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Residents' concern for pop-up hotel plans in Peel

Happier diner

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No, I think it's possibly the opposite. That end of the Prom has many and multiple uses already over the course of a summer and the parking there is regularly full with residents using it as a starting point for a variety of activities. I can  also see the issues some of the residents can over noise, rubbish, parking issues...let's get real here - Peter Duke is looking to cash in purely on the TT and Manx Grand Prix not a few dozen middle-age couples looking to come for a rambling holiday munching on ice cream on a bench on the Prom. 

I can also see a temporary structure being left there over the winter...

If this goes ahead, that end of Peel Prom will be a shit hole for 6 months a year.

Edited by Manx Bean
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9 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

No, I think it's possibly the opposite. That end of the Prom has many and multiple uses already over the course of a summer and the parking there is regularly full with residents using it as a starting point for a variety of activities. I can  also see the issues some of the residents can over noise, rubbish, parking issues...let's get real here - Peter Duke is looking to cash in purely on the TT and Manx Grand Prix not a few dozen middle-age couples looking to come for a rambling holiday munching on ice cream on a bench on the Prom. 

I can also see a temporary structure being left there over the winter...

If this goes ahead, that end of Peel Prom will be a shit hole for 6 months a year.

I must admit I don't go down there very often and in that I defer to your greater knowledge.

When we have walked the dog down there though it has always looks tired and underused. Sure there were a few kids using the old tennis courts which was good. I haven't looked at the plans in detail but it seemed a good idea for the town in that there is hardly any accommodation in the town and this might bring some business in for the local shops, pubs and restaurants.

Perhaps a compromise might be found.

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2 minutes ago, WTF said:

better than the 12 months a year it is now.

Totally agree, it’s an absolute dump, and anything that brings money into the town is surely to be welcomed?

Do the locals complain about all the bikes in peel over TT making their lovely town look untidy?

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Bring them on I’d say, something a bit different to the usual b@b on offer, it’ll bring people in to spend who properly wouldn’t normally due to a lack of good modern hotel facilities or just there own preferences for something different. Where’s the IOM ( where you can spirit gone) this island needs new income and businesses that want to invest to create ongoing wealth, should be given the chance. People continually whinge  about Castletown golf links hotel the Bayqueen in PSM ( thankfully now started) the Ramsey quayside or Summerland development let’s get them built and tidy the island up. The whole of Ramsey quayside is looking shabby and run down at present not a good look if we want visitors to come or indeed locals with pride in where they live ,no doubt people moaned about Ramsey park hotel being built but I believe that’s a good success story. 

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5 minutes ago, GreyWolf said:

Bring them on I’d say, something a bit different to the usual b@b on offer, it’ll bring people in to spend who properly wouldn’t normally due to a lack of good modern hotel facilities

These are clearly just tiny 'cabins' looking at the plans plus a marquee, so it's really only a step above camping rather than being attractive to those who want a proper hotel.  But there's always such a shortage of any type of accommodation at TT that they might fill, though it might be different the rest of the time.

Planning application is here:



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