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IOM poverty

Paulos The Great

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Not sure if anyone saw this on Manx Radio this morning?


It doesn’t show things in a glowing light. I can’t imagine how bad it must be to be stranded in Jurby and not able to meet your basic needs. There’s not even a regular bus now to give you a clear route to secure any work. 

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4 hours ago, Paulos The Great said:

Not sure if anyone saw this on Manx Radio this morning?


It doesn’t show things in a glowing light. I can’t imagine how bad it must be to be stranded in Jurby and not able to meet your basic needs. There’s not even a regular bus now to give you a clear route to secure any work. 

I do have sympathy but unfortunately there are other people in the same boat, and possibly worse. Some don’t have social housing. From the news article we don’t know if the person concerned, has debts, or can’t manage their finances? Maybe debt advice or sitting down with someone to address finances, priorities and nice to have commitments. Then once that’s sorted, benefit advice could be given, along with employment advice. I don’t the individuals circumstances, I can’t imagine it’s a bed of roses either. 


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She doesn't need to live in Jurby ,if she finds a job outside of Jurby then I am sure the government housing department  will grant her a transfer  to be closer to the employment , it would be good to sit down with this young lady and actually see exactly what her income and outgoings  are , or weather the father of her child is making a contribution  to its keep ,  there are lots of people having to make decisions regarding their spending priorities ,  after first providing a roof over your head ,  something to eat , and plenty to eat , , I believe there is a counselling  service  with specialist single parent  advice available on the island  which should be the first port of call before involving the media , No doubt her MHK  is anxious to give assistance and advice  where possible , 

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There were a number on Mannin line saying don’t have children you can’t afford, should have saved for a rainy day, why’s the father not helping etc 

However there is lots of poverty on the island, lots of mental health issues, lots of addiction issues & the money is just not available to fund.

We need to consider increasing taxes eg raise NI so higher earners pay more, bring in health tax like UK to find more support 

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19 minutes ago, Banker said:

There were a number on Mannin line saying don’t have children you can’t afford, should have saved for a rainy day, why’s the father not helping etc 

However there is lots of poverty on the island, lots of mental health issues, lots of addiction issues & the money is just not available to fund.

We need to consider increasing taxes eg raise NI so higher earners pay more, bring in health tax like UK to find more support 

I think sooner or later, the GMP will be made to pay for the past sins of previous administrations. However, I can’t see the GMP putting up with large handouts under the poverty guise to appease some MHKs and Union Leaders, especially if nothing in return is asked for.

Robertshaw tried to reform some of the system, he paid a complete dogs breakfast of things in the process. There are genuine poor having had difficult circumstances, but that doesn’t mean endless handouts. They need a leg up. Those who are riding the system, the undeserving poor need attention. Whether some of our politicos have the bottle is another thing. Tough choices I’m afraid, and it’s uncomfortable. 

If this particular Jurby Resident claims she can’t get a job despite having qualifications, perhaps the money being pumped into Jurby isn’t providing jobs? Government spent money on facilities in the local vicinity, a new health centre and business in Jurby. Maybe the qualifications this lady as aren’t relevant to possible jobs? 



Edited by 2112
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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s happening already. See the MR interview with Andy Saunders today on the state of the hospitality trade. There’s a whole chunk of businesses hovering on the edge about to go over. Which will just mean unemployment and benefit claims going up again. 

Perhaps year on year tax rises, taxes on income, NI, wealth, civil servants lump sums upon retirement, stamp duty on property purchases etc are the answer? This can go on forever, and the island will lose its attractiveness or lose its inhabitants across the water. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

we don’t know if the person concerned, has debts, or can’t manage their finances? Maybe debt advice or sitting down with someone to address finances,

She says the Sally Army are helping her to, presumably budget, on her available finances.

''  She doesn't need to live in Jurby ,if she finds a job outside of Jurby then I am sure the government housing department  will grant her a transfer ''

She was transfered from Laxey to JUrby, she has a three y/o, if she is struggling at the moment, she can't afford child care even from Laxey where it may be easier?

''  the GMP will be made to pay for the past sins of previous administrations ''.

It is often the attitude of the public that prevents the Govt from further helping these people? If there aren't votes in it...............


Poverty, the gift that keeps on...................Getting Ignored!


Edited by Kopek
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33 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I wonder if the person in question has approached their MHK for advice? MHKs being the Chief Minister and the Farmers Friend. 

I think I heard her speaking on the radio saying she had Alf Cannan sat at her kitchen table trying to help her

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Bottom line is you cant have 21st century public services and safety net for the needy on a low tax economy basis any more.

It worked when we could "clean money" but now it just does not work.

Plus, even more importantly, people expect more and better public services from their government due to better world wide communication - i.e. the internet/ social media etc etc 

This is the reason the island is in deep sh1t over the next couple of decades.

Any professional with brains, as in, most of them like doctors, will not come here for a melt down.

We are royally fuck3d..................

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10 minutes ago, Kopek said:

She says the Sally Army are helping her to, presumably budget, on her available finances.

''  She doesn't need to live in Jurby ,if she finds a job outside of Jurby then I am sure the government housing department  will grant her a transfer ''

She was transfered from Laxey to JUrby, she has a three y/o, if she is struggling at the moment, she can't afford child care even from Laxey where it may be easier?

''  the GMP will be made to pay for the past sins of previous administrations ''.

It is often the attitude of the public that prevents the Govt from further helping these people? If there aren't votes in it...............


Poverty, the gift that keeps on...................Getting Ignored!


Perhaps the answer is increased benefits. Sadly this will not solve the problem. Ashy could increase Income Support or Job Seekers quite considerably but come the following year, the usual MHKs, Union leaders, and busybodies will start again ………… more poverty, fuel poverty, no jobs etc etc etc. If Alf has been trying to help and this lady resorts to the NPM it illustrates the level of the problem (s) and is something that I doubt politicos could resolve unless harsh action and tough choices are made. 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

There were a number on Mannin line saying don’t have children you can’t afford, should have saved for a rainy day, why’s the father not helping etc 

Can I make an observation on one particular aspect of this ( and it is an observation not a judgement)

I know of one single mother who fell pregnant. Father doesn’t want to know.

When asked why not pursue him for support was told that to do so would result in receiving less income than benefits.

I don’t know if that’s true. Or whether it is just accepted here and there is no Child Support Agency chasing these feckless individuals.

But if it is I find it shocking that a man can father a child and take no responsibility for it.

This is a general observation and not meant re the young lady in Jurby whose circumstances I am obviously not privy to.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Can I make an observation on one particular aspect of this ( and it is an observation not a judgement)

I know of one single mother who fell pregnant. Father doesn’t want to know.

When asked why not pursue him for support was told that to do so would result in receiving less income than benefits.

I don’t know if that’s true. Or whether it is just accepted here and there is no Child Support Agency chasing these feckless individuals.

But if it is I find it shocking that a man can father a child and take no responsibility for it.



Probably correct & similar to someone on benefits working some hours to get extra money & losing part of benefits so it’s not worthwhile working.

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