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Everbridge - Emergency Mass Notification System


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I saw today IOMG advertising a new app called Everbridge, and they are encouraging people to sign up. It’s designed for emergency alerts for hurricanes, pestilence, plagues of locusts and any other convenient national state of emergency which suits IOMG. Will it text you when the roads close and reopen for TT practice or races, or when the roads close due to RTA? 

I have my doubts, I am wary about my personal information being held and used by Government. Guernsey in 2020 texted people advising of Covid restrictions rules, and I’m sure Jersey did similar. Could have IOMG not have made use of mob numbers (from Sure and MT) and their own records to sent a text message notification to people. How much has this system cost and could our world beating world class Manx IT experts been allowed to tender to develop and implement? 

Edited by 2112
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  • 2112 changed the title to Everbridge - Emergency Mass Notification System
23 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

Eh?? Just your medical records, income tax, vehicles, property etc. 

It depends what the gov. does with that data. Does the gov. sell your "anonymised" medical data - I have no idea.

When there was discussion about the change of property tax from tax-by-value to tax-by-area, the gov. stated that would create a database of 3d drawings of all properties and would sell that data. So if you build a new extension, that information will get sold on - maybe "anonymised", but I am not sure that means too much these days.

In the case of Everbridge, they state:


We do not share your personal information with unaffiliated or non-agent third parties for promotional purposes, except for customers sending business or promotional notifications to which you have specifically consented, including through opt-in

which might or might not have some real meaning.

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52 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

It was also the response to the end of the traditional EWS sirens that were being withdrawn from service:


That's a shame, it always takes me back to memories of watching mother get goose bumps whenever it went off.  She was traumatised by being trapped in the middle of the Coventry blitz.

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