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13 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

The Manx National Anthem used to be played on Manx Radio every night just before it shut down at a sensible time. In the days before people were out drinking abs driving till the early hours. It was always accompanied by the phrase (and excuse the spelling - my written Manx is rusty) ‘ta radio Vannin dho nannish’. (Manx radio is shutting down). I used to like it then. 

Andrew the politician is way out of touch. Anthems, nationalism, patriotism makes my blood run cold. Attachment to anything, especially ones country is the stuff battles are made from, wars are fought, noses are punched. Do away with the whole bloody lot and celebrate our oneness would be a much better idea in my humble opinion.

But thoughts like that don’t make wars and wars make money so there’s little chance that ‘oneness’ will be celebrated any time soon  


Don't agree with any of that Roxanne. There are some wonderful national anthems sung with great pride all over the world. The American and French are particularly strong. I agree with Andrew Rosindell, even though I'm not a huge fan of the tune or words. Same goes for the Manx National anthem, but they definitely have their place in our culture.

The stupidest comment on this has come from Gary Lineker (Again), the BBC's highest paid presenter. 

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3 hours ago, 2112 said:

Perhaps it should be sung before every Keys and Tynpotwald Sitting. Anyone not singing with gusto should be taken around the back and ……………….. put up against the wall (sarcasm alert!)

Don't be ridiculous! We live in a 21st century democracy. It's only right that our elected representatives are free to represent the good people who elected them in any way they see fit.

Once they've been made to pledge their allegiance to an unelected hereditary monarch who lives elsewhere in an 18th century palace with horse guards and gold plated carriages, and agreed to get her permission before passing any laws or doing anything of significance, then they should be allowed to rule as they see fit.

Insisting they sing our national anthem would just make us look backwards and undemocratic wouldn't it?

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Don't agree with any of that Roxanne. There are some wonderful national anthems sung with great pride all over the world. The American and French are particularly strong. I agree with Andrew Rosindell, even though I'm not a huge fan of the tune or words. Same goes for the Manx National anthem, but they definitely have their place in our culture.

The stupidest comment on this has come from Gary Lineker (Again), the BBC's highest paid presenter. 

Sorry but nothing gets close to the Welsh anthem especially sung at Cardiff Arms park at the rugby. New Zealand's takes some beating too . 

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17 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Don't agree with any of that Roxanne. There are some wonderful national anthems sung with great pride all over the world. The American and French are particularly strong. I agree with Andrew Rosindell, even though I'm not a huge fan of the tune or words. Same goes for the Manx National anthem, but they definitely have their place in our culture.

The stupidest comment on this has come from Gary Lineker (Again), the BBC's highest paid presenter. 

Anyone who thinks the American anthem is "strong" has obviously never had to sing it. Strangling would be a better adjective. 

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11 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Or is it their relations the sheep ?? 😉 

Anymore of that sort of talk and I'll have my lawyers onto you. That incident was never proved

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

And, apart from that, all that ‘patriotism’ while tearing the country apart with 50% hating the other 50% and with 50% having the means to kill the ones they hate. Scary bloody nonsense. Standing up hand on a heart full of hate isn’t patriotism to me.

But yes, it’s also a shit tune that no one can sing. 

It's scary what's going on over there. Many on the left are also starting to arm themselves so they don't end up in a "bringing a knife to a gunfight" situation. They're just not making their guns a feature on their Xmas cards. 

I read an article the other day about how the US is rapidly heading for civil war 2.0 and I can see it happening. The mid-terms* are coming up later this year and then it's not long before the next presidential election candidates start posturing and calling each other names. Incoming shit-storm.

*important due to elections in both the House and Senate, with the Senate races being particularly important due to the current 50/50 split between left and right. 

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