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MNH to Waste £5M

James Blonde

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When I was reading about this I suspected Moorehouse’s paws all over this and of course Brown who also wants a grandiose bus shelter in the square before their names were mentioned.    When will these people realise neither of these cases are of national importance unlike the Health Service and loads of other services that need priority.    This vanity spending must stop.

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13 hours ago, hissingsid said:

When I was reading about this I suspected Moorehouse’s paws all over this and of course Brown who also wants a grandiose bus shelter in the square before their names were mentioned.    When will these people realise neither of these cases are of national importance unlike the Health Service and loads of other services that need priority.    This vanity spending must stop.

Maybe they could combine the two and build a massive greenhouse/bus shelter big enough to keep the old rotten boat in too? 


12 hours ago, Kopek said:

I don't think the Govt spending on this boat will take away from Health and Education. Afterall, they've plenty more of our money to spend!!!

I pick up on your humour, but this is a view seriously held by some within Government. 

Government should only be spending on essentials (health, education, police, essential infrastructure). If it's not essential then Government shouldn't be spending on it. 





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19 hours ago, James Blonde said:

Government should only be spending on essentials (health, education, police, essential infrastructure). If it's not essential then Government shouldn't be spending on i

Agreed, what worries me is they will not get it until the train truly hits the buffers, then we'll all suffer for their profligacy!

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4 hours ago, asitis said:

Agreed, what worries me is they will not get it until the train truly hits the buffers, then we'll all suffer for their profligacy!

I think these point needs to be hammered into some MHKs who have so many things on their wish list, and unfortunately will use the islands media to get across what they want. On top of that you have other MHKs with wish lists and dreamy dreams - TT scoreboards, and Cruise Ships (which will morph into a mega deeper water cruise liner berth). Dream Dream Dream Drrrrrream …………….

When the finances hits the buffers and someone with the gumption to tackle the issues, perhaps they can put a stop to MHKs pensions, and reduce civil servants pension rights. 

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On 1/15/2022 at 11:02 AM, 2112 said:


When the finances hits the buffers and someone with the gumption to tackle the issues, perhaps they can put a stop to MHKs pensions, and reduce civil servants pension rights.

It won't be a singular point in time when they hit the buffers. They will keep deteriorating over time until they reach a point and something will happen  that needs urgent funding (maybe a future Covid type situation) and the money just won't be there. 

The signs of deterioration are there (think we didn't have a £400m bond 10 years ago), but people seem happy to keep spending on the Comin credit card. 

It'll all catch up with us soon enough. 

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On 1/17/2022 at 11:29 PM, Kopek said:

Might be that the Report has to be accepted first, then a quote? Then a vote? Govt expected to pay half! Ta god it's not us!!!

Suspect the new MNH executive director might be asked by Tynwald to look again at this particular project & come up with a design that is both less expensive and renovates/redevelops the original building in a more sympathetic manner

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4 hours ago, hissingsid said:

That is what they have done with the score board, quite right too.   It is about time some of these vanity projects are challenged.

Rob Callister sees it as an absolute essential, without which the TT and Motorsports couldn’t operate. With IOMG track record of procurement, I am sure the Electronic Scoreboard Salesperson will have a field day with our politicos and civil servants. It will probably cost £ms, be over budget, and once commissioned, will probably breakdown during the Superbike Race, with ensuing hilarity, and won’t be fixed for ages. 

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