another 10,000 people arrived, there would immediately be someone saying that things would be much better if another 10,000 people arrived.

This is the constant expansion theory - "we need to expand" - which is in effect a pyramid scheme. (Unless there are research papers on the minimum survivable population size of semi-isolated islands, and that the IoM has not yet reached it)

There are people (probably politicians) saying that Douglas needs a 7-screen cinema, or Ramsey needs a marina, or we need more taxpayers. But it is not possible for an island, or the world, to have a never-ending population increase, nor a never-ending concreting over of the landscape.

At some point the population of the island will need to be restricted. And if you say that limit is not yet reached, how will anyone know that unless the limit is defined?

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

Even if another 10,000 people arrived, there would immediately be someone saying that things would be much better if another 10,000 people arrived.

This is the constant expansion theory - "we need to expand" - which is in effect a pyramid scheme. (Unless there are research papers on the minimum survivable population size of semi-isolated islands, and that the IoM has not yet reached it)

There are people (probably politicians) saying that Douglas needs a 7-screen cinema, or Ramsey needs a marina, or we need more taxpayers. But it is not possible for an island, or the world, to have a never-ending population increase, nor a never-ending concreting over of the landscape.

At some point the population of the island will need to be restricted. And if you say that limit is not yet reached, how will anyone know that unless the limit is defined?

I don't think we need a growth in permanent population but we do need some skilled people, such as doctors, teachers etc. If we encouraged the establishment of a university here, it could lead the growth of the economy in specialist fields and a knock on to tourism with the place being more viable as a destination for hospitality, entertainment etc etc. Students in the winter and tourism in the summer. Whatever we do, we need a buoyant economy and the means to offer well paid and meaningful employment. 

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For the powers that be just to do the right thing and not what there ego's suggest. When mistakes are made its admitted and put right. That the saying, lessons will be learned, is banned till they truly are. A halt is called on all departments till a common sense approach is decided on and headcount is assessed and adjusted accordingly. Too many CS personal don't come close to earning their salaries. That the powers that be wake up and address the CS pension scheme and the on going drain on the ordinary person in the streets taxes. That treasury wake up and face up to the fact they dont do reconciliation very well and too much money is squandered seemingly monthly. Put that right and we could have a far healthier , prosperous and forward thinking governance . When the powers that be commission reports act on them and don't be afraid of admitting we got it wrong and it really won't happen again. Government departments wake up one day and realise its good to talk . Come out of their little empires and do whats best for the people of the IOM and not for there own benefit. Recruit people who can actually do the role and more. Have a system in place where personel can be correctly and rightly punished and not moved sideways for indiscretions or failure to carry out there job descriptions. Tighten up the AG's office as clearly theres issues in there with capability and knowledge. Ohhhh I could go on but best I dont . There's wonderful people on the Isle of Man but also far to many free loaders and most seem to be entrenched in a untouchable CS . Happy New Year , sincerely, to all who post in here . I know most if not all have the Islands needs at the forefront of their thinking. Hoping all your wishes reach fruition and your health and that of your families remains good throught 2022 and onwards .

We need far more health workers , doctors etc . Dentists , teachers and so much more. Sort out the above and we might just have funds to deal with shortages and once those issues are remedied we wont have to worry about attracting new residents.  

Edited by Numbnuts
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1 hour ago, doc.fixit said:

I think we only have to look at the UK to see the negative aspects of unlimited population growth.

All the IOM really needs to do is find a way of stopping everyone who lives here going anywhere else and spending money and then we won’t need any population growth. Perhaps we could have an annual infectious disease outbreak which shuts the IOM down from October to February every year out of season. So foot and mouth disease one year, or rabies or smallpox the next etc. Apparently it’s so unbelievably brilliant for all when that happens. 

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34 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

To paraphrase Greg Lake “ the Island we get is the one we deserve”

This is so not true in anyway . Sorry but if we have input and control over decisions that make and mould our Island then I would for the most part agree. But we don't . I really dont want to argue with you on NYE but that is just a blasé throwaway saying with no real depth or justification in it.  

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14 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

This is so not true in anyway . Sorry but if we have input and control over decisions that make and mould our Island then I would for the most part agree. But we don't . I really dont want to argue with you on NYE but that is just a blasé throwaway saying with no real depth or justification in it.  

And I don’t want to argue with you tonight of all nights. But we do live in a democratic society and through the ballot box is the best, in fact the only way to have input and control.

Not sure what else you can suggest that would give more control and input(the Government do issue consultation papers on matters of inviting contributons on matters of importance) . Readily go on the Mannin line on Manx Radio  to engage with the electorat

Happy New Year

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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