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Follow the money...

Stu Peters

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7 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Who would benefit from denying climate change then stu?  The oil industry? The Saudis? The Russians? Stu Peters?  All of the above? 

I'd reverse that question - who benefits from the west hobbling itself economically by adopting punitive carbon targets where householders will end up paying for something with no tangible benefit? Oh yes, see the people in the opening post. And the communists and anyone else who would relish an end to democracy and individuality, obviously.

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

I'd reverse that question - who benefits from the west hobbling itself economically by adopting punitive carbon targets where householders will end up paying for something with no tangible benefit? Oh yes, see the people in the opening post. And the communists and anyone else who would relish an end to democracy and individuality, obviously.

You could argue the continuing habitability of the only habitable planet we know is the mother of all tangible benefits. It's particularly worrying to here a serving politician coming out with that sort of nonsense.

The conspiracies are up or debate, although why the people you mention in your opening post would want to see an end to democracy etc when they're doing so well out of it is a mystery to me.

The science however is well documented and as clear cut as possible. If ever the human race has needed some leadership it's now. You have been elected a leader of sorts and with that privilege comes responsibility. You may choose to believe that climate change is some elaborate con to part you and your counterparts from your hard earned cash for no benefit - but you owe it to your constituents and the good people of the Isle of Man present and future to at least educate yourself on the scientific reality. 

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

It was more the rate of increase over a difficult period.

Are you surprised that the wealth of people associated with technology would have increased at a time when we have had a period of the majority of people working from home? Or at a time when many people who would never have used video calls and the associated hardware/software have been doing so simply in order to have some contact with friends and family?

How about the move to online shopping when going out to the shops for non-essential goods and services have been discouraged?

I don't think there is any conspiracy here.  It is simply a case of increased demand for the goods and services that the companies owned by these people supply.  

Also worth reminding you that Musk was criticised for his views at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and that Gates is often accused of being behind the pandemic as a method of population control/inserting microchips in everyone via the vaccine.  

I really don't understand why you started this thread or what point you were trying to make.  Even worse that you are posting this as an MHK.  Perhaps you are aiming to be the Donald Trump of Middle?

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17 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'd reverse that question - who benefits from the west hobbling itself economically by adopting punitive carbon targets where householders will end up paying for something with no tangible benefit? Oh yes, see the people in the opening post. And the communists and anyone else who would relish an end to democracy and individuality, obviously.

Go on then, in what way do carbon targets damage democracy and individuality? And in what way does Communism support those same aims?
Or are you just blurting out the reliable boogeymen that your voters share your fear of?

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I'm disappointed but not surprised by Stu's creation and contribution to this thread.  It fits a pattern we've all seen from him before.

He lists two totally separate issues- covid and climate change - and spuriously attempts to connect them into conspiracy theories via a news report about the richest people in the world.

He then comes out with a series of claims about carbon targets, communists and the end of democracy and individuality.

Goodness.  How to rationally respond to such a load of blancmange - there's no substance, no logic, no rationality, no evidence, just Stu's biases.

It is deeply frustrating, because there are important issues about inequality, the consequences of digitalisation, adapting to climate change etc which you'd hope someone aspiring to be a politician and opinion former would engage with, but here comes Stu Peters engaging with it in the most ludicrously myopic way via conspiracy theories and his limited view point.

Where to even start to get the man to broaden his horizons and stop letting his biases lead him into sloganeering and simplicity.

Sadly I suspect he doesn't even want to learn - his sloganeering and simplicities have done him quite well enough thank you and he can sit taking his shilling and farting this sort of rot and likely get himself re-elected by appealing to a similarly minded section of the electorate.  And he talks about the end of democracy!

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13 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Goodness.  How to rationally respond to such a load of blancmange - there's no substance, no logic, no rationality, no evidence, just Stu's biases.

"You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into"...

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Just to add Oxfam's report is quite a piece.  Talk about a ragbag collection of unconnected issues.


And I wonder what Stu, with his excellent anti-communist credentials, makes of statements like this:

     "It has never been so important to start righting the violent wrongs of this obscene inequality by clawing back elites’ power and extreme wealth"

Violent wrong - from the family which owns LVMH, Warren Buffett, and the people who have their wealth as owners of Google, Oracle and Microsoft.

Think about that when next buying a luxury bag, getting some insurance or using some digital IT - you are enriching a violent wrong by using these products - and don't forget:

    "67,000 women die each year due to female genital mutilation and murder at the hands of a former or current intimate partner"

Two totally connected issues, not.

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2 minutes ago, HeliX said:
16 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Goodness.  How to rationally respond to such a load of blancmange - there's no substance, no logic, no rationality, no evidence, just Stu's biases.

"You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into"...

Ha ... long gone now with Forum revamps etc, but my sig did used to be ... "Jonathan Swift said you cannot reason someone out of something they did not reason themselves into ... but I'll give it a damn good go."

Too be honest that's probably not true anymore ... too busy and experience has shown it to be too much of a waste of time.


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6 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I'm disappointed but not surprised by Stu's creation and contribution to this thread.  It fits a pattern we've all seen from him before.

He lists two totally separate issues- covid and climate change - and spuriously attempts to connect them into conspiracy theories via a news report about the richest people in the world.

He then comes out with a series of claims about carbon targets, communists and the end of democracy and individuality.

Goodness.  How to rationally respond to such a load of blancmange - there's no substance, no logic, no rationality, no evidence, just Stu's biases.

It is deeply frustrating, because there are important issues about inequality, the consequences of digitalisation, adapting to climate change etc which you'd hope someone aspiring to be a politician and opinion former would engage with, but here comes Stu Peters engaging with it in the most ludicrously myopic way via conspiracy theories and his limited view point.

Where to even start to get the man to broaden his horizons and stop letting his biases lead him into sloganeering and simplicity.

Sadly I suspect he doesn't even want to learn - his sloganeering and simplicities have done him quite well enough thank you and he can sit taking his shilling and farting this sort of rot and likely get himself re-elected by appealing to a similarly minded section of the electorate.  And he talks about the end of democracy!

Bit harsh that

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