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What kind of island do Manx people want?

Max Power

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I'd like to not hear the words "it's better in Jersey or Guernsey" again. Mainly because, other than the weather, it isn't. 

I'm a recent comeover. I've lived in London and the Home Counties for years. I moved here because it isn't "vibrant" and, as a result, doesn't have all the problems that "vibrant" brings. What it is is peaceful and rural, but with enough going on to be interesting. 

I'd like to see politicians and the public accept this as a positive thing. What is here is good. A big part of the problem is people slagging everything off as shit and, as a result, you end up with politicians and the public chasing the next shiny toy. If you have the mindset that everything is shit it's not a surprise when things don't get looked after.

Those who slag off Bus Vannin have clearly never used a bus in England outside London, those who slag off the health system haven't used the system elsewhere, those who slag off Douglas as a shithole clearly haven't left the island for 20 years.

I lived in a big town in the Home Counties for a while, with a population of 100,000 or so. The buses had stopped by 9pm, the town's hospital was closed down withthe nearest A&E 20 miles away, the town centre was a concrete hellhole. Dentists? Good luck with that one. I couldn't even get a GP when I lived in London proper.

It's a damn sight better here than across, which is why I moved here.

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1 hour ago, Ringy Rose said:

I'd like to not hear the words "it's better in Jersey or Guernsey" again. Mainly because, other than the weather, it isn't. 

I'm a recent comeover. I've lived in London and the Home Counties for years. I moved here because it isn't "vibrant" and, as a result, doesn't have all the problems that "vibrant" brings. What it is is peaceful and rural, but with enough going on to be interesting. 

I'd like to see politicians and the public accept this as a positive thing. What is here is good. A big part of the problem is people slagging everything off as shit and, as a result, you end up with politicians and the public chasing the next shiny toy. If you have the mindset that everything is shit it's not a surprise when things don't get looked after.

Those who slag off Bus Vannin have clearly never used a bus in England outside London, those who slag off the health system haven't used the system elsewhere, those who slag off Douglas as a shithole clearly haven't left the island for 20 years.

I lived in a big town in the Home Counties for a while, with a population of 100,000 or so. The buses had stopped by 9pm, the town's hospital was closed down withthe nearest A&E 20 miles away, the town centre was a concrete hellhole. Dentists? Good luck with that one. I couldn't even get a GP when I lived in London proper.

It's a damn sight better here than across, which is why I moved here.

In my experience, those who criticise the state of aspects of the Island are more driven by the aspiration for it to offer outstanding public services, with towns that have benefited from considerate but significant improvements. 

Why be complacent about the lack of medical staff and dentists just because the UK also has a shortage?

Being not as crap as the Home Counties doesn’t really cut it for me in terms of a vision.




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19 minutes ago, Twitch said:

Why be complacent about the lack of medical staff and dentists just because the UK also has a shortage?

One can aspire to improvement without slagging off what already exists. Health care, as an example: could be better, could also be a hell of a lot worse.

IME those who moan just seem to be miserable feckers who couldn't possibly admit that there's a lot to like here.

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3 hours ago, Raffles said:

Loaded question much? 🤣 You should join the team who write government consultation 'questions'.

As a manxie, I want an island with 10,000 less people living here, with development on green spaces totally halted, with nature reserves, rewilded countryside walks and protected seas (no fishing or trawling).

I would like to see development of more events to attract tourists, such as music festivals (see isle of wight) and strong investment in our motor cycling events. I would like to see campervans welcomed here in the summer months, footpaths kept in good order and promotion of walks and walking events. 

If I want vibrant and alive I'll move to london or paris thanks. This is a small island, not fucking Disneyland. 

Great post

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6 hours ago, 2112 said:

I don’t think it’s miserable. It’s truthful and forthright. On this island, politicos, national and local are afraid and unwilling to hear home truths, and certainly hate criticism. If the criticism comes from a ‘comeover’ then out comes the pitchforks. Unless the issues are addressed and the politicos are actually willing to listen and be adaptable, then this island will continue to fall in decay. Incidentally Jersey and Guernsey has similar issues to the IOM, they address them, whilst this island is a permanent 24/7 talking shop. 

This island in its quest for more and more new residents, has totally ignored it’s infrastructure. If we want more residents then the developers will have to build more doctors surgeries and dental facilities. The developers will have to use their land provision for a new school. 

Much as I dislike the “ boat in the morning “ quote I am starting to understand the sort of people at whom it is directed. And there are quite a few in this thread.

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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Much as I dislike the “ boat in the morning “ quote I am starting to understand the sort of people at whom it is directed. And there are quite a few in this thread.

I take the Ben and the Manannan regularly. 

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

Yes but return journeys unfortunately.

One day you will get your wish. One way but my investment, and money will be gone as well. Your political masters will have to use greater bullshit and bribes to get people to relocate here. 

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